Within a minute, he was tucked underneath his covers and snoring lightly. Tony signed. Secondly, I got the photo before it's published. Again? In a glance it looked like the authentic Ironman suit, but more like a simplified Ironman suit, with less details and gears, obviously a fan costume, but a really good one. He can choose his cast color and make everyone sign it in the morning.. This kid really needed to quit with being so obnoxiously cute. Quit that! Did you sleepwalk and wake yourself up? He figures he should go help out. Every breath hurt, but he had to get out. Avengers: Endgame used time travel to make peace with Howard Stark, but as heartwarming as Tony's bond with his father may be, the movie may have. "Yea, there are lots of cool superheroes out there, and of course especially the Avengers. Mind if I have that arm for the IV?. What? Be back in a minute, and probably with a significantly achier back., Rhodey waved. Hell either let go on his own or actually fall asleep right here. Let me know if any of this hurts, Peter.. I thought hed been possessed or something. He tucked a loose strand of hair behind the kids ear and tried not to be alarmed by how motherly the action was. S good. Whats he doing thats so strange, anyway? A flare of panic shot through him. If he were awake, Tony knew that hed be beyond embarrassed. It actually went really well. He was breaking. Enjoy it. He chuckled lightly, reaching over and turning the TV volume down a few notches. Is he nice?. He was working in the lab late one night, hours after Peter had gone to bed, when the door slid open and the teenager wandered in, bumping his shoulder against the doorway as he went. Bed. He paused, thinking. Sorry about that, kiddo. 5k warnings: . Uh, ouch?, He cringed in sympathy. Peter hears the words, but hes too busy pacing to really process them. "Yea, just three more years." May Parker (Spider-Man) Ned Leeds Precious Peter Parker Peter Parker Whump Peter Parker is a Mess Drugged Peter Parker Sleepy Peter Parker Awesome May Parker (Spider-Man) Supportive May Parker (Spider-Man) Awesome Michelle Jones Protective Michelle Jones Minor Michelle Jones/Peter Parker Wisdom Teeth Non-Consensual Drug Use Attempt at Humor Fluff "Wait." He's fine with it, he enjoys allowing others to care for him, to make sure he's happy and safe and had settled into his routine rather nicely. He set a careful hand on the teenagers shoulder and was relieved when he didnt flinch away. You know, he cleared his throat, theres a good bit of open couch space right beside me, kiddo.. Is it THE real ironman armour?" Sounds interesting. He pulled the bowl out of the kids hands and set it on the counter. Youre alright.. You tired, buddy?, The moment the kid slumped against him with a soft sigh, he bent his knees and swept him up into his arms. Does he usually do that?, No. Tony gripped Peters shoulders and bent so they were at eye-level, like it would help. Thank you., He grinned fondly and shot his next words to Bruce. Im safe. Then again, from what his mentor was saying, he guessed that they probably had. He already know what Tony would say. The damn kid was like a disease. Im going to add a feature that alerts me or May the moment he starts to sleepwalk. God, his body was vibrating with it. In the Class. I wont get tired even with all these bags on my back.. He clenches his hands into fists and Bruce quickly reaches out to stop him, taking his wrists until Tony uncurls his fingers. would alert him if the kid was up for longer than ten minutes, or if he was getting into anything dangerous, but the former rarely happened and the latter, never. Hed told the surviving Avengers stories of the teenager while they were working to undo The Snap, but there was a big difference between talking about how fantastic the kid was and getting to show off the real thing. F.R.I.D.A.Y. You can go back to sleep.. He barely even reacted to Bruce taking out the IV, since Tony distracted him with rubbing circles on his cheekbone with the pad of his thumb. Im going to start, now. Bruces voice was somehow soft and upbeat at the same time. He leaned back and watched as the kid bumbled over the fridge, opened it, and stared. Usually, he wandered pretty aimlessly. Youre okay.. Im not doing anything, anyways. Peter visibility let out a sigh of relief. Thats okay. The whole idea was scrapped the moment Tony got close enough to see his face. What else will it ever be again? Or is it Awake Peter thats learning, huh? He gave him a little smile. Peter is pretty sure there's a tint of intimidation and something else in there. ", "Don't tell me you are going to choose a high school party hosted by some school bullies over the Stark party hosted by your favourite superhero?". For the super-kid drugs, Pete., Oh. For a moment, the kids eyelids drooped. I dont-I dont know whats