I will not obey your order. Answer (1 of 3): Original question: What was the cause of the Mormon War? The soldiers also turned their horses into our fields of corn.[98][99]. In this 1842 letter, Mormon dissenter George M. Hinkle rashly accused Joseph Smith of plotting to poison the Missourians' water supply. One historian notes that Governor Boggs was running for election against several violent men, all capable of the deed, and that there was no particular reason to suspect Rockwell of the crime. Mapping Mormon History Lilburn Boggs, as a Jackson county resident, and as Lieutenant Governor, was in a position to observe and assist in executing the tactics described by one Mormon historian: In 1833 Boggs passively saw community leaders and officials sign demands for Mormon withdrawal, and next force a gunbarrel contract to abandon the county before spring plantinganti-Mormon goals were reached in a few simple stages. On the first night of the march out of Carroll County, two Mormon women died. 780740 226073477 2008-07-16T18:35:16Z Karl Andrews 343115 /* Background */ 226073477 2008-07-16T18:35:16Z Karl Andrews 343115 /* Background */ This is not a forum for general discussion of the article's subject. Citizens in Saline, Howard, Jackson, Chariton, Ray, and other nearby counties organized vigilance committees sympathetic to the Carroll County expulsion party. [51][53] Ignoring this counsel, a Mormon judge in Caldwell County called out the Caldwell militia, led by Colonel George M. Hinkle. But problems only multiplied when Mormons settled in large numbers during a relatively short period of time in this region. Once they were established in a county of their own, a period of relative peace ensued. The refinement, the charity of our age, will not brook it.[113]. Initial reaction by Missourians was mixed. Despite an attempt by the Mormons to parley, the mob attacked. In addition, none of the participants in the raid cited the order as justification for their actions.[81]. The 1838 Mormon War, also known as the Missouri Mormon War, was a conflict between Mormons and non-Mormons in Missouri from August to November 1838, the first of the three Mormon Wars. The group arrived just before dawn and when they were discovered, fighting soon began. King, on charges of treason, murder, arson, burglary, robbery, larceny and perjury. The conflict expanded to involve state officials, including the governor, and resulted in the incarceration of Joseph Smith and the forced expulsion of the . [69] Instead of staying in the strip, Bogart passed into southern Caldwell County and began to disarm Mormons. It won the best book award for the Mormon History Association. "[58], The Missourians evicted from their homes were no better prepared than the Mormon refugees had been. "In the summer and fall of 1838, animosity between Mormons and their neighbors in western Missouri erupted into an armed conflict known as the Mormon War. [43] The citizens of De Witt sent non-Mormon Henry Root to appeal to Judge King and General Parks for assistance. Stripped of their property, the Mormons were then given a few months to leave the state. [99], Smith and the other Mormons resettled in Nauvoo, Illinois, beginning in 1839. Many of Boggs' constituents felt that he had mis-managed the situation, by failing to intervene earlier in the crisis, and then by overreacting on the basis of partial and incorrect information. [73] Generals Atchison, Doniphon and Parks decided they needed to call out the Militia to "prevent further violence". Smith was charged for treason but escaped custody and fled to Illinois with the remainder of the estimated 10,000 Missouri Mormons, establishing the new settlement of Nauvoo. . A Militia under the command of Samuel Bogart was authorized by General Atchison to patrol the no-man's land between Ray and Caldwell Counties known as "Bunkham's Strip" an unincorporated territory 6 miles (9.7km) east to west and 1-mile (1.6km) north to south. Following some players' questions about this new gameplay, we have prepared this Q&A for you. Parks wrote his superior, General David Rice Atchison, that "a word from his Excellency would have more power to quell this affair than a regiment. On August 6, 1838, the war began following a brawl at an election in Gallatin, resulting in increased organized violence between Mormons and non-Mormons backed by the Missouri Volunteer Militia in northwestern Missouri. [51][52] Although he was sympathetic to the Mormons' plight, Doniphan reminded the Latter Day Saints that the Caldwell County militia could not legally enter Daviess County, and he advised Mormons traveling there to go in small parties and unarmed. The Missourians and their families, outnumbered by the Mormons, made their way to neighboring counties. The exact circumstances that allowed for him to escape are not certain. [57] Millport, which at time was the largest city in the county and the center for trade, never recovered from the Mormon burnings, and became a ghost town. He surmised that the perpetrator had fired upon Boggs and lost his firearm in the night when the weapon recoiled due to its unusually large shot. [114][115], LeSueur notes that, along with other setbacks, Boggs's mishandling of the Mormon conflict left him "politically impotent" by the end of his term.