In the video, note the Babylonian chimeras being put on display, along with other artifacts from ancient Babylonia representing the misogynist works of the fallen angels (whose return they are expecting). NEW YORK (Christian Examiner) In the next couple of weeks reproductions of the 50 foot arch that stood at the Temple of Baal in Palmyra, Syria will be erectedin important cities across the world, including New York. (LogOut/ What Will Happen When Islam Takes Over Britain? The reproductions of the 50-foot arch that stood at the Temple of Baal in Palmyra, Syria, thatwill be erected in New York City and London next monthwill only be the first of many. And why does it mysteriously remain only for a few days in each city before being dismantled, as If the historical society does not want too many people to know about it? All men have faith in something. Needless to say, a lot of people are quite disturbed by this. The group also beheaded Palmyras renowned antiquities scholar, Khaled al-Asaad, last August, because he apparently refused to reveal where valuable artefacts had been moved for safekeeping. Standing at two-thirds the scale of the original, the arch is made of Egyptian marble and was built using 3D printing technology, based on photographs of the original arch. In addition to everything that you just read, child sacrifice was a central feature of Baal worship. The Greatest Virtue is Being a New Creature. Well, many scholars have traced the worship of Marduk all the way backto the historical figure of Nimrod, Traditionally the Tower of Babel event has been associated with Nimrod, and Jewish commentaries as well as the Jewish historian Josephus both seem very emphatic on this point. As you will see below, it turns out that there are plans to put arches in hundreds more cities all over the globe. They also see the archs resurgence as symbolic of the antichrists imminent arrival in Jerusalem to create a one-world government. (OPINION) ETH After six years of laying in ruins, Russians have now begun the reconstruction of the Triumphal Arch of Palmyra in Syria that once served as a gateway to a major pagan temple to Baal, and some Rabbis state that the rebuilding of this arch is predicted in the Talmud as preceding the Messiah. Kids Now Becoming Do-It-Yourself Transgenders; Whos At Fault? Should Christians as Gods Image-Bearers Wear Masks? We think that our watching these things is different than the idolatry of old, but this is not so. As you will see below, the arch has been brought all across the earth and erected right before globalist events and always in significant locations to the global power structure such as New York City, London, and Dubai which are all financial powerhouses of the world (NYC being the location of the UN headquarters). Watch the video at this link, demonstrating how the leaders of the world are displaying a replica of the Arch of Baal (also known as the Arch of Palmyra, which once stood in front of the pagan temple of Baal in Palmyria, Syria), at strategic political events worldwide attended by the world's top political and religious leaders. Revelation 2:20 ButI havethisagainst you, that you tolerate the womanJezebel, who calls herself a prophetess, and she teaches and leads My bond-servants astray so that theycommitacts ofimmorality and eat things sacrificed to idols. At least that is not the story I have been told. And once we start digging into where this deity originally came from, we discover some absolutely startling things. In an attempt to preserve history, two exact replicas of the 50 foot arch that stood at the entrance to the temple will be erected in April 2016 in Times Square in New York City and in Trafalgar Square in London. For Christians, the Bible is clear about Gods plan for the earth and what will transpire. In our next video, my wife and I will be covering all of this. Stay up-to-date with current issues, Christian teachings, entertainment news, videos & more. (LogOut/ Today, sex is publicly displayed throughout the world via. To me, this is one of the most important news stories of 2016 so far. The state has failed. So could it be possible that when we are erecting these symbols that we are laying out welcome mats for the Antichrist? The wicked personalities (promoters and performers) were respected and given the platform (like rock stars and Hollywood's "People'.) Designed by TecGuru | Corrections Policy | Privacy Policy. Temple of Baal arch arrives in New York as America's turn away from God continues The Harbinger author Jonathan Cahn unveiled the arrival of the Temple of Baal Arch replica arriving in New. Most people simply dont understand the meaning of the symbols (and rituals) used by the leaders of this world, many of whom believe they are essentially little gods waiting to be raised to a higher level when their Baal god finally arrives with his fallen ones. Bolivia gives human rights to plants and bugs and ecosystems. Lets take this one step at a time. But in these final days of this flesh earth age, world leaders are openly displaying their disdain of our heavenly Father as well as their love of the gods of old and the religious traditions ofold. Just look around! arch of baal locations 2020. by | Nov 18, 2021 | lawrence memorial / regis college transcript request | top 10 richest man in portugal 2021 | Nov 18, 2021 | lawrence memorial / regis college transcript request | top 10 richest man in portugal 2021 The title of Bel or Baal seems to have originally been used