Gogol is the center of the novel, and it is his journey from childhood into young adulthood that the narrator tracks most closely. when she was fourteen. During this time, Ashoke dies, and Gogol feels guilty for being so distant during the past few months. However, Gogol's satire was much more sophisticated and unconventional. Gogol, about to embark on a new life in college, wishes to do away with the name he hates and attempt to try on a new identity, one that he has complete control over. A suicide had been committed, a person had jumped in front of the train . Hed confessed to her that he still felt guilty at times for changing his name, more so now that his father was dead. Please wait while we process your payment. All rights reserved. But once his father shares the story of the train accident, it opens the door to see his old man in a new light. Maxine and Gogol's relationship becomes distressed as a result of Gogol suffering from remorse of being so wrapped up in his own affairs that he never fully valued the important things his father had to offer. -Graham S. The timeline below shows where the character Gogol/Nikhil Ganguli appears in, the room. Between 1832 and 1836, Gogol worked with great energy, and had extensive contact with Pushkin, but he still had not yet decided that his ambitions were to be fulfilled by success in literature. When this relationship sours, Gogol's embrace of his name with the reading of a collection of the writer's work helps to establish that Gogol is more of a centered human being as he has. ", The Tale of How Ivan Ivanovich Quarreled with Ivan Nikiforovich, Saint Vladimir Imperial University of Kiev, Random House Webster's Unabridged Dictionary, "Gogol: russe et ukrainien en mme temps", "Gogol's eloquentia corporis: Einverleibung, Identitaet und die Grenzen der Figuration by Natasha Drubek-Meyer", "The Nationalism of Nikolai Gogol': Betwixt and Between? It will be a tiny, odd fact about him, an anecdote, perhaps, for a future dinner party. She tries to hide this from, unable at first to find it in the mess of books shared by her and, telling herself she is reconnecting with an old friend, but keeping it a secret from. "[46] In Lon Poliakov's The History of Antisemitism, the author mentions that, "The 'Yankel' from Taras Bulba indeed became the archetypal Jew in Russian literature. Accessed 18 Jan. 2023. Who are the experts?Our certified Educators are real professors, teachers, and scholars who use their academic expertise to tackle your toughest questions. However, it is only after his father's death that Gogol comes to understand just how deeply his parents did love each other and that it was just their culture that prevented them from. In August 1994, Gogol goes with Maxine on a drive up to New Hampshire. Gogol is also inspired by the design of the Taj Mahal when the family visits India together, when he is in high school. Some sources indicate he was born 19/31 March 1809. 752 Words; In 1894 (i.e., just after Tchaikovsky's death), Rimsky-Korsakov wrote the libretto and music for his own opera based on the same story. When he grows up, he tries to separate himself from these traditions by avoiding the Bengali themed parties his parents throw and . Part of the problem is that the people who now know him as Nikhil have no idea that he used to be Gogol. First, his name. He eventually settled in Rome. And yet here he is, night after night, a welcome addition to the Ratliffs universe, doing just that. Ashoke also has traumatic connection to the train-wreck during which he was reading Gogol. Ashoke is a private character, but an emotional one; a man of feelings who nevertheless did not share those feelings directly with his own family members. Gogol focuses his major creative occupation on the manners of his characters; his creative energy is nowhere more apparent than in the "mannerizing" in which he describes and characterizes. Gogol painted him as supremely exploitative, cowardly, and repulsive, albeit capable of gratitude. They allow Sonia and. Gogol's relationship with his father is struggling. Growing up, his family maintained many Indian customs and traditions, but they also adopted aspects of American life. Exaggerated ascetic practices undermined his health and he fell into a state of deep depression. On leaving school in 1828, Gogol went to Saint Petersburg, full of vague but ambitious hopes. . As a result, Gogol seeks out other connections with, women that symbolize more of an American way of life. Purchasing In 1926 Vsevolod Meyerhold staged The Government Inspector as a "comedy of the absurd situation", revealing to his fascinated spectators a corrupt world of endless self-deception. The notes start in an ironic . For the next 7 days, you'll have access to awesome PLUS stuff like AP English test prep, No Fear Shakespeare translations and audio, a note-taking tool, personalized dashboard, & much more! This does not mean that numerous influences cannot be discerned in his work. The novel Taras Bulba (1835), the play Marriage (1842), and the short stories "The Tale of How Ivan Ivanovich Quarreled with Ivan Nikiforovich", "The Portrait" and "The Carriage", are also among his best-known works. The free trial period is the first 7 days of your subscription. Gogol's short story "The Portrait" is being made into a feature film The Portrait by fine artists Anastasia Elena Baranoff and Elena Vladimir Baranoff.