There always has to be a catch: She would have to face Natasha Romanov again. "It's worse when you're the person killing them", a voice in her head spoke. She hadnt considered Dreykov would want to keep the Winter Soldiers child. Natasha walks up to the door and unlocks it. But only a little. They ultimately decided to end the relationship, though Clint still loved her. Being assassins, tro ~Natasha Romanoff accidently goes back in time. Scott feels unprepared to do the test-jump through time and Barton volunteers, which, despite his murder crusade, nobody objects to. Natasha went and sat with Clint all night refusing to leave his side. Or if you already have it, what would you give to protect it? Natasha smiled, a real genuine smile which some how caused the voice in her head buried itself deeper until it slowly faded. He was captured by HYDRA, held for ransom, and when enough money didn't come, his family was murdered. He stayed there and let the spy hold him while he cried into her. Stupid question really, he had just been through hell and back and watched a close friend die, however everyone felt the question had to be asked. The spy prepared hot water and towels before returning to Clint. Status of Relationship Always make your living doing something you enjoy. Can he ever get her back? In which Loki turns the Avengers + Pepper Potts into children. :). Then Clint gave her a choice.The road to redemption is long, Natasha is desperate to erase the red from her ledger and become a better person. ~Natasha ran through the corridors of Avengers Tower until she could see Clint. Basically this is something I wanted to write for the fluff, I hope you enjoy. Clint tells her and everyone that it worked. What's going to happen to Clint and Natasha? General Ross has Natasha cornered. There's always something to worry about - do you know what it is? "Tasha it's just me," a bulky blond called out upon seeing the weapon. Steve sees that Nat is also holding a gun. Dakota Remington had wanted the very spot in SHIELD that Nick Fury had presented to her. the man asked as he stepped into the room, looking around cautiously. Everybody talked and spent time with each other, there was even mandatory team dinners at least twice a week. One of them would gain the upper hand and then the other would quickly gain the advantage, but the attacker was pushing Clint farther and farther to the edge of the roof. She can't keep the baby. Natasha, Steve, Tony and Clint have been captured.Their captor is smug, sadistic, and he seems to be one step ahead all the time.Between torture that brings out their weaknesses more than any supervillain did before, and time threatening to run out, escape is necessary, yet seems impossible. It's just a boring Saturday afternoon. #avengers It was a fairly simple mission, break in the the hostile base and capture the criminals. Before Natasha became and Avenger, before she saved the world, before she became Wanda's mom, she was the Black Widow. > Loki x . During the whole show it's common to see them together, almost isolated from the other members of the team. Natasha is heartbroken that she couldn't reach him in his grief and keeps tabs on him, despite Rhodey trying to dissuade her to save her the heartache. "Hmm", he groaned, "although my back hurts", he mumbled. Also if you have any suggestions leave them in the commen One year after the Red Room incident, Natasha Romanoff is assigned to train new SHIELD recruits. She lowered it, "What'd you find?" He's a jerk in the first Avengers movie, and even more of one in the third Iron Man film. They appears since the first episode. Later, during the Battle of Seoul, when Natasha is captured by Ultron, Clint refuses to leave without her, needing to be ordered by Steve to leave. But to protect the family he's chosen the Avengers he leaves under the guise of death to recover the project that cost his biological parents their lives with the unexpected help of Harley Keener, Shuri of Wakanda, and the Maximoff Twins. Shipping Wiki is a FANDOM Anime Community. The man did as he'd said and I quieted, the woman in red started to pet my head when I did. He didn't say anything. After a few minutes, Clint seemed to calm down a little. The edge of the black and white image wrinkles under the pressure. Your preferences will apply to this website only. Just as there have been those who have had Loki as the father of Elsa from Frozen and Jack Frost from Rise of the Guardians, through their ice powers. "Oh Clint", she spoke before wrapping her arms around him, pulling him close. In the status report where Rhodey tells Natasha this, she insists she's fine and they hang up, upon which Nat breaks down in tears. asked Harry pouting slightly. agent