Darth Vader is derived from Old Dutch, meaning Dark Father.. Thankfully, the Quantity Surveyor for the project fudged the figures and made it look like it would cost too much to save them. Another creepy fact about them? Losing Weight is the most common New Years resolution. Eminems mother filed an $11 million defamation lawsuit against him because of his lyrics about her. He crashed and killed 70 of the 94 passengers on board. When you remember a past event, you are actually remembering the last time you remembered it, not the event itself. 30 of the first 31 popes were murdered. To offer a more authentic experience, Disney engineers enlisted the help of the University of California Los Angeles anatomy department for real skeletons. The average computer user blinks seven times a minute, the normal rate is twenty times per minute. Females are better at distinguishing colors, while males excel at tracking fast-moving objects and discerning detail from a distance. The total weight of all air on Earth is 11 quintillion pounds. Eating a banana can help to form a lining that prevents heartburn from getting worse. An estimated 50% of all gold ever mined on Earth came from a single plateau in South Africa: Witwatersrand. Called Project Habakkuk, it was shelved due to costs. Native to Myanmar and Thailand, these bats are endangered. This is to prevent aggression and create a sense of family. He wanted to ensure an accurate depiction of Black Americans during the Civil War. Qantas Airways once powered an interstate flight on cooking oil. Small as they may be, ladybugs have a unique smell that humans are incredibly sensitive to. It also has no keyholes, and only the Secret Service knows how to open the doors. In a few Appalachian forests, there are fireflies that glow blue for up to a minute instead of flashing yellow. Until 2007, slavery was legal in Mauritania. Here are some of the creepiest facts we learned: "Rabbits will eat their own young if theyre, "It takes longer to say WWW then it does to say World Wide Web. A doctor mistakenly pronounced her dead after she drank sedatives, and she was accidentally buried alive. Theres a bar in Yukon that serves a Sourtoe cocktail. It consists of a shot of whisky with a human toe floating in the glass. It is illegal to play a musical instrument in the Northern Territory, Australia, for the purpose of annoying other people. Mickey Mouse was the first-ever cartoon character to talk. The average person in France sleeps 8.83 hours per day, the most in the developed world. If you cut a starfish, it wont bleed it doesnt have blood! Men and women can choose from 14 different styles. Movie theaters make roughly 85% of their profit off concession stands. After Christianity, the largest religious affiliation in the U.S. is Judaism. In Zimbabwe, it is illegal for citizens to make offensive gestures at a passing car. Donald Trump owns and operates around 18 golf courses around the world. It is more common in American English than in British English due to spelling differences. Giving up alcohol for just one month can improve liver function, decrease blood pressure, and reduce the risk of liver disease and diabetes. His persistence paid off when in 2012, his YouTube channel garnered over one million subscribers. 100 Weird Facts About Dogs. Scientists discovered sharks that are living in an active underwater volcano. The results of the Top 1,000 revenues in 2022 will be released in November or December this year. There are computers designed for Amish people, with selling points like No internet, no video, no music. Iceland was chosen as the training ground for Apollo astronauts because it was the most moonlike surface. The highest recorded fall without a parachute happened in 1972 at 33,333 ft. The popular LMFAO group that created the viral hit, Party Rock Anthem, is made up of an uncle-nephew duo. Tammy, who has been facing a lot of weight issues because of her obesity, was seen adjusting This is because the brain gets more active the longer it goes without sleep. Sudan has more pyramids than any country, with 255. The tablet has since been lost, but the text remains preserved. If you dont have time to read them all now, bookmark us and visit whenever you like! ", "The farthest point on the planet you can be from civilization in any direction is a blip in the Pacific Ocean called, "Moths will vibrate their genitals as a way to. Elvis was originally blonde. Abraham Lincoln loved cats and once let one eat from the table during a formal White House dinner. The first sense that they develop is the sense of touch. Despite Mercury being the closest planet to the Sun, Venus is the warmest planet. The first game to be played in space was Starcraft Daniel Barry took it with him in 1999 on the Space Shuttle mission STS-96. A woman once tried to commit suicide by jumping off the Empire State Building. December 12th is Ding-A-Ling Day a day to call friends and family that you havent spoken to in a while. Sprite was manufactured as Coca-Colas response to the popularity of 7 Up. It is still the most successful independent animated feature to date. If you multiply 1089 x 9, you get the exact reverse, 9801. 