[59][60][61][62][63][64]. One night he goes to a party with his coworker Evan, and he meets a woman named Maxine Ratliff. Instead, Lahiris narrator focuses on Gogols life with three women: Ruth in college, Maxine in New York, and, finally, Moushumi, his wife. (one code per order). As they both unwind in their hotel room afterward, craving Indian food they trek out to Jackson Diner in Queens. Gogol himself appeared skeptical about the existence of such a literary movement. Gogol doesn't understand his father's love for Russian writers or way of seeing life, and Ashoke doesn't expect him to. Want 100 or more? Ashima thinks the same, though for different reasons. As he works, he thinks of Thanksgiving dinner the week before. Nikolai Gogol. Latest answer posted March 25, 2017 at 12:45:01 AM. Like Sterne before him, Gogol was a great destroyer of prohibitions and of romantic illusions. What is meant by the word "namesake" in "The Namesake"? For this reason, he, is ignorant of their Indian heritage and culture, having been reared in the United States whereas, they were raised in India from birth. Gogol realizes, only after his father is gone, how little of his father he knew, or what his father chose to reveal to him over time. In 1831, the first volume of Gogol's Ukrainian stories (Evenings on a Farm Near Dikanka) was published, and met with immediate success. What are the themes of "The Namesake" and explain how they are significant to the title. Interesting choice, right? Maxine and her parents represent what Gogol sees as the best of American culture: the interest in art and physical affection and relational openness that Gogol has never known with his own biological family. "[38] p. 140. In April 1848, Gogol returned to Russia from a pilgrimage to Jerusalem and passed his last years in restless movement throughout the country. The authorities moved the Golgotha stone to the new gravesite, but removed the cross; in 1952 the Soviets replaced the stone with a bust of Gogol. Gogol's relationship with his family, as previously mentioned, was a rocky one. They arrive at the beach when most families have already left, and, they know the other two Indian children at the schoolbut they do not. . His second relationship, with Maxine Ratliff, becomes so serious that Gogol begins living with Maxine and her parents while barely seeing his own family. His first serious relationship is with a girl named Ruth. By 1994, Gogol has received his graduate architecture degree from Columbia and is working at an architecture firm in New York City. By contrast, Moushumi, who is of Gogols world, wants constantly to leave that world, to make a new, more intellectually rich life for herself among her cosmopolitan New York friends. Even as they get to know one another, she worked hard to catch up. The stone was later reused for the tomb of Gogol's admirer Mikhail Bulgakov. The idea of returning year after year to a single place appeals to Gogol deeply. "Gogol's Research on Ukrainian Customs for the Dikan'ka Tales". These stories, and others such as "Diary of a Madman", have also been noted for their proto-surrealist qualities. Concurrently, he worked at other tasks recast Taras Bulba (1842)[26] and The Portrait, completed his second comedy, Marriage (Zhenitba), wrote the fragment Rome and his most famous short story, "The Overcoat". She and Gogol never seem to relax into the idea that they might find their identity in one another and visit to dinner . Gogol's relationships in The Namesake A namesake is someone or something that has the same name as another person or thing. Some critics have paid attention to the apparent anti-Semitism in Gogol's writings, as well as in those of his contemporary, Fyodor Dostoyevsky. house down a remote dirt road and find Gerald and Lydia, lounging with their books. Before Gogol goes off to college at Yale, he decides to officially change his name from Gogol to Nikhil, this name change represents a maturation as he attempts to find his own identity. Latest answer posted December 30, 2017 at 5:56:17 PM. Belinsky, for instance, berated his horror stories as "moribund, monstrous works", while Andrei Bely counted them among his most stylistically daring creations. My father named me Gogol after the Russian author Nikolai Gogol because he was reading one of Gogol's books when he was almost killed in a train crash. That evening, Ashoke gives Gogol a copy of The Short Stories of Nikolai Gogol. "[43] Critics traditionally interpreted "The Overcoat" as a masterpiece of "humanitarian realism", but Nabokov and some other attentive readers argued that "holes in the language" make the story susceptible to interpretation as a supernatural tale about a ghostly double of a "small man". New York: New Directions. With the death of his father and the reevaluation of his behavior, his family plays a role in his identity as he spends more time with them, even entertaining the idea of marrying the Bengalese girls, Moushumi. They know him only in the present, not at all in the past. the notes reflect the sometimes problematic relationship of the protagonist with his wife. For instance, Ashima refuses to display the rubbings of gravestones young Gogol makes with his classmates. White describes his childhood summertime experiences. [citation needed] The first part represented the Inferno; the second part would depict the gradual purification and transformation of the rogue Chichikov under the influence of virtuous publicans and governors Purgatory.