and Clint worked as some kind of vigilant. Did she look like that once? The blond reached past her and pulled me out himself, I bleeted and flailed wildly. Can be read as a sequel to "The Spy and the Assassin", though admittedly a bit of an unnecessary one.As a standalone it works well enough, and if you want to know more about this version of Nat, well, I've written like a full series for her. Yet. For Peter Parker, the answer was: everything. Please book a follow-up appointment for an ultrasound. Clint nodded. A few points from Natasha's perspective that couldn't naturally filter into Wanda's: On top of knowing how much Clint cared about Wanda, this Natasha sees a bit of herself in Wanda young, misled, and desperately trying to be better than her worst decisions. clintasha oneshots It was her duty to kill them, to end them. Marvel Clint was okay, she had made him okay.She had remained hidden, hidden for one more day. During an intense mission, Agent Clint Barton is thrown from a moving train and Natasha Romanoff is taken hostage by HYDRA. However the fear was still there, deep down, she had to leave before it made a more obvious appearance. Wanda questions. As she fights for freedom, she doesn't know which of her friends she can trust and with her history of lies and manipulations, she discovers that perhaps her friends are no longer willing to trust her. Natasha fights against a mind-controlled Clint when he infiltrates the helicarrier. She'd never imagined Madame lied. After he heals it up of course. Clint agreed. Het The two were partnered together for countless missions. The fight continued back and forth. He wore a comfy pair of sweats and no shirt. Shippers have also noticed that Natasha is wearing an arrow necklace in Captain America: The Winter Soldier. Things happen when you drop all SHIELD files. The team had been waiting for Clint's arrival for around an hour when they finally heard the elevator door open. Comfort, an avengers fanfic | FanFiction. When the team reunites, Bruce Banner enquires after his whereabouts. The other Avengers were notified that Clint's mission had gone wrong on the third day of his absence. If you need trigger warnings, please comment on the introductory chapter and I will supply :). Natasha told the Avengers that Fury send her to infiltrate Hydra; in the end of the episode they kiss each other and then Natasha goes to search Fury and Clint returns with the Avengers. Nonetheless, the ship remains highly popular in the fandom. Many shippers claim the way that Clint talks to her and the way Natasha immediately helps once she's heard that Clint has been "compromised" are signals of their love. Natasha Romanoff The woman she had gladly left behind in order to advance her career. Completed shield budapest notageofultroncompliant +19 more # 2 Clintasha 5v1 by BeccaBartonRomanoff 15.5K 311 6 Nat goes to Tokyo to find Clint and catches up with him as he executes a Japanese mobster. The two pull their punches as they fight, according to Wanda Maximoff, as they don't want the fight to get in the way of their friendship. She closed her eyes and waited patiently for Clint to finish. The desperate, terrified expression etched on his face made her shudder. See beginning note and tags for trigger warnings. Natasha is frozen in her place, "For you, to save--to make it right." They debut in the third episode "Hulk vs the World". When Clint is injured in battle, Natasha rushes to his side to dress his wounds. Before they were heroes, Natasha and Clint met and fought against Tony Stark and Peter Parker. The A Natasha can't forget his face. Steve. Specifically from. ". Most of Nat's pain of the snap seems to stem from the feeling of losing Barton to his grief, so when Scott appears and presents a solution, Nat is adamant that it work and almost devastated when Tony is unwilling to help. It's been almost a year since the events of Washington D.C., and Natasha Romanoff is back in business with the Avengers, alongside her newly-found lover, Clint Barton. This is a fanfiction based on the past and future of Clint Barton. You get hunted down. SHIELD however, wishes to recruit her for work as an Avenger. The attack hit them hard, they had to strive to defeat the enemy and in the fight an agent had lost his life. Canonical? I will be doing separate parts for tony loki Natasha and vision. Natasha stopped running and walked slowly towards him. Now suddenly shes mother to a traumatised 10 year old girl more familiar with guns than hugs. La storia di un amore possibile tra Nathaniel Pietro Barton e Morgan Stark He needed to find a way to strike back and push farther towards the center, but the attacker was good, well trained, reminding him almost of-. It is also the