[116]. Agitation against the Latter Day Saints had become particularly fierce in the sparsely settled counties north and east of Caldwell County. However, Reynolds was unable to capture Rockwell. On Sunday, October 14, a small company of state militia under the command of Colonel William A. Dunn of Clay County arrived in Far West. My brigade shall march for Liberty to-morrow morning, at 8 o'clock, and if you execute those men, I will hold you responsible before an earthly tribunal, so help me God! [61], Many Latter Day Saints were greatly troubled by the occurrences. If ye are faithful, ye shall assemble yourselves together to rejoice upon the land of Missouri, which is the land of your inheritance, which is now the land of your enemies.[6]. Lucas' terms were severe. [58], During the days that followed, Latter Day Saint vigilantes under the direction and encouragement of Lyman Wight drove Missourians who lived in outlying farms from their homes, which were similarly plundered and burned. Of the Missourians, only one, Moses Rowland, was killed. However, they remained an important part of . The Battle of Crooked River was a skirmish between Latter Day Saint (Mormon) forces and Missouri state militia unit from southeast of Elmira, Missouri in Ray County under the command of Samuel Bogart. Missouri blamed the Mormons for the conflict and forced the Latter Day Saints to sign over all their lands in order to pay for the state militia muster. [19], In the eyes of many non-Mormon citizens (including Alexander Doniphan),[10] these settlements outside of Caldwell County were a violation of the compromise. In this major new interpretation of those events, LeSueur argues that while a number of prejudices and fears stimulated the . [34] According to Hinkle, Smith wanted a treaty with the Missourians "on any terms short of battle". On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. Doniphan already had troops raised to prevent fighting between Mormons and anti-Mormons in Daviess County. Sheriff J.H. Most of these refugees settled in or near what would become the city of Nauvoo, Illinois. The gun was found to have been stolen from a local shopkeeper, who identified "that hired man of Ward's" as the most likely culprit. [111] One resolution passed by the Quincy town council read: Resolved: That the gov of Missouri, in refusing protection to this class of people when pressed upon by an heartless mob, and turning upon them a band of unprincipled Militia, with orders encouraging their extermination, has brought a lasting disgrace upon the state over which he presides.[112]. Overview: Sampson Avard (October 23, 1800 - April 15, 1869) was one of the founders and leaders of the Mormon vigilantes known as the Danites, which existed in Missouri during the Missouri Mormon War in 1838. It won the best book award for the Mormon History Association. [101], The defendants, consisting of about 60 men including Joseph Smith and Sidney Rigdon, were turned over to a civil court of inquiry in Richmond under Judge Austin A. [104], It is also believed that Smith's imprisonment had become an embarrassment, and that an escape would be convenient for Boggs and the rest of the Missouri political establishment. The skirmish is often cited as the first serious violence of the war in Missouri. They believed that the Indians were descendants of Israelites, and proselytized among them extensively. Sheriff Morgan was ridden through town on an iron bar, and died shortly afterward from the injuries he suffered during the ride. Click the image for an enlarged map illustrating the Battle of Crooked River. [26][28][29], On July 4, Sidney Rigdon gave an oration, which was characterized by Mormon historian Brigham Henry Roberts as a "'Declaration of Independence' from all mobs and persecutions. [57] Even Mormon leader Parley P Pratt conceded that some burnings had been done by Mormons. The Missouri Argus published an editorial on December 20, 1838, that public opinion should not permit the Mormons to forcibly be expelled from the state: They cannot be driven beyond the limits of the statethat is certain. When faced with the Mormon refugees from Missouri, the people of Quincy, Illinois, were outraged by the treatment the Mormons had experienced. Judge Josiah Morin and Samuel McBrier, both considered friendly to the Mormons, both fled Daviess County after being threatened. Also, the War Maniac investment under the Advanced Arms Category can increase your troop attack. He stated that General Parks reported to him that "a portion of the men from Carroll County, with one piece of artillery, are on their march for Daviess County, where it is thought the same lawless game is to be played over, and the Mormons to be driven from that county and probably from Caldwell County." Mormon is a nickname