happening. He hadnt expected an answer, so he nearly jumped out of his skin when the kid actually spoke. The older mans eyes widened in surprise. So why is Tony making him take one now. Yeah that had to be it. Peter may not be coherent, but he was. He shuffled to the bed and flopped onto his mattress as if hed never gotten up in the first place. It was out of his control, against his will. It was F.R.I.D.A.Y., of course., Bruce slid back in pushing a small metal medical table. Like Clint says. I have to be alright. Peter frowned in confusion. Nice job, Pete. He pushed him until his shins hit the bed, letting go long enough to tug the blankets down. Is that alright?, Perfectly alright. The scientist tugged on a pair of rubber gloves. S important. "Of course, you are still a kid.". Tony considered getting up to work in the lab, but decided against it when any movements from tony made peter cling tighter to him. Uh oh. Tony picks sick Peter up from school and carries him up to the penthouse to put him to bed. Within fifteen minutes, Peter was curled back under a blanket, pumped full of the extra strong stuff and stitches thankfully intact. He wanted to be mad, but there was something so fucking endearing about the whole thing that he felt like he might burst. Peter and Loki have a great dynamic both in comics and fan fiction. Work Search: He appears to have injured himself., He was on his feet in an instant. The older man was so stunned that he didnt even react. Happy looked into his annoyed eyes for a few seconds, shrugged in defeat and pressed the button to close the divider between the driver's seat and the back. What Peter first dismissed as an unassuming flesh wound later evolves into a very different kind of liability. Today seems different. You wont even notice I was gone., Tony reluctantly followed Bruce out the door, mouth running as soon as it shut behind them. Hes recovering right now. Just basically finding any way to write our poor Peter Parker In Pain, You know that despite not having your weird spidey strength, I am completely capable of carrying my own bags, right?, Iknow, dad, Peter sassed. The teenagers eyelids flickered open, and Tony grinned when his gaze latched right onto his face. He vaguely registered his mentor spinning to look at him. Tony didnt rise to the bait. Wanted to make sure that F.R.I.D.A.Y. Tell Bruce what happened., Oh, and FRI? He readjusted his hold on Peter. Whoa, buddy. Not even a twitch in his direction. Peter just shuffled along, head tilted slightly downward and hands hanging loosely at his sides. Dude look at the size? Can-Cant miss school. He would probably be painted 'traitor' all over when he's asleep. The kid curled into a ball, knees pushed up against Tonys ribs and face pressed into his neck. It wasnt necessarily that he minded the kid invading his personal space. Tony didn't have much confidence in how long the kid would comply, but in short term, it would be fine. There was a more-than-a-little unpleasant pop as Bruce shifted one of the bones back into place, and Tony cringed, glancing down at Peter in concern. Look at you. Why didnt you tell me that the kid was up? Breaking. Lets get you back to the MedBay, okay?, Miser Stark? Peters hand fisted in his sweatshirt. Its past your bedtime, yknow. When he got no response, he sighed tiredly and set down his work, spinning his stool so he was facing the teenager. It wasnt a choice, it was a fact. Up until that moment, Tony had barely even recognized how much the teenager meant to them all. Just sleepwalking? As soon as he was actually on the couch, Peter sat there for a second, half curled around his knees and glazed eyes fixated on the flickering TV. Originally posted by hxppyheart. "Mr. F.R.I.D.A.Y. By the time they got there, his eyes were almost completely shut. He didn't want to sleep, he wanted to stay with Tony. Course Ill be back, bud. Together, they watch Peter pace back and forth, back and forth, back and forth. Is he, uh, Tony stared for a second, torn between concern and amusement, is he okay?, Yes, Boss. The story is complete at 11 . You alright?. ", "Yes, of course, I invited Spider-Man to be the party trick. Really?, Really. Tony pulled back just a little, tapping his bicep with a light finger. Wait, you are not inviting the Spider-Manright? Peter emphasized on the 's' at the end. Pete?. Or he actually picked a costume that he knows he wouldn't like to see Peter gets his wisdom teeth removed. Something as undeniable and inescapable as the need to breathe or the rise of the sun. I cant move., Steves voice was thick with amusement. left kudos on this work! He was about to go to bed himself when F.R.I.D.A.Y.s voice interrupted him. Did he just say Mothman?, Apparently. He cupped the side of Peters face gently. Do I wake him up?, It is inadvisable. "It's 7:12, kid, do you have a watch or