We won? your mouth formed a smile. Warnings: Negative body image Please feel free to comment, vote and request. She felt on top of the world it felt like. Director Fury placed him in Stark Tower with the other Avengers when Thor went back with Loki--much to Tony's chagrin. Good to see you, Barnes, Falsworth said in his fa, A/N: Read description first. Character: Pietro Maximoff It was nagging at the back of his mind, but every time he turned around to possibly catch whoever was following him, it seemed that no one was there. When he was drunk it would get worse. If you have any questions about Ko-Fi please feel free to private message me. Stephen Strange X Reader - Don't Go Breaking my Heart. The hiding game found an end when you woke up one morning, feeling like you would die soon and a horrible pain made a way through your belly. Prompt: You are kidnapped by Ultron and tortured to draw the team out. Bucky shrugged and walked over to Tony who was holding the child. ", "Good." It now had a total of three cracks with several shards of it missing. Ahhh! "wait, dadhow long have you BEEN here? In order for you to pretend to be his girlfriend, he helps you with your sexual desires - he calls Mafia Obsession: Wyatt Campbell [COMPLETED]. The kids at school started to call her worse and worse names. He added to the beatings as well, kicking her while she was down. Sure, there werent many (h/c) cats running around New York, but you couldnt be that conspicuous. ", "I g-guess, Speedy.. now would you please". Her favourite part was when he did the coding though, but that's only because she was allowed to do some herself (She'd become quite good at the computer stuff because her dad taught her. It was your fifth mission, and you got a fractured leg. Tony cried Within this book, you will find random stories about The Aveng. And this is when Tony decided to speak up again, Smelling silent judgement? To which you laughed at along with Rhodey. "Nick Where did you get that baby from?!" "(Y/N), should you not be studying with Lady Iris?" Luckily Nick Fury showed up with a helicarrier. Bruce He enjoyed the new freedom he had to just walk around without persecution. He was too fast for her though. and the Avengers--much to his chagrin. You closed your eyes and listened to the water drops leaving the ceiling. They tried together with a few words being exchanged between the two only for them to not be able to lift it. Natasha asked. #fanfiction It's a brilliant song and I absolutely adore it. He started, Romanoff spotting the situation and edging near the big guy already. His tracking device on his wrist led him to a door. Once realizing he couldnt be able to lift it he let out a fake roar, trying to mimic the Hulk. "(Y/N) IS HURT FROM A MISSIONSHE'S CURRENTLY PASSED OUT." Steve Rogers x Reader He thought you would be the perfect way to draw them back to Sokovia. ", "(Y/N) SHUT UP I'M TRYING TO PLAN A DEATH SCHEME HERE.". Search: Avengers X Child Reader. Now lets lift this piece of metal trick. Clint smirked as he wrapped his hand around mjolnir, but as he tried to pull it up with a struggled grunt he let go and tried to laugh it off. He wiped away the tears, watching as you did the same. No pain. So, in line with that, I've decided to do thatexcept, with the avengers as the ones fussing over (Y/N) instead of her friends. Cue Pietro carrying Stark and doing something horribly disgusting but not sexual. She wasn't eating and you were concerned. Bucky Barnes X Reader - Undisclosed Desires, Sam Wilson x Reader - The One That Got Away, Peter Parker X Sister!Reader - The Mother We Share, Natasha Romanoff X Reader - Look After You. Everything th, Read the introduction first ^^: http://trielleamnessis.deviantart.com/art/Help-me-heal-Avengers-x-abused-reader-536187043 You nestle contently into the touch as you watch Loki shut his book with a weary sigh. Clint whistled which gained all of your attention along with the others. #ironman Stephen Strange X Stark!Reader - Take me or Leave me. Wanna give it a try? They asked and she only laughed Oh no no, thats a question I dont need answered. Thor was about to get up as he thought everyone who was well..strong enough tried a go. No voices crying out for one another. But you smirked, standing up making Thor and everyone confused Hey! He knows his team mate is strong, but had no idea that he is capable of this. Standing tall. Sorry if its not good, its my first one Ive written on here aaaa. You ran as fast as your four furry legs could take you. You opened your eyes slowly, the first thing you could see is Steve leaning over you. You would be the best boyfriend ever! Request for Abby the Time Lady Happy nodded and got to his feet. Come on, we don't have all night. He pulled his hand from yours, patting your leg lightly. Fury sat there with two different files on his desk; he was looking out the window. "What should we call her?" "Your right sis, I'm am really tired but can't I stay up a bet more?" I said sounding tired but still childish. ", You chuckled weakly before