used by non-members taken from the Book of Mormon, scriptures translated by Joseph Smith by the power of God from an ancient record. [37], At a meeting at Lyman Wight's home between leading Mormons and non-Mormons, both sides agreed not to protect anyone who had broken the law, and to surrender all offenders to the authorities. A committee sent to De Witt ordered the Latter Day Saints to leave. Mormon leaders appealed to the state legislature to overturn the requirement that they leave the state, but the legislature tabled the issue until a date well after that when the Mormons would have left the state. Back in 1987, Steve wrote an amazing book called The 1838 Mormon War in Missouri. In 1838, Missouri witnessed the "Missouri Mormon War". Doniphan refused to obey the order, replying: It is cold-blooded murder. Between August and November of 1838, the Mormons and non-Mormons of Missouri got into a pretty serious conflict. [89][90] Colonel Hinkle stated that the Latter Day Saints would help bring to justice those Mormons who had violated the law, but he protested that the other terms were illegal and unconstitutional. Later that day, the Carroll County forces sealed off the town. 1838 Mormon War. The Mormons divided into three columns led by David W. Patten, Charles C. Rich, and James Durphee. . If after looking through it you still have unanswered questions . In mid-September 1838, Brigadier General Alexander Doniphan and his militia troops successfully disbanded and dispersed vigilantes in Daviess County , Missouri. It should also be noted that none of the participants in the raid ever cited the order as justification for their actions. But if you've never heard of it, don't feel bad. After the stress of being expelled from Millport into the snow, Milford Donaho's wife gave birth prematurely, and the child was severely injured during the birth. [1] In Daviess County, where Whigs and Democrats had been roughly evenly balanced, Mormon population reached a level where they could determine election results. Those minutes were written up and widely published in newspapers across the country. Several Mormon homes near Millport were burned and their inhabitants expelled into the snow. Sunday, June 5, 2016. "Porter Rockwell". Joseph Smith, returning to Far West from De Witt, was informed by General Doniphan of the deteriorating situation. Finding 10-year-old Sardius Smith hiding behind the bellows, William Reynolds of Livingston County shot and killed the boy, saying: "Nits will make lice, and if he had lived he would have become a Mormon"[74] [35][36], When the Mormons heard a rumor that Judge Adam Black was gathering a mob near Millport, one hundred armed men, including Joseph Smith, surrounded Black's home. One woman died of exposure, the other (a woman named Jenson) died in childbirth. Sidney Rigdon: A Portrait of Religious Excess, Articles incorporating text from Wikipedia, "Mormonism. Joseph Smith in Northern Missouri, 1838 Alexander L. Baugh The Mormon War. [54] The list 1838 Mormon War includes Charles C. Rich, Sampson Avard, George M. Hinkle, . Many of Boggs's constituents felt that he had mis-managed the situation, by failing to intervene earlier in the crisis, and then by overreacting on the basis of partial and incorrect information. Shortly after what Mormons consider to be the restoration of the gospel in 1830, Smith stated that he had received a revelation that the Second Coming of Christ was near, that the City of Zion would be near the town of Independence in Jackson County, Missouri, and that his followers were destined to inherit the land held by the current settlers. W. W. Phelps (Mormon) / 40.777; -111.858 ( Salt Lake City Cemetery) William Wines Phelps (February 17, 1792 - March 7, 1872) was an early leader of the Latter Day Saint movement. We'll get more acquainted with Steve and learn more about his background. Possibly playing on Rigdon's July 4 sermon that talked of a "war of extermination", Boggs issued Missouri Executive Order 44, also known as the "Extermination Order", on October 27, which stated that "the Mormons must be treated as enemies, and must be exterminated or driven from the State if necessary for the public peace"[76] The Extermination Order was finally rescinded on June 25, 1976, by Governor Christopher Samuel "Kit" Bond.[77][78]. [48] As the year went on, there were a number of armed conflicts between Mormons and Missourians. The exact circumstances that allowed for him to escape are not certain. 1838 Mormon War - WikiMili, The Free Encyclopedia - WikiMili, The Free Encyclopedia "[46] After more than a week, a company of armed Mormons assisted Lathrop in rescuing his wife and two of his children (one had died while prisoner). Once they were established in a county of their own, a period of relative peace ensued. "[48][49], On October 9, A C Caldwell returned to De Witt to report that the Governor's response was that the "quarrel was between the Mormons and the mob" and that they should fight it out.[48].

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