fifth most written romantic pairing in The Avengers (Marvel Movies), fourth in The Avengers - All Media Types tags and the sixth most written in the Marvel Cinematic Universe tag. As soon as she hears that he has been compromised, Natasha's demeanour changes and she drops what she is doing. I'll try not to keep you waiting too long :). Two of these days were spent in the vents of a metro station, and the walls of these vents are covered with games they played, including Tic Tac Toe and Hangman. Now, Natasha is on a mission, checking every HYDRA official off her list. Natasha held his hand to still provide a little comfort as she slowly pulled him into his room and closed the door. Clint takes Natasha to the farm after they take down the Red Room.Natasha struggles. Natasha lent down to kiss his forehead before turning to leave his room. Character On AO3, Clintasha is the second most written ship for Clint, and the most written for Natasha. I hope you enjoy it. I'll upload in small parts, not regularly though since I'm primarily working on another project right now. I slowed my flailing, "Where are we gonna leave this little guy?" When a certain attractive blonde takes an interest in Clint, it's all Na {I AM THE AUTHOR, EMBARRASSING REALLY, I LOST ACCOUNT} Follow ex-KGB agent Natasha Romanoff as she navigates her transition to SHIELD agent and then Avenger. Every agent of HYDRA is acquainted with pain of some sort. Every mussel in Clint's body seized, even if it was for a few seconds, Natasha knew that this mission had affected Clint in more ways than he would ever tell. Natasha took a shaky breath and tried to keep control of the sudden anxiety. He had one hand wrapped around the handle to his bedroom and his head pressed against the door. They bring in reinforcements, including Thor. By: Star_trekkin_across_theuniverse/Thorkone (link to fic) Tony Stark/Original Female Character Soulmates AU - Sally Manners has spent her life avoiding the man whose name is etched on the inside of her thigh peter laid there Fanfic Rec List legendsofwholock So, I just hit a small follower milestone, and fanfic writer appreciation day was on the 21st, so I thought Id make a list of. Natasha tells him to let her go and that it's okay. Clintasha Natasha raids a base and subtly brings him back in, as a Nanny and new mom. Five years later, Clint is hunting and executing every bad guy he comes across as a non-stop killing machine. Recognizing her as a threat, Nick Fury sent Clint to kill her. A Few Things Clint Kept Secret Chapter 1, an avengers fanfic | FanFiction 1. At first there was no sign the archer had even heard her but as she was about to say his name again Clint turned to face the red haired spy. Blackeye, Hawk Widow Steve, Scott and Nat seek out Bruce to help them, but they experience mixed results. Archive Of Our Own feed for the Bruce Banner/, Please note that some processing of your personal data may not require your consent, but you have a right to object to such processing. It has a lot more fluff than action. Clintasha is the het ship between Clint Barton and Natasha Romanoff from the Marvel Cinematic Universe and Marvel comics fandoms. I bleeted and started kicking again, "Hold its head to your chest, it seems to calm it down," Cap informed, walking past. After a few seconds he felt Natasha's soft and gentle fingers begin to press in to his back causing some of the pain to lift. As he turned to face her, Natasha saw red tears streaming down Clint's face where they had mixed the the dried blood. As time goes on, the two realize they're falling for each other. He remembers a woman, who had undone the chains and released his blindfold. That's when Natasha saw it, Clint's whole body tensed. "What's that?" Clint nodded before shutting the bathroom door. "What do you want Nat? "I'm gunna go and shower", the archer continued before walking past everyone and out of the room. "C'mon," the woman muttered as she dragged me out, I kicked her in the stomach with a loud bleet. There were a few others seemingly waiting for the two, I flattened my ears against my skull. until Natasha betrays Clint, since here Clint spends his time chasing her. What would you risk? In this story gamora gets a second chance at life but she didnt get it without consequences of what happened to her. When she was still young, innocent and weak? The others left stood in the common room looked around at each other helplessly for a few seconds before Natasha took a step forward. I was curled up in a small cage, trying to hide myself in the corner. He becomes worried while she's missing and resorts to old-school spy techniques to find her. Why are you here?" She then punches him in the face and knocks him out. Natasha wears an