[27]. During this period, he also spent much time with his old Ukrainian friends, Maksymovych and Osyp Bodiansky. The resolving of Gogol's internal conflict is beginning, as his journey through life continues. How does Ashima try to make over her home in Cambridge to remind her of what she has left behind in Calcutta? Many writers and critics have recognized Gogol's huge influence on Russian, Ukrainian and world literature. Why does the name "Gogol" have special meaning for Ashoke in "The Namesake"? Dont have an account? In the book The Namesake, Gogol was named after a Russian author, Nikolai Gogol. She has never known of a person entering the world so alone, so deprived. Gogol feels that he "has been lied to all these years . This is different than his parents, who are primarily only friends with other Bengali immigrants. Suddenly, Ashoke has an idea, and reaches out to his son, calling him, Three days later, everyone has returned to work as usual, and Ashima is alone with, sons development, telling them that she and Ashoke are planning a trip to India after, brides, sharing recipes to approximate Indian dishes and discussing Indian politics, music, and movies. In the same way that he is unable to comprehend his, parents, they are unable to comprehend him. . At the rice ceremony, an infant Gogol experiences an important Indian tradition that predicts his future path in life. They hang a painting by Ashimas father in the living room. His relationship with Maxine was strong because he was very close with her and her family. Relationship between Gogol and the father, A major part of the novel "The Namesake" by Jhumpa Lahiri is the portrayal of each, character's goals and their progress via the use of relationships. At the final examination, he sat in utter silence with a black handkerchief wrapped around his head, simulating a toothache, while another professor interrogated the students.[23]. Nikhil/Gogol Ganguli Timeline in The Namesake The sudden death of Ashima's husband and Gogol and Sonia's father, Ashoke Ganguli, is a drastic turning point in their life. 2023 eNotes.com, Inc. All Rights Reserved. notice that the narration seems to be taking on more of Moushumis perspective, referring to, surprised by the instant attraction she felt. Despite their father and son relationship which . If you don't see it, please check your spam folder. The three women he had a relationship with were Ruth, Maxine Ratliff, and Moushumi Mazoomdar. Gogol's impact on Russian literature has endured, yet various critics have appreciated his works differently. Speaking of forward motion, the 33 pages you read this week of The Namesake reflect Nikhil's (Gogol) life redefined as he manages the unexpected loss of his father, his growing distance with Maxine and the possibility of new love. Alov." As soon as Ashoke dies, Gogol begins to remember all of the happy memories that he had shared with his father. On the night of 24 February 1852 he burned some of his manuscripts, which contained most of the second part of Dead Souls. I would definitely recommend Study.com to my colleagues. Gogol does not understand that part of his identity fully until after his father's death. The guests begin to arrive, chattering in Bengali and expressing their regret at Ashimas departure. Gogol's parents, Ashima and Ashoke, immigrated to the Boston area from Calcutta, India, in the 1960s. The marriage of Ashima and Ashoke is arranged by their families. Shortly after moving to New York City and starting his job at an architectural firm, he meets a woman named Maxine. His father Vasily Gogol-Yanovsky, who died when Gogol was 15 years old, was supposedly a descendant of Ukrainian Cossacks (see Lyzohub family) and belonged to the 'petty gentry'. Gogol is unable to return to Maxine's world "in which nothing had changed" after his father's death, showing a sense of hidden anger and blame. 4 chapters | Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol[a] (1 April[O.S. More than 135 films[51] have been based on Gogol's work, the most recent being The Girl in the White Coat (2011). When Gogol asks his father, when he is college, whether the name Gogol reminds Ashoke of nearly dying, Ashoke counters that "Gogol" is for him a name of hope, of joyof life. The wife of the protagonist is a linguist studying Nikolai Gogol. say goodbye to Ashoke before he leaves for a prestigious nine-month teaching fellowship in Ohio. Get access to all 5 pages and additional benefits: Course Hero is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university. Wed love to have you back! Though she knows its not his fault, she cant help but associate him, at times, with a sense of resignation, with the very life she has resisted, has struggled so mightily to leave behind. They observe the traditional ten days of mourning, eating only rice and dal. She begins to comfort, no time to find a good name, they get an express passport with the name, When Ashima does leave the house, it is to wander around the university campus with, crossing the ocean with a single suitcase each. From the creators of SparkNotes, something better. Jhumpa Lahiri and The Namesake Background. Keep that forward motion. In this lesson, you will read about Gogol, the protagonist from Jhumpa Lahiri's ''The Namesake.'' From 1836 to 1848, Gogol lived abroad, travelling through Germany and Switzerland. In the 1920s a group of Russian short-story writers, known as the Serapion Brothers, placed Gogol among their precursors and consciously sought to imitate his techniques. During this time, the Russian critics Stepan Shevyrev and Vissarion Belinsky, contradicting the earlier critics, reclassified Gogol from a Ukrainian to a Russian writer. It was adapted also for radio by Adam Beeson and broadcast on BBC Radio 4 on 24 December 2008[57] and subsequently rebroadcast on both Radio 4 and Radio 4 Extra