4 5. To put the distance into perspective, the closest people to you would be the crew on the ISS.". His children honored the request. The ocean comprises over 70% of the Earths surface, and with only less than 10% of that accounted for, plenty believes the ocean to be home to some of the creepiest and most frightening creatures alive. Sunflowers can help clean radioactive soil. Flossing prevents gum disease, which prevents stiff blood vessels, which cause memory issues. It was never completed and is now nicknamed Scotlands Disgrace.. Temperature affects your attitude towards others. Roselle, a guide dog, led her blind owner down 78 flights of stairs during 9/11. Overwhelmingly, red states have the highest rate of dog ownership, while residents of blue states are more likely to keep a cat as a pet. King Charles II was the uncle of William of Orange. In the popular 2014 movie Godzilla, the Godzilla portrayal was only seen for about 8 minutes in the entire film. Llamas can be used as guards against coyote attacks on sheep herds. If you keep a goldfish in a dark room, it will become pale. King Kong was the first movie to ever have a sequel. The only letter that doesnt appear on the periodic table is J. While a single sting is not lethal, it is more painful than any other insects sting in the world not that a single sting isnt terrifying. The youngest Pope in history was Pope Benedict IX, who was 11 years old at the time of the election. This is because ticket revenues have to be shared with the movie distributors. The German Autobahn has no speed limits because Western Germany saw them as a Nazi relic. Here at The Fact Site, we have a team dedicated to checking our content for accuracy. The mongoose is one of those rare animals that are immune to a snakes venom. Brain fibers lose 10% of their total length every decade. In English, twelve is the largest number that has just one syllable. The Green Lantern debuted in 1940, making the Lanterns first debut only two years after Supermans. Marie Antoinettes last words were to her executioner after accidentally stepping on his foot, saying, Pardon me, sir, I meant not to do it.. The NYPD had a police officer follow Andre the Giant whenever he went out drinking. Either way, this creepy fact about the Pirates of the Caribbean ride is as fascinating as it is scary. A bottle of Coca-Cola has a PH scale of 2.8 and could dissolve a nail in just 4 days. Nowhere in the Bible does it say there were three wise men, just three gifts. PewDiePie supported his YouTube channel by selling hot dogs. While writing the famous song Hallelujah, Leonard Cohen originally wrote 80 verses for the song, which he sometimes interchanges in and out depending on where hes playing. A certain type of box jellyfishs venom will make you feel a strong sense of anxiety and sense of impending doom, and possibly thoughts of suicide. It was originally to honor the Queen of Italy in 1890. From the weirdest animal quirks to the creepiest Disneyland trivia, here are 60 creepy facts to pour over if youre brave enough. Disneylands famous Pirates of the Caribbean ride used real skeletons. The engineers from Disney took one look at the fake skeletons that were initially brought in and thought that they werent creepy enough. The American one has 2 green spaces while the European one only has 1. It has lasted since 1386 and still stands today. He married his niece to the prince, and historians say that he watched over the two of them during their wedding night. Coca-Cola was the first drink that was ever consumed in space. Perched and nailed onto the islands trees are little dolls that are said to be housed by the spirit of a little girl. The first Primark store opened in Dublin in June 1969 under the name Penneys. They refused to touch light switches, so the staff had to turn the lights on and off for them. Elton John tried to commit suicide once by sticking his head in an oven with the gas on low and windows open. The area of Texas is about 262,000 square miles. In over 35 British divorce cases in 2012 alone, the video game Football Manager was cited. When the couple refused to leave, Apple paid them $1.7 million dollars for their land. In 2018, The Fact Site celebrated its 10th birthday by publishing this list of 1,000 interesting facts. The tongue is the only muscle in ones body that is attached from one end. The second oldest is the Netherlands in 1572. The novelty comes from the cups being used in many party scenes in movies. Set in 1977, it tells the story of a group of teenagers who are traveling cross-country to write a book but get kidnapped and tortured by a demented family during the Halloween holiday. One horse can have approximately 15 horsepower. March 3rd is known as What if Cats and Dogs Had Opposable Thumbs Day.. The music diffused a tense situation, but the officers were reprimanded for it. Videogames have been found to be more effective at battling depression than therapy. There is an insurance policy issued against alien abduction. 85% of people have experienced a dream so real that they were not sure if it happened in real life or not. When opened, it cost $1.25 for a two-room bungalow with a kitchen and a private adjoining garage. Over 290 people have died climbing Mount Everest since 1922. People can suffer from a psychological disorder called Boanthropy that makes them believe they are a cow. At the 1936 Olympic games, competitors from Liechtenstein were shocked to discover their flag was the exact same as Haitis. In Russia, doctors performed surgery on a man called Artyom Sidorkin, suspecting that he had a cancerous tumor in his lungs. It was done as an homage to his vision for wireless communication. Researchers found that the smaller the testicles, the louder the monkey. It costs almost $290,000 per year in fees to run a hot dog cart near the Central Park Zoo in New York City. One creepy fact that might change the way you perceive your eyes is the existence of tiny mites that feed on the dead skin cells around our eyelashes and eyelids. Alaska is the only state in America that can be typed on one row of a traditional English QWERTY keyboard. There is