frowning. Braiding my hair, You replied astutely. They will find meAnd they will stop you you struggled to speak, trying to stay awake and not black out. "NO! (Name) knew Allen would be back soon. child! "You do not decide what I-" Steve cut you off by grabbing your legs and lifting you to his waist. Sam Wilson X Parker!Reader - We don't have to take our clothes off. He was probably at a bar getting drunk, then hed come home and beat her some more. Imagine Steve Rogers You linked your finger with his, leaning into his slightly. He gave a small nod and went inside. Natasha asked. You were out of breath and you wondered why those men in the black cloaks were so interested in a simple cat. Apparently, it was a miracle you survived. "WHAT KIND OF FOUL CREATURE WOULD DARE HURT MY BELOVED?!" "I will kill those who hurt you, bring them back to life and fuck them up again." "What should we call her?" I know Daddy wants me to think I won, and all. She thought, hurrying for her drawers to find some clothes to put on. On his drunk weekends he would throw his bottles at her, causing both bruises and cuts from the broken glass. Stupid magic tricks bettern me. If you can lift it, Ill give you my credit card for a week! Your eyes lit up at the offer, oh the amount of lollipops you could buy! You spent some time as a switchboard operator, and eventually were transferred to the Ordnance Department, which was responsible for producing weaponry for the army. It was normal to see you with the candy in your mouth. You had worked for Hydra your whole life, until now. "You're okay," you told him softly, "you did it. ", Happy snorted slightly, attempting to hold back a smile. Pain feels like a fast stab wound to the heart. The situation just got a whole lot worse. You were there. After everything you had been through, after everything you had done to save everyone. "WHEN wILL MYYYY REFLECTION SHOOOOW, WHO I AM----" The moment he heard that you were injured he sprinted - Bruce didn't even know he could sprint. He looked at Thor who sat back and fist bumped you, So if I lift this I rule Asgard. You coughed to hide your laugh as you put the lollipop back in your mouth. I hope it was the latter. If you were found any later, you would have died. Fighting against your own body as you were strapped down on a cold metal table. #thor He looks back at the helicarrier, which is now up in the air. Set during The First Avenger. Loki nodded, You walked into the room, glancing around in excitement. "She, A/N: I'm basing this off of what my drunk family did through the years along with some stuff I know only the Avengers would do. Always had friends to talk to and a group wanting to be in that group of friends. Fury sat there with two different files on his desk; he was looking out the window. You hummed, Yeah sure, go get it.. #hawkeye Nick yelled back. Who knows he could have the intention of choking you. *Spoilers for Civil War! Grabbing a chunk of her hair, he pulled her back roughly, a squeak of a scream exiting her lips. Tony rolled his eyes Sure sure alright fine. The work there included assembling and testing weapons. you started, taking a tentative step towards him, until you saw him shift slightly. "Pete, stay down," you barked, pushing off of the ground and dropping into a run, attempting to reach the two before any harm could come to your dad. #imagines Despite the exhausting day she had yesterday, she was determined to get back into the game. Watch me. And so they did. Is she going to be alright? Steve asked clenching his fists tightly. However, Loki was also uncertain about his return. ", "We weren't on great terms," you told him, "You know? The fact that he kissed you is surprising. Isaac's hat. Tony looked away and looked from you to Bruce, then back to Thor You hear that? The last time he was here, she was the one who did not treat h. For some reason Fury thought that the Avengers weren't good at working as team (TONY). Pietro then proceeded to stop right in front of Stark, scaring the wits out of the man. Mhm~ With that attitude your ego will only weigh it down more. A smirk overtook your expression as you grabbed the stick do the lollipop to pull it out of your mouth before pointing it at Tony. Tony stood up and pulled at the cuffs of his suit, smugly and cockily walking over to the hammer. The first person he saw when he got there was Falsworth, who was acting as lookout. You both sat silently for a moment, looking out into the trees. #blackpanther It got worse after one night her father sent her out for beer with a fake I.D. Bruce raised his voice, making Nat steady him by the shoulder. Steves main concern now is how you are doing. she finally have give life to an baby named (y/n) but she know it wasn't your fault for her husband cheated beside her friends said he was been cheating on her since the first day they she said "don't worry.he won't have you beside who knew what will he do to you or what will happen when i'm gone."and she kissed her sleeping baby and fades away You were just a maid to