primarily for the Babylonian god Marduk. Since Roe v. Wade was decided in 1973, we have slaughtered more than 58 million of our own children. The Temple of Baal ( also known as the Temple of Bel) was a world famous landmark that was located in Palmyra, Syria. In the following excerpt, Peter Goodgame helps us to connect some of the dots. The original arch of Palmyra was built by the Romans in the second century as an entrance to a major temple of Baal that had already existed for 3000 years in Syria. The 'Arch Of Baal' Was Displayed For The Third Time In Honor Of 'The World Government Summit' The Arch of Baal displayed in Trafalgar Square, London, England By Michael Snyder Did you know that 4,000 world leaders from 130 different countries gathered in Dubai recently for the World Government Summit? Ashtoreth is that goddess of whom some environmentalists speak reverently. The 1,800-year-old Roman arch was blown up by the extremist group last October, but a team of archeologists at Oxford Universitys Institute for Digital archeology (IDA) set about recreating it, in an act of resistance to Isiss rampant acts of cultural destruction in Iraq and Syria. The whole community came out and all of the best pagan ideas for success in crops and fertility were promoted, just like a business seminar that promotes unbiblical ideas that justify the worldliness of its origin. Current-day Christians battle this spirit day in and day out. According to the official website of the Institute for Digital Archaeology, the Arch of Palmyra was unveiled on the National Mall on September 26th, and it will remain there until September 29th.. What many may not be aware of is the fact that the Temple of Palmyra was dedicated back in 32 CE to the worship of Baal. Temple prostitutes were used so that men or women who sought help from Baal would perform lewd acts with the prostitutes as a form of worship. It was a place of the most heinous atrocities committed against innocent children, against all that is good and just, and against God Himself. In addition to destroying artefacts, the extremist group looted and resold them to fund its activities. What Is the Palmyra's Arch of Triumph? Bel(/bel/; fromAkkadianblu), signifying lord or master, is atitlerather than a genuine name, applied to various gods in theMesopotamian religionofAkkad,AssyriaandBabylonia. Stand firm in righteousness. In Crete she was Gaia or Rhea.". It Will Depend on Your Choices! They considered the god in charge of weather and fertility (for example, crops and animals). Original reporting and incisive analysis, direct from the Guardian every morning, A recreation of the Palmyra arch, a Roman arch destroyed by Isis, goes on display at City hall Park in New York. All men are religious because all men have an object of worship. In *Times Square Baal's Temple was to go up on April 19 and Earth Day is April 22. Writing in Charisma News, Michael Snyder, founder of The Economic Collapse Blog, lauded the move to cancel the planned reconstruction of the entrance of the Temple of Baal. The natural consequences of such behavior pregnancy and childbirth and the associated financial burdens of unplanned parenthood were easily offset. Debauching the Bride of Christ; Transgenders Encouraged To Become Priests in Church Diversity Drive, Queen Elizabeth Names Prince Charles Next Ruler; Mamzer Marries Into Royal Line, Boy Scouts and the New Global Cultural Androgyny, The Rise of the Religious Left Liberation Theology in Disguise, Fallen Churches Tell Clergy to Stop Referring to God as He, Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump Blessed by Rabbi Who Calls Black People Monkeys. "Of course let us not underestimate the prayers of God's people. Please support this website by adding us to your whitelist in your ad blocker. Keep your spirit sharp so you know the difference and dont comply with what you know is wrong. They went out of their way to reconstruct a copy of the satanic, entry-gate, arch of Ba'al where thousands of infants were sacrificed to the fallen ones. Reproductions of the 50-foot arch that formed the temples entrance are to be installed in New York and in London, a tribute to the 2,000-year-old structure that the Islamic State destroyed last year in the Syrian town of Palmyra. The ritual of convenience was intended to produce economic prosperity by prompting Baal to bring rain for the fertility of mother earth.. Now, it will stay in City Hall Park . First put on display in Trafalgar Square in London last April, it will stay at City Hall park for one week, before moving to its next destination, Dubai. Family has failed. Christian Law School Denied Accreditation Over Potential Harm to Homosexuals, First Homosexual Royal Marriage Coming Up, Yes, Theyre After Your Children: Cartoon Drag Tots to Feature Baby Drag Queens, Netflix Cartoon Series Features Drag Queen Super Heroes for Kids, Library Hosts Drag Queens and Drag Kings Strutting their Stuff to Kids, Twitter Comments Against Gay Pride Cost Business Executive His Job, Demonic Possession: Psychiatrists Coming Around to Believing In It. When it is published, you will be able to find iton our YouTube channel. But these are not the only two giant arches that are going to be made. In fact, it has been estimated that 68 percent of all Christian men watch pornography on a regular basis. The Slow Motion Overthrow of the Western Christian Moral Order, Kabbalah Wizards and Christian Zionists Trying to Build a Third Temple. Switzerland gives plants rights. I suppose that it is appropriate that these giant arches are going to be made in China, because it seems like almost everyone is being made over there these days. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. In the Bible, Israel turned to the pagan god Baal and away from their one true God. and the nations will not flow together any more to him. To this day he contends this ancient Gaia-centered faith is the common thread that will bring harmony and peace. So why not install it in a museum? Arch of Ba'al Is New World Order's Model for "Temple of Darkness" in Jerusalem, Believes Rabbi By Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz A replica of an ancient Roman triumphal arch reappeared in Italy last week, accompanying yet another summit of world leaders while attracting over two million visitors since its presentation three weeks ago. In August 2015, this temple was destroyed by ISIS, and most of the world recoiled in terror at the loss of a cultural heritage site. Change), You are commenting using your Twitter account. Electronic Communications Privacy Act 18 U.S.C. Palmyra itself, a former trade hub and major tourist site before the war, was located in central Syria, and its surrounding area was largely barren desert. It will be one of two constructed in China for exhibition likely in Times Square and Londons Trafalgar Square as part of a World Heritage Week event in April 2016, said Roger Michel, executive director for the Institute for Digital Archaeology. A recreation of Palmyras Arch of Triumph was unveiled in New York on Monday, almost a year after Islamic State militants destroyed the original structure. What could be more appropriate than to have this symbol of freedom in front of City Hall, so close to where we had our own challenges, Glen added. In a recent statement, Roger Michael, the Executive Director of the IDA, drew parallels between the destruction of Palmyras landmarks and the violence that has marred London and New Yorks landscape. This Ba'al bullshit will NOT stand. That means you dont watch porn, have sex with strangers, or exchange truth for lies and faith for fear. arch of baal locations 2021. by . Writing for JESUS 2023. Ads are what helps us bring you premium content! In addition to Marduk, other names from the ancient world that are linked with Nimrod include Ninurta, Gilgamesh, Osiris, Dionysus, Apollo, Narmer and Enmerkar. Done! We recognize her by one of her many names Gaia, which means Mother Earth. So it is not out of keeping with a certain kind of spirituality that the UN wants to grant "Mother Earth" human rights. In our day, people who go to our churches celebrate celebrities when they should be doing the opposite. Arch Of Baal Locations 2019 - BREAKING Arch of BAAL to be erected near CERN - YouTube arch of baal locations 2021 - Splitting a venti coffee between two people means 10 oz of delicious drink for both of you at less than half the price of a grande. But Americans are losing something far more precious. The park is usually occupied by tourists visiting city hall and the nearby World Trade Center memorial and office workers on their lunch breaks. If ordinary people of the time wanted to visit the Temple of Bel, they would pass through this arch. But the truth is that many of the elements of ancient Baal worship are being mirrored in our society in 2016. As people realize science can be corrupt, and does not provide answers to ultimate questions, they seek another god. L'arc, compos de sept pices, a dj t expos Londres, aux Etats-Unis, Florence et aux Emirats arabes unis: Abdulaziz Almuzaini, le directeur de l'office de liaison de l'UNESCO Genve a rappel vendredi toute l'importance de ce rendez-vous. And many Bible scholars believe that the coming Antichrist will either be a resurrected Nimrod or will be associated with him in some way. Isaiah 5:20 21 . The life-size model of the original 2,000-year-old structure, known as the Arch of the Temple of Bel, will stand approximately 48 feet high and 23 feet wide. I didnt give it much thought even though intrigued. A reconstructed Arch of Palmyra, the original of which was the entrance to a temple for Baal in Syria, will reappear in Washington, D.C., as an improbable symbol of peace and resilience,according to Breaking Israel News. The following is an excerpt from an excellent articleby Matt Barber, Ritualistic Baal worship, in sum, looked a little like this: Adults would gather around the altar of Baal. It may come as a surprise that Ashtoreth worship is alive and well on planet Earth. It is reported that the Institute for Digital Archaeology plans on erecting . When worshippers entered a Baal temple, they passed under the arch on their way in and out. What makes all of this far more alarming for our day and time is the fact that a number of prominent scholars such asTom Horn,Dr. Michael LakeandPeter Goodgameare convinced that there seems to be a very strong link in the Scriptures between the coming Antichrist and the historical figure of Nimrod. Never miss a big news story again. Powerful men and women of influence who indulge in witchcraft and demonic practices to undermine Christian values in this world and to aggressively usher in the age of the antichrist. Leading Rabbi Claims Fire at Notre Dame was Divine Retribution (Against Christians), Western Christian Moral Order Disintegrating Around Us, Walmart Caught Selling Satanism; Amazon Caught Selling Pedophilia, Christians Who Dont Keep Easter (More Than You Might Think), Ancient Jewish Synagogue Carving Mentions Jesus. The temple itself was a cherished architectural gem, with great historic and cultural significance. Just like ancient Baal worshippers, we are a society that is addicted to watching other people have sex. I realize that the headline of this article sounds like it must be false, but it is actually completely true. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. While its macabre rituals have been sanitized with flowery and euphemistic terms of art, its core tenets and practices remain eerily similar. The Monumental Arch, also called the Arch of Triumph ( Arabic: ) or the Arch of Septimius Severus, was a Roman ornamental archway in Palmyra, Syria. On one level, I find it quite ironic that a reproduction of part of the Temple of Baal is going up in Times Square. But there are occultists that take this stuff deadly serious, and nothing this large gets space in either Times Square or Trafalgar Square by accident. They propose that the arch represents peace, solidarity, and a common cultural heritage. According to Israel 365 News, The ruins of this ancient city of Palmyra was located about 135 miles north of Damascus, Syria, and the temple and much of the site were destroyed by the Islamic State (ISIS) back in 2015. It is also important to note that this arch is going up during the Feast of Tabernacles. By Alessandra Potenza @ale_potenza Sep 19, 2016, 4:38pm EDT. WND reported last year when the arch was in New York City and London, and later when it was placed outside a global summit in Dubai. They went out of their way to reconstruct a copy of the satanic, entry-gate, arch of Ba'al where thousands of infants were sacrificed to the fallen ones. He is a Senior Fellow and Contributing Writer for The Cornwall Alliance for the Stewardship of Creation, and author of Resisting the Green Dragon: Dominion, Not Death. If you are not religious, I know that all of this must sound very strange. Reproductions of the 50-foot arch that formed the temple's entrance are to be installed in New York and in London, a tribute to the 2,000-year-old structure that the Islamic State destroyed last year in the Syrian town of Palmyra.. kelly kapowski 2020; where is the arch of baal now 2021. You wont condemn others but neither will you comply with unrighteousness, liberalism, and darkness. The Syrian experts have put in place some plans, and there is no precise timetable for the completion of the work, but studies on restoration, rubble, and so on may be ready within six or eight months.. Maamoun Abdelkarim, Syrias director of antiquities, has vowed that the famous monuments destroyed by Isis will be rebuilt from the rubble. Your email address will not be published. Multitudes would gather around the altars of Baal to watch the bisexual orgies, but we have turned watching others having sex into a multi-billion dollar industry. satan hates God and Christians. The Arch of Ba'al RSS A portal-gate from where the minions of HaSatan may enter! Andre Batista, Daniel Cruz, Dbora Picelli, Jeane Vidal, Maria do Rosrio, Michele Roza, Rafaella Rizzo, Sabrina Marques, Contact e-mail:, Address Rua dos Missionrios, 139, Santo Amaro - So Paulo (SP), Rua dos Missionrios, 139, Santo Amaro - So Paulo (SP). worshippers of Baal partook of bisexual orgies and sacrificed human infants, burning them alive. If you remember, the Arch of Baal Hadad also known as the Arch of Palmyra, was reconstructed at the Capitol Mall in Washington, DC. Memorize this scripture. In ancient times, child sacrifice and bisexual orgies were common practices at the altars of Baal, and now we are putting up a monument of worship to this false god in the heart of our most important city. The institute plans to constructapproximately 1,000 such versions of the archin cities throughout the world. They tempted the HAMMER with this final act, and the HAMMER is coming. Thats because 2019 ushered in tax return preparations, new goals, and questions about life. The original arch of Palmyra was built by the Romans in the second century as an entrance to a major temple of Baal that had already existed for 3000 years in Syria. Picture taken June 11, 2009. This day is a major human sacrifice day, demanding fire sacrifice with an emphasis on children. Have nothing to do with such people. Temple priests would place children and babies into its outstretched arms who would then roll into the blazing fire as human sacrifices. A reconstructed Arch of Palmyra, the original of which was the entrance to a temple for Baal in Syria, will reappear in Washington, D.C., as an "improbable" "symbol of peace and resilience," according to Breaking Israel News. The park is usually occupied by tourists visiting city hall and. The 11-tonne arch was placed in the small park directly outside of New Yorks city hall, in the heart of the financial district. Was It Right for Trump to Wish Muslims The Blessings of Ramadan at White House Iftar Dinner? Amid horrific screams and the stench of charred human flesh, congregants men and women alike would engage in bisexual orgies. And ancient Jewish tradition specifically identifies Nimrod as the one that constructed the Tower of Babel. Satellite images have confirmed the destruction of the Temple of Bel, which was one of the best preserved Roman-era sites in the Syrian city of Palmyra, a United Nations agency said, after activists said the hardline Islamic State group had targeted it.

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