a liquid that you can breathe in called perfluorohexane. Because of the Electoral College, a presidential candidate can win with only 23% of the popular vote. In his spare time he loves to travel and drink coffee. When electricity was first installed in the White House in 1891, President Benjamin Harrison and his wife were afraid of electrocution because of the new concept. Surgeons who play video games at least 3 hours a week perform 27% faster and make 37% fewer errors. If it hangs in the air, it may have revealed a wire. 12 stars were chosen as a number with no political association and as a symbol of unity. These symptoms can last up to two weeks. The scientific term for brain freeze is sphenopalatine ganglioneuralgia. Canadians say sorry so much that a law was passed in 2009 declaring that an apology cant be used as evidence of admission to guilt. They can sense a coming earthquake from 75 miles away, up to five days before it happens. Out of these, the opossum is the only one with no thumbnail. 1. Sometimes, tourists even say they can see the dolls move their heads and whisper among each other. Nepal has the most mathematical flag in the world. The scientific term for brain freeze is sphenopalatine ganglioneuralgia.. In a survey, 33% of dog owners admitted to chatting over the telephone with their dogs. The term was coined in the late 18th Century. 28 is the atomic number of Nickel and the atomic mass of Silicon. Bookworms are actual insects that bore holes in books. Elephants can die of a broken heart if their mate dies. Madagascar once was a stomping ground for lemurs which were the size of todays gorillas. He graduated in May 2017. If you heat up a magnet, it will lose its magnetism. Blood transfusion was a popular practice in Ancient Rome. In 2014 a YouTube video gained an international audience when they claimed that each segment of the claw mark looks like the Hebrew symbol for the number six, making the logo into 666, the number of the Beast. Because snow is composed of ice, it can be classified as a mineral. While watching a Merry-Go-Round from a bench in Griffith Park, Los Angeles, Walt Disney was struck with inspiration for the creation of Disneyland. There are more than 70 species of mushrooms that glow in the dark. Kosher salt is smaller, and they both come from underground salt deposits. As of May 2015, 2.3 Million Americans still subscribed to AOL Dial-Up Internet. A bolt of lightning can reach 53,540 degrees Fahrenheit. In 2015, Ariana Grande won two MTV Millennial Awards for the Global Instagrammer of the Year and International Hit of the Year with her single One Last Time., The word peacock does not actually apply to both male and female birds. Divers cannot investigate because they would get burns from the acidity and heat. The engineers from Disney took one look at the fake skeletons that were initially brought in and thought that they werent creepy enough. In Ancient Bafia culture, one could purchase a wife for the price of thirty potato mashers. If you disable this cookie, we will not be able to save your preferences. When cellophane was invented in 1908, it was originally intended to be used to protect tablecloths from wine spills. Will Smith owed $2.8 Million to the IRS and almost went bankrupt just before he signed the contract for The Fresh Prince Of Bel-Air. The word friends is said in every episode of Friends. This column projects that full year 2022 real GDP growth is about Queen Elizabeth II saved up post-war clothing ration coupons in order to pay for her wedding dress in 1947. While shedding, geckos will eat their skin in order to prevent predators from finding and eating them more easily. The victim, Vesna Vulovi, was in the hospital for 16 months after the fall. He did this at such a scale that it actually significantly, "If you live to become the oldest person alive, the entire human population has been replaced in your lifetime. Gasping for air in a high-altitude environment, plus UV light reflecting off the snow, will cause the roof of your mouth to get sunburnt. Originally, he denied his cameo and claimed he wouldnt bother being an extra in a movie. There are two types that have been found, galena and bismuthinite. The Empire State building only took a little over a year to build (410) days, and it was 12 days ahead of schedule when completed. November 17th is known as Unfriend Day. On this day, you should unfriend anybody who you dont know or speak to. Kangaroos keep growing until they die. There have been many cases of domesticated dogs and cats eating their dead owners. They would do this for the fins and tongues of the captured whales as rewards, and this agreement was known as The Law of Tongue.. Bees actually have knees. Out of the 400 species of parrots, there is only one that cant fly, called the Kakapo parrot. The first-ever documented feature film was made in Australia in 1906. This is done to add some aspect of skill to the contest. The lead singer of The Offspring started attending school to achieve a doctorate in molecular biology while still in the band. It is believed that they often hired eunuchs and women because it helped them become more aroused. Feeding curry to a sheep reduces the amount of methane in its farts by up to 40%. The collective group of lemurs is called a conspiracy. An incorrect diagnosis, delays in therapy, and mismanagement of a condition are all medical errors that have cost lives. Were not talking about lighting a cigarette at a petrol station or using flint stones to create sparks. This became effective in 1972. Its mouth can be shut with a couple of layers of duct tape. Four Nile crocodiles have been found in