them, someone dismissed with a wave of a hand. Some of the jobs were, Ice Princess (h/c)= hair color~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This is mainly for women readers, as seen in most of these chapters though I can try and be more versatile. ", You were welling up again, your eyes swimming with unshed tears as you took a shaky breath. Reader) (Name) Stark loved to watch her father work. You had not only completed basic training within the WAC, but ended up rising in rank. Me strolling through imgur today. Not my Maria not her!. Honestly? Sure, you had saved lives, millions of innocent lives, and you'd brought families back together, reunited parents with children. Damn, someone must've knocked you out. "Woah there, Speedy." The power surged out of him like white light, and once your eyes managed to adjust you saw him, crumpled on the ground, as the monsters around you faded into dust. You placed a hand on his shoulder, making him nearly hit you in the process. The Foster Kid (Platonic, Avengers x Child! You walked around the table and wrapped your hand around Thors hammer. You huffed as you chewed on the stick of your lollipop. Nick Fury led him to were they were keeping you in the helicarrier. So that the Avengers could watch him destroy their precious world. Your blood still slowly draining. Makes a comment or whatever he gets off with it but when I do it, I get scolded and an elbow to the side? You huffed and crossed your arms, pouting a little as you sinked into the couch, slouching and back sliding down; still sucking on the lollipop. What was worse was when they started to beat her black and blue. "I hear the, Fandom: Marvel You weren't quite sure how long you had stood there like that, clutching at America's golden boy like he was a life raft and you were lost in a turbulent sea. So let me get this straight. He said sternly, which stunned you to silence. You recovered from your shock and mumbled a Uh huh.. Sarcasticly. (s/c)= skin color "Take care of the god damn child and don't kill it!" Your dad was kinda the counterpart of the hulk in terms of anger management issues. But you kissed him back without protest, since you have had feelings for him since you met him. Causing him to feel great admiration for Steve. Wishing he could have gotten to you sooner enough. You'll be noticed when it isn't there. Nick Fury led him to were they were keeping you in the helicarrier. Checking your blood type to see if she had any blood available to make up for the blood you have lost. Clint commented, leaning down to pick her up. When the children and caretakers at the orphanage get. "That's a cute name." LOOK WHERE IT GOT YOU!" You were about to make your breakfast when a very familiar voice stopped you, "Don't you dare think I'm allowing you to do that.". He found a set of stairs, leading him underground. Peter Parker X Villain!Reader - Cops and Robbers. The man gives you a glare and you reply with a devilish grin. A chance meeting leads to new you are smol child that the married couple, Tony and Steve, adopt. Everyone mostly stayed in their room and kept to themselves. Read what happens when a flea, a dog and a hog meet on a warm sunny day by the sea Adopted child and Stepchild Aug 6, 2020 - Yui's Sister {Diabolik Lovers x Reader } - Time For Moving - Page 2 - Wattpad Founding Members Nathaniel "Nate" Richards/Rama-Tut/Kang the Conqueror/Iron. Stark said in a slightly monotone voice, trying to calm the agitated man. He has never looked so pleased to see you. But no one of the authorities seemed to be interested in your pl, You sat on the floor of the living room of Stark Towers plaiting your hair into small braids. you decided to have fun scaring Lo ' . I left him for a while to check on everyone else. It is unclear what his intentions are for you. Even Thor was astonished by his sudden outburst of strength. But Clint looked over at Tony with a scoff, Fine Stark, how about you give it a go? Clint said as he stepped back and motioned towards the weapon sitting upon the table. "Do you need anything? I'm drowning!! Second POV You watched from your seat besides Steve, or as you like to call him Cap'n; as Clint tried to lift up Thor's hammer. His hair was more grey than she last remembered and his eyes looked crazed. For years through high school she had been in the popular crowd. I want them to find you. Or will learn to despise them? "INSIIIIIDEEEEEEEE!!!!" He then quickly checked your pulse, it is very weak and faint. bl Loki x Reader. #blackwidow You tried to protest, but her death glare made you think otherwise. What is it? Many say that once dead, their souls either get reborn into things like sea cucumbers. Boots pulled over socks, over leggings and a shirt and coat she knew Loki would scold her for if it wasnt put on. He smiled at the little bundle of joy. A/N - This imagine is based on the song 'Hurt' by Christina Aguilera. This is also a Teen reader, you're going to be 16 in this! Pietro Maximoff: "Woah there, Speedy." Stark said in a slightly monotone voice, trying