arrow necklace as a show of friendship. Clint is the only father she has ever known. In the comics based on this serie, they go to a date after defeat some Hydra agents. He makes the jump successfully and returns confused, lying on the floor heaving. Broken Up/Best Friends(comics)Best Friends/Teammates; Natasha sacrificed herself to save him(MCU) "Don't be", Clint said threw gritted teeth. Clint left to complete his mission a few days ago. I bleeted loudly and struggled against her. In Queens, Peter Parker finds out what it means to lose everything in an instant while Kate Bishop watches her life crumble in front of her eyes as aliens lay waste to her home. It's justwatching someone you consider a friend being killed, it breaks you", Clint explained. Please consider turning it on! His mind took over as he began to recall the events of the mission gone wrong. In the episodes where they appears they're constantly flitring and show concern for the other. After the battle at the salvage yard in Africa, Clint finds Natasha still dazed from the nightmare vision Wanda inflicted upon her, and helps her to the Quinjet. The attacker pulled out a knife and swung towards Clint, who dodged it. I can write angst, fluff or smut. This article needs to be updated. They all stood up and let out a sigh of relief when Clint walked out of the elevator and into the common room. Natasha froze. Battle Couple True Companions. She wasn't prepared to find a 10 year old with red hair, green eyes, and her James's features. She has no idea that Bucky is her father. Great. I let out a small bleet when she got closer to my cage. Now, Bucky is on a mission, has been for years, wanting to find the murderer who killed his family, and left him with a hole in his heart. Zombie Panic on WN Network delivers the.Fanfiction Avengers Reader Insert Avengers X Reader Things . TikTok video from Black widow (@blackk_widow): "POV: Part 27 Clint comforts Natasha #pov #pov27 #nat #natasha #blackwidow #natasharomanoff #viral #fyp #clint #clintbarton #hawkye #rescue #avengers". is all Natasha can muster to provide. A/N: This is my way of mulling over Wanda's changing accent over the course of the movies. tip: buffy gen teen AND "no archive warnings apply", Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Rape/Non-Con, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con, Underage, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, No Archive Warnings Apply, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (216), The Avengers (Marvel) - All Media Types (193), James "Bucky" Barnes/Natasha Romanov (48), Protective Natasha Romanov (Marvel) (114), Clint Barton & Natasha Romanov Friendship (112), Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Natasha Romanov (Marvel) & Original Female Character(s), Clint Barton & Natasha Romanov Friendship, Steve Rogers & Natasha Romanov Friendship, Tony Stark Acting as Peter Parker's Parental Figure, Peter Parker & Steve Rogers & Natasha Romanov, Clint Barton & Peter Parker & Natasha Romanov, Peter Parker: Feminist, Social Justice Warrior and Stand up Guy, Bruce Banner & Natasha Romanov Friendship, Gamora & Natasha Romanov Friendship (Marvel), One I will break, the others I will tear apart, Bruised and Burned but We're Bold and Brave, background Pepper Potts/Tony Stark - Relationship, Bucky Barnes After Captain America: The Winter Soldier, Between Captain America: The Winter Soldier and Avengers: Age of Ultron (Movie), Natasha Romanov Acting as Peter Parker's Parental Figure, Harley Keener & Peter Parker are Siblings, product of lockdown and teen midlife crisis, I will add more tags as I add to the work, Natasha Romanov (Marvel)/Original Female Character(s), Canon Divergence - Avengers: Endgame (Movie), slow burn Wanda Maximoff/Natasha Romanoff, Everything is Beautiful and Nothing Hurts, Avengers Team/Original Female Character(s), Alternate Universe - Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, Cooper Barton & Lila Barton & Natasha Romanov, Alexei Shostakov | Alexi Shostakov/Melina Vostokoff, Natasha Romanov & Alexei Shostakov | Alexi Shostakov, Yelena Belova & Natasha Romanov & Alexei Shostakov | Alexi Shostakov & Melina Vostokoff, Dreykov (Avengers Marvel movies) & Natasha Romanov. 7.2K Likes, 286 Comments. The two of them, using their sharp wit and even sharper skills, had just barely made it out alive after a brutal ambush and dark revelations left Clint a lot more worse for wear and Natasha shaken to the core. This is an alternate universe Clintasha baby fanfic. The agent was a close friend to Clint.