Florida. Iceland has a dating app that stops you from hooking up with your cousin. Ancient Egyptians were known to insert an iron hook through the corpses nostril to draw out parts of the brain that they would then place in a jar. By applying even pressure to an egg, it is nearly impossible to break the shell by squeezing it. Websters Dictionary accidentally had a word that didnt exist in it for five years Dord.. Although there is currently no drug proven to make someone tell the truth, some countries like Russia, Canada, and India use truth serums. This amounts to 16 million storms each year. Forgiveness is the number one trait linked to happiness in humans. One habit of intelligent humans is being easily annoyed by people around them, but saying nothing in order to avoid a meaningless argument. She settled for $25,000, and $23,354.25 of that went to her lawyer. The largest living thing on earth is a giant sequoia named General Sherman. Because of its unique tilt, a single night on Uranus lasts for 21 years. In Ancient Greece, throwing an apple to a woman was a symbolic declaration of love, and to catch it was to show acceptance of that love. At his audition for The Office, John Krasinski told someone he was nervous about the producers ruining the show because of how great the British version was little did he know, the person he was talking to was the shows executive producer. Hanna-Barbera pitched The Flintstones to networks for 8 weeks before it was finally picked up. In reality, her biggest weakness is actually chocolate. In Greece, women are not legally allowed to wear high heels or tall hats in the Olympic Stadium. There are more languages on this island than in any other country. This marked Australias first commercial flight using sustainably derived biofuel. To add to this creepy fact, these vampire moths can latch onto your skin and suck your blood for almost an hour. This was to produce buzz as the release widened to more theaters. Another horrifying fact about his elixirs was that he stored it in horse manure for months and then drank it after. Before entering a room, they can squirt it inside. A major book-feeding insect is a paper louse that feeds on microscopic mold in poorly kept books. The commonly known phrase to a T means something that fits just right. The average life expectancy of a toucan is a very impressive 20 years. Originally, the Eiffel Tower was going to be erected in Barcelona, but the project was rejected because citizens thought it was an eyesore. Hersheys Kisses are named after the kissing sound the deposited chocolate makes as it falls from the machine on the conveyor belt. Overall, the mirrors have contributed to 54% of total sales for retailers that use them. Adams kept it in one of the White House bathtubs and enjoyed showing it off. This caused the plane to crash, leaving only one survivor. Occasionally we may get things wrong, or information becomes outdated. Cement maxi bricks have been certified as the best for building walls, pavements, and other elements in The tallest mountain in our solar system, Olympus Mons, is 3 times taller than Mount Everest. Hard cheeses have a longer shelf life than soft cheeses. God is the only Simpsons character who has five fingers. In the 1980s, the founder of Pringles, Fredric Baur, requested to be buried in a Pringles can. A creepy fact about horned lizards is that their defense mechanism is squirting blood from their eyes. Theres no shortage of creepy facts about death, but what people might not know is that a previously submerged corpses postmortem changes occur much faster. However, if a corpse stays underwater, then the bodys decay is much slower. This is because water temperature and other substances in the water can affect postmortem. Scrappy-Doo, widely considered to be one of the most hated characters in fiction, has not appeared in an animated Scooby-Doo production since 1988 due to audience backlash. In Colorado, USA, there is still an active volcano. Luke Ward is the founder of The Fact Site. Ewok Jerky was a popular snack across the Outer Rim in the Star Wars Universe. Johnny Cash took only three voice lessons before his teacher advised him to stop taking lessons and to never deviate from his natural voice. Strategic incompetence is the art of avoiding certain tasks by pretending you dont know how to do them. English is not native to the British Isles. The name for a collective group of rhinoceroses is called a crash. Horsepower is about 746 watts. Liechtenstein added a crown to their flag a year later. Roughly 33% of cats are not affected by catnip. Fungus is more closely related to animals on a genetic level than they are to plants. Most of the world's soccer balls are produced in Pakistan, Russia has 11m more women than men, China doesn't extradite it's citizens, a gorilla can be as strong as 10 human beings. The number of stars on the EU flag doesnt represent anything. If you love facts like this, then this is for you. The Marshal Mathers foundation for at-risk and disadvantaged youth was founded by Eminem. Medieval chastity belts are a myth. It can hold up to 114,000 spectators. However, in a controlled environment, like being kept as a pet, they can live up to two years. Rabbits can be literally scared to death if approached by a predator when they are totally unaware. This means ant eating with three fingers., Astronaut is a compound word derived from the two Ancient Greek words Astro, meaning star, and naut meaning sailor. So astronaut literally means star sailor., The flashes of colored light you see when you rub your eyes are called phosphenes..

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