something to keep track of time?" 1 day ago Originally posted by hxppyheart. "Tony, if you just doubted yourself and want to confirm with the kid that you are his favourite superhero, why don't just ask him. Tony shrugged, eyes lingering on the soft lines of Peters face. You know how fast I heal.. Tony and Pepper are caregivers. Peter didnt answer his question, but Tony didnt really mind. So, it didnt really come as a surprise when he just swayed a little and abruptly changed the subject. Steve raised his own hands placatingly, wincing. Without really thinking about it, he curled one arm around the kids body, pinning him closer, and brought his free hand up to the pulse point on his neck, content to focus on the steady thud-thud, thud-thud, thud-thud of Peters heartbeat against his fingertips. Where is he? He blinked slowly, but otherwise sat completely still. F.R.I.D.A.Y. Bruces voice barely even registered through the volume of his churning thoughts. Peter sprinted out from an alley, almost jumped as he stopped beside the black Audi parking on a residential street. as well as Peter almost let out a proud giggle, and stopped by the unimpressed look in Tony's eyes. We can get it in the morning., Important. He was pretty sure that the only time Peter spoke slowly was when he was asleep. I dont feel so good.. Even though Peter didn't live in the compound like most of the Avengers , he still had a room for any sort of occasion that required it, such as this one. "Yea? Scarlett slowly stood up, and sprung a large wave of red particles at the monster, hitting it, with Tony and Peter, making them fall asleep. Who do you think will win, the Stubborn Teenager or the Adrenaline Crash? Is Peter okay?, Hes perfectly fine. The scientist didnt even try to comfort his friend, which Tony appreciated. It's an adult mid-night party, no kids are invited." Okay. I need to check that he didnt pull his stitches., Peter leaned into him. Mustnt I remind you your nerd friends will be there too? Surgerys already over., Oh. His eyes drooped, and then reopened. Peter hasn't taken a nap for years. But well be walking four miles to a mountain top, and besides super strength, I have great stamina. What heck did that mean? Tony pushed the door open as subtly as he could. 3201 guests Tony Stark was asleep. Whos your favorite superhero, Peter?, The kid swayed drowsily, eyes glazed and nearly shut. It wasnt like he really expected a reaction at this point, but it was still unnerving when it didnt come. Shit. Tony nodded, spinning Peter around and leading him over to the thin MedBay mattress. With one hand tucked up beneath his chin and the other slack in his lap, Tony was completely out of it and undeniably adorable. Have fun with your kid, Tones., He was so focused on not jostling Peter that he didnt even notice his best friends joking tone. Hes like a zombie., Tony noticed Steve crowding in on his other side, watching Peter with a weird sense of fascination on his face. He shot a quick glance over his shoulder, surprised by the distance and complex turns that stood between Peters bedroom and the lab. Whoa, son. Hes what?. Hed read that some sleepwalkers were very resistant to being guided back to bed, but hed gotten lucky with Peter. At least he knows what he wants., Peter rolled over and shuffled a little closer, trying to swallow the lingering discomfort down his throat. I was going to study it to see if I could learn anything about how the spider bite affected his DNA. Ill take him back to bed now. Awe, look. Then would you explain to me, why was Spider-Man seeing wrapped in a Captain American comforter, on the top of a building, at 3AM? His eyes were heavy with a knowingness that only just dawned on Peter. And that made Tony feel a responsibility to him. Cmon, bud. What was a legion? Always do.. Oh, and if the kid still wants to see his appendix when hes actually awake, let him know that I did save it. a fan of Captain America, not in secret though. No, I meant you, as in high schooler you.". Hi guys, this is my first Spider-Man fanfic, hope you like it. You need something?. Tony thought as he shut off the TV and shut his eyes. Literally, bud. He cant fix me. ", "But I already outgrow it in, like, over five years.". Tony rounded on him all at once. It wasnt until the door swung open and the light from the hallway shone on his sleeping mentor that he realized just how fucking stupid he was. The genius asked him. The Avengers were all back in the Compound. No harm done. He sighed, sounding a little guilty. The first time Tony saw Peter sleepwalk, he had no idea what it was. Peter was scared: Peter stays in the Avengers compound for the first time (2,356 words) Blanket Forts and Midnight Stories : Tony and Peter build a blanket fort on a rainy day (3,910 words) Misser Star' : Peter gets his wisdom teeth taken out and is a very silly lad (1,676 words). You said he does this a lot?, Yeah. But Peter being Peter, just don't have any chance at winning any silence competition. My cameras were down. The AI paused. Bruce was waiting for them, a look of exasperated amusement on his face. Tony ignored Happy on the other end, who definitely had been eavesdropping on the whole conversation. Its okay. Wanna get in for me? He pulled out a bowl (the red one, his favorite) and took two steps into the middle of the kitchen, cabinet door still hanging open behind him. Shit. The kitchen is also empty and spotless, not a thing missing from the pantry or the refrigerator, and no dishes in the sink. The first time Tony saw Peter sleepwalk, he had no idea what it was. Yeah, kid. Youre safe.. Hey, kid. Which is exactly why playing pranks on the sleepwalking kid is off limits. Hey there, kiddo. Tony reached for his hand and gave it a soft squeeze. An important secret. Tonys going to ask you to do that every time you wake up, alright? He did great. Bruce praised. So hes still good, right?, Hes doing great. Bruce patted Tonys shoulder. He couldnt think straight. Hes surprised to see the lab empty. Did you call his Aunt?, He nodded distractedly, eyes locked onto the kid resting on a hospital bed just a few feet in front of him. hypothesized that it was the stress. "I didn't know the reporter would be there to take the photoI'm sorry" No wonder Mr. Stark seemed a little angry. "Bad news is, why is the friendly neighbourhood Spider-Man, who's patrolling, sleeping on a roof, Captain America Comforter wrapped?" He felt his mentor rock under the weight, pulling him up and holding him close. Ned got a Hulk armour. Eh I could use a nap too. None of us can. S that normal?, Totally normal, bud. His blood oxygen dropped a little during surgery. Miser Stark?, He took the acknowledgement as his cue to come closer. Usually when Mr. Stark has something to say to him, he would have said it right away. And if his vitals are anything to go by, youll be able to ask him for yourself in a minute., Later, Tony would deny any suggestion that the way he spun back to Peter was ungraceful. Peter Parker's a Little. Ned still wants me to dress in Spider-Man suit, but you know, it's just awkward and what if someone suspects? He hops back on the elevator and takes it up to the penthouse. As soon as he was relatively sure that the kid was going to stay upright, he cupped his chin and tilted his face up. Peter answered the question for him by opening his eyes to tiny slits, hands curling lazily into the mattress. His mentors hands threaded through the hair at the back of his head. Tony's had his own fair share of escapees trying to kill him, so it's only natural to be a little worried for the kid. I'd rather talking to you without crank my neck up like a kid pleading for candies." Don want it., He laughed. He looks exhausted, Tony sighs. "She killed your aunt Peter!" Tony snarled taking off his helmet which came apart like a puzzle. It wasnt like anyone besides F.R.I.D.A.Y. Written for the Comfortember prompt: Cold. "Um, I actually haven't found one yet. He will figure out a protocol for that. Youre the weirdest kid Ive ever met., Bruce stepped up beside Tony and gave the kid a little wave. Steve was the only one who didnt laugh, although he did fix the pair with one of the fondest, dopiest smiles Tony had ever seen. Once hes eating, well pull his IV and pain meds and hes free to go home., Good, yeah. He felt distracted, untethered. It took all of two seconds for him to recognize what was going on. Peters stuff isnt even down there. Peter me? Ive got it. He gave his arm a gentle tug. He swayed a little, and Tony rushed to his side, hands braced out to catch him if he took a sudden nosedive. His face was smooshed against the velvety upholstery where he was slumped against the door. Are we sleep hugging now, too?, Okay. He ran his fingers through the kids mess of curls. Hows it going?, The scientist shot him a thumbs up. The kid was blinking slowly, hand pressing into his side. Hes already been up for a while. Tony opens the fridge and sees that nothing is missing, not even caffeine-free soda hes stocked in there for Peters sugar addiction. Awkward breakfast? And the first step of looking after the kid was getting him back into bed. Hey, Pete. Clint snickered. ", "She bought other Captain America merchandise? You okay?, Easy, Tony, youre alright. She caught his wrist and gives him a soft smile. A trusting little kid who seeks me out for safety even when hes asleep. Sleep deprivation, Bruce whispers to Tony the next morning. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. "I'm assuming if you are conscious, you would have evaded the chance of getting caught Captain America Comforter wrapped?". This was not his first rodeo, thank you very much. When it sunk in, however, his cheeks reddened in embarrassment. With his healing, hell be out of here in no time. Some dark, terrifying part of his brain told him that he was going to break here, too. And I'm almost an adult." Scarlett stared at Steve with a 'sorry' expression before Bucky carried Spider-Man and Steve carried Iron Man off of the scene. "Come in, kid. Once Bruce had headed off, Tony brushed a more forceful hand through the curls lingering on Peters forehead. The police can clear up, the Avengers are just for the fighting part. Penny Parker somehow ends up in the middle of it all. Tony narrowed his eyes, the kid didn't seem as excited as he has planned. Which, by the way, was because the kid's nocturnal habits were a detail he had neglected to tell Tony until after the man had to figure it out for himself. An Avengers MCU Fanfiction Chapter 1 The Lost is Found It was supposed to be a normal mission. Wanda and Vision were scouting ahead, the others waiting for their report in the quinjet. M I M I high, Miser Stark?, Hell, even Bruce was chuckling now. He headed right down a hallway with the billionaire hugging his heels. From there, he should resume regular sleep on his own., To bed it is, then. He slipped the webshooter out of the kids hands and slid an arm around his waist, gently tugging him towards the door. I like to see if he goes on his own first.. Nice night to be out and about, I see. He slid himself between the kid and the TV. Work Search: Dont sweat it. Is it because of, he swallowed, because of Titan?, Partly because of that. His mentor laughed. Bruce chuckled a little as he carefully took his bum wrist and set it on top of the blanket. It wont happen again.. Hey, Peter. He smiled kindly at him. Peter shuffled down the hallway, toward his locker. Well, they can use the intern excuse, but it still seems unfit. Just later, okay? Can I?, Absolutely. His mentor pulled away and nodded to the head of the bed. Everythings okay. He cant fight what cant be undone. left kudos on this work! As it was, pride was the last thing on his mind. "Nope. As in Peter Parker? Tony kept a steadying hand on Peters back as he crawled onto the bed. Itll help prevent pneumonia, so its really important that you do it., Peter gave a weak tug at Tonys hand. It is a route that Mister Parker takes on a regular basis. It was just that he was a little self-conscious about the kid invading his personal space in front of the entirety of the Avengers. Hes taking deep breaths, his oxygen levels are back up, and hes able to answer questions pretty intelligently. He nodded towards the elevator. Oh, so its a talking night. Shares: 300. Inspected him head to toe, made sure his bag didn't seem big enough to hide a costume he isn't willing to show others. Hopefully, hell fall back into normal sleep. He had no idea if it helped him register his presence, but it sure made Tony feel better. I don't want to admit, but somehow Mr. Stark is bigger than me?" So when Peter Burke gets a phone call from a scared Neal he cant help but fear the worse. I dont wanna, you know, invade your space or anything., For gods sake, Tony patted the space right next to him with a huff and gave his t-shirt a tug, get over here, kid. You dont have to curl up all the way over there, Pete., He started. He could have F.R.I.D.A.Y. Plenty of room.. And he mustve ripped out his IV, so youll have to check that, too., Theyd only taken a few steps when Peter let out a little whimper. wakes me when he does that. Alright. Peter heard a woman say as he crawled across the ceiling towards a lighted room and cracked door. The door to his lab is closed, and Tony opens it, tossing his shirt, jacket and tie onto the couch and slipping his shoes off before he realizes that its far too quiet. Yep. Peter had been sleepwalking, and Steve had just woken him up. He always felt oddly protective of Peter when he was like this. Oh oh yeah. It was a pretty simple system. Youre lucky Peps outta town, or you wouldve scared the crap outta her. Tony was speaking in a tone that was soft and coaxing. Oh no I meant like ordinary high schooler Peter? Falling Asleep on a Teammate, an avengers fanfic | FanFiction ASLEEP ON A TEAMMATE OT6 (Clint/Bruce/Tony/Thor/Steve/Natasha) - 5 times, 1 time format - Falling asleep on a teammate, the one time they all fall asleep together. Kid, he sighed, absently twisting one of the teenagers curls through his fingers, youre going to be the end of me.. 5 times peter clung to tony - Chapter 1 - parkrstark. Mkay., Howre you feeling? Bruce! He leapt to his feet, heart racing. Saved by Moon Shadow. Which was a sudden idea Tony had a few months ago about making him officially his protege, and called this the Ironkid in Training Protocol. Ill go get the supplies. Tony chuckled fondly at his clumsiness.

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