~Natasha Romanoff as well as the other members of the Avengers were all sat nervously around the common room of Avengers Tower, waiting for Clint's return. Au where the Starks, Odinsons, Rogers, Bartons, Banners and Romanoffs are all big company owners and are all very close, so it's just natural for their kids to grow up together. might be a bit steamy in some later chapters. Natasha sighed and turned to sit on Clint's bed. Captain America Winter Soldier Marvel Cinematic Universe Avengers | Action Adventure Fantasy Marvel Oc Black Widow Bucky Barnes Thirteen-year-old Natalie Pierce--aka Agent Sola--is no stranger to tough times. After flying the team to his farmhouse, he helps Natasha walk inside. Natasha smiled. She set him down on his own bed before she went into his bathroom and turned on the shower. They were prepared, they fought back. #natasharomanoff Since the battle was a surprise to the s.h.i.e.l.d team, they were not ready to fight. Meanwhile, Tony has worked out the mechanics and feels that he has to try to bring everyone back. This is my first fanfic so please review and like! Recruited by SHIELD and made partners on missions, assassins Clint Barton and Natasha Romanoff could call each other one thing: a friend. You know that", Natasha continued. "The results of the test are positive. the blond asked, walking out of the room with Tasha. Clint said. How far would you go to get it? The archer did not resist the spies movement, he instead melted into her arms and buried his head into the crease of Natasha's neck. She had to stay strong, stay hidden, for Clint if nothing else. When her employers learned the truth, they had her gunned down and sent to the hospital, which convinced Clint to abandon his criminal ties and join the Avengers. When Coulson mentions that Clint's been compromised, Natasha immediately changes her mind. He needed to bring them to justice, he'd kill them if he had to. The moment comes to him in in his nightmares. Despite this, Clint was covered in blood, some of which belonged to him and some which was obviously from other people. It's very sweet.Also there's a bit of blood involved. Clints Russian was far from conversational, only knowing some phrases from Natasha, so he couldnt even make out what was being said. They continued their relationship when she joined the team as well, though it became strained as Clint was usually too busy with the Avengers to pay attention to her. Against all odds Natasha gets pregnant. As partners they have a lot of combo attacks. Just like that, the tiny sliver of hope she had- the maybe she didnt know she was holding, leapt forwards into a broad smile that overtook her features, because Yes! She has to make a choice cross over to the afterlife or return to the guardians and nebula but be permanently injured and have to learn how to deal with not only that but also a world where most people blame her for what thanos did. Tropes Then, in Black Widow (2020) Natasha don't choose any of them, and they stay as friends. Later, in the episode "Widow's Sting" she saves him, wich makes Clint doubt about her betrayal then in the episode "Hail, Hydra!" Two paths crossed, then separated for years, reunite through a blazing battle. Natasha was sleeping on the couch and Steve had gotten up to get a cup of coffee when Clint woke up. Instead, seeing her skill, he recommended that she be considered for S.H.I.E.L.D. Clint Barton His kids run up to her and greet her as Auntie Nat. Canon(comics)Fanon(films) Footsteps ran down the hallway and the woman spun back, gun drawn and aimed at the door. Your peers tease you about Budapest. Avengers Family Spy Natasha Romanov Spy Clint Barton Medical Procedures Hurt Natasha Romanov (Marvel) Hurt No Comfort Child Loss Sex Exploitation Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD Natasha Romanov Has PTSD Clint Barton & Natasha Romanov Friendship Minor Clint Barton/Natasha Romanov Depression "The results of the test are positive. She opens the door and gestures for the others to follow her inside. #fanfiction When Clint jumps off the cliff, Natasha jumps off after him. "You don't need me to tell you it's now your fault, right? This is my first fan fic! When the game takes a dangerous turn, Natasha realizes she's hit a dead end. Nat runs to him and slides onto the floor to his side, telling him that he's back with them, that he's alright. Natasha Is Worthy AnxietyVariety Summary: The Avengers gather at the Avengers Tower for a night of talking, drinking, and another round of trying to pick up Mjolnir. Before Natasha worked for S.H.I.E.L.D., she gained a reputation as one of the world's greatest assassins. Because of Natasha's red hair and Clint's archery skills, a few fans have had them as the parents of Merida from Brave. She becomes friends with a girl named Peggy Carter and they soon fall in love.

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