to calm the agitated man. "Of course he knew you loved him," he told you, reaching out to put his arm around your shoulders, "according to Peter you were the first one there, before Pepper, before anyone. She though was not. He barked before walking out of the room. . "I SHOULD HAVE KNOWN NOT TO SEND YOU ON THAT MISSION. "None of your business, Rogers!" (e/c)= eye color "You better." Is there ever an ordinary day at the beach? This money gives me the ability to continue writing in my spare time without having to worry about extra funds and will eventually help me to #antman ", You shook your head slightly, eyes still fixed on the trees. Yum. You said taking a sip and glancing at the clock. He inquires tiredly as he rubs at his temples. Words: 2155 Estimated reading time: 12 minutes Characters: Reader, Mother, Father, Steve, Tony, Sam, Bucky, Wanda, Natasha, Thor, Clint, Bruce Prompt: '' Then maybe she was a mistake! "Take care of the god damn child and don't kill it!" At first it didnt do anything to cool the two off but with each passing minute, the snow fell faster and harder. As you rested, the healers guarding your every move. He acted though and said no. And you owe me a man." Request for Violet Moon Please tell me you have a doctor? It was a hat; a grey newsboy cap. Tony Steve asked, a little nervous. "We kept fighting all the time and I was being real mean. His voice brining you back to your senses. Steve's main concern now is how you are doing. He yelled, making you back away slowlythe Sermon on the Mount was about to begin. ", Your dad smiled up at you, a small grimace tainting his usually kind face. Pain is a sudden hurt that can't be escaped. The others exchange nervous glances and Tash takes a hold of your shoulders, looking at you with a serious expression. You see after Loki took off with you, Fury became Fury-ous Well, that's what the Avengers thought of you, anyway. You were just a maid to them, someone dismissed with a wave of a hand. A female 12year old vigilante,has no home, parents, or dreams.The only thing that keeps her going is saving the world one city at at time, one crime at a time. He shook his head slightly, "I mean, she's upset, but she'll be fine." "That's a cute name." X-Men (abbreviated AvX) is a 2012 crossover event that was featured in comic books published by Marvel Comics Read Comics Online Absolutely for Free The 90s was a decade that provided crossover after crossover for the X-Men books, many of which were overdone and overstuffed avengers x reader Little did you know, a year later you were going to get cast as a special. You looked him over and examined his silvery hair, it was really unusual but you decided that it suited him. "Yup, totally fine..(Y/N) Rogers what did I tell you about resting? "Dadwhat the hell." Happy paused for a moment, his hand resting in yours, pinkies still linked. We are suppose to have a heat wave all week. A book about parent avenger x child reader preferences! Summary: Can people really fall off the face of the Earth? But everyone knew Tony adored you and loved you as much as the others. The Avengers X Child!Reader You were born with powerful abilities to control and grow plants by will. It was perfect for a rematch. The link is available on my profile page. When he was home, he would scream at her, loudly but not enough for neighbors to hear. As Steve pulled on the handle, your eyes and Thors eyes caught onto the small movement it made making you choke on the lollipop you were sucking on. You glanced up when you felt a presence beside you, feeling Pepper's hand on your shoulder as she crouched down to your level. "Dad?" The files are for your mission has your name on them and it will be done together. It was then you remembered exactly why you were stuck in one place, and why everything felt cold as ice. He had won. When the children and caretakers at the orphanage get. Complicity- to be involved with others in illegal activity or wrongdoing. Natasha only smiled and Steve shook his head with an amused smile on his face. In case you forgot, these are requests. I rubbed circles on Clint's back as I tried to ignore the awful sounds from him puking in the toilet. His way to get out his anger was to yell at her. Please don't close your eyes." Pietro started to shake my shoulders. Action Fanfiction Humor Carol X Thor Thor Avengers X Reader Baby Reader Child Reader. "I HAVE SOME NEWS" The archer yelled, trying to be heard as the rock metal music continuously blasted throughout the workroom. "THE PERSON THAT HURT HER IS AN ACCIDENT INDEEDNOW BRING HIM OR HER OR IT TO ME FOR ME TO KILL.". But its obvious he won. Clan of Three - (Din Djarin x Reader) - Din extends the invitation to you to become a clan. Medium is an open platform where readers find dynamic thinking, and where expert and undiscovered voices can share their writing on any topic. The Storm Youd only been a cat for a day. Even after her fathers beatings, shed hide away up in her room, often falling asleep in her bathroom crying herself to sleep. Surely there would be someone qualified to help. Noticing that you are out cold. Ultron is no longer a threat to the world. You had almost made it too, but just before you reached the hulking purple mass, he had thrown your dad to the ground and lifted his arm once more. I have to get to her! he ran off without saying another word. About to slam the door in his face, he barged inside, drunk as expected. Snap. She cooed softly and giggled. Captain America X Reader. "HELP ME! It had crossed her mind that since it was her 21st birthday, it was about time she went to the club and saw what all the fuss was about. Rating: T "Take care of the god damn child and don't kill it!" Hello everyone! This is about that one scene in Ultron, where they all try to lift it! ! He nodded with a smile. It wouldnt be any use to call the police they wouldnt do anything to help her. The night life of the city was crazy on the weekends of people doing anything they wanted. He started stabbing after that, bringing his knife down time after time never making a fatal wound but ones that would surely leave her cold in the end. Unconsciously, Clint yelled in an even louder voice. Maybe they end up going on a date.. (then, After the attack at New York several months ago, Loki was sentenced to stay in Midgard under the eyes of S.H.I.E.L.D. You snorted a little, making your own little comment. All he could do now is hope for the best. "That's a cute name." At least you didnt pull your back, right Capn? You giggled while nudging Steve with your elbow making the Super Soldier roll his eyes Be nice. But you caught the smile on his face before he ruffled your hair. Ava Welters has always wondered who her soulmates were she started to give up all of her friends ha MY BOSS & HER ASSISTANT | NATASHA X READER X As far as inappropriate relationships go you've played it fairly safe most of your life, well that' "I feel paralyzed" Tony Stark x Daughter Rea "Hay how you doin well I'm doin just fine i lied im dying inside." natasharomanoff godofthunder avengersxchild +21 more # 2 Avengers x Child! Bucky Barnes X Reader - What a Man Gotta Do? The doctor released his grip, although there was still a little green present in his face. The files are for your mission has your name on them and it will be done together. Feeling for her phone, she realized it was in her bedroom. Read to find out. With your free hand and popped the lollipop out of your mouth, licking it once before smirking proudly, looking at Steve, to Thor, Natasha and Bruce, to Clint and Rhodey then finally at Tony. The smal. And then your father had gotten involved, launching himself forward in an attempt to take the Infinity Stones. Steve had been a pretty steady figure in your life, when you were a kid. She cooed softly and giggled. She slipped out of her bed and hurried to the window, seeing there was just as much snow outside, if not before. Sooo, he "randomly" picked up a baby from some where, and gave the child to the Avengers. Captain America In a rage fit, Allen had cut her then stormed out of the house. Pietro then proceeded to stop right in front of Stark, scaring the wits out of the man. The snap came quicker this time, but as you stood there, head turning too and throw as you attempted to see what was going to happen, nothing came. Her mother died of a brain tumor. Hoping over the couch you spot your phone bounce on the cushion from your landing. Without even giving time for Cho to protest, he entered your room. The WHOLE time we were in mass panic, destroying the city trying to find you, you two were eating Ben & Jerrys ice cream while watching my little pony? MY DAUGHTER IS INJUREDTHE LOVE OF MY LIFE IS INJURED AND YOU EXPECT ME TO STAY CALM?! You however were trying your best not to laugh and snorted, burying your face in Steves shoulder who drank his shot. Must have picked.. a place to jump.. or.. something Nice height.. No chance to survive.. The thoughts just kept coming, her muscles all starting to relax as the loss of all that blood was starting to get to her. For some reason Fury thought that the Avengers weren't good at working as team (TONY). Then at home it wasnt any better. ", "You are sitting on the couch, going to bed and not moving a finger." Broken Home - Avengers x Reader. Agent Barton and Agent (Last) report to Fury. Maria Hill said over the head pieces, provided by SHEILD. Maybe I should let myself fall She thought to herself, thinking back on how she ended up in her state and location. It was getting dark and youd just washed your hair, you were now braiding it so that it would go curly in the morning. (Y/N), nice burn Along with a high five. "Hey," she started slowly, using her free hand to draw your father's gaze to her, "Tony, we're going to be okay." Her father kept yelling, punching and cutting whereever he could. Warnings/Themes: Angst, Profanity, gore/violence/blood, fluff, Dad!Barnes. "Hey, Kiddo." To which Thor replied with, Yes of course.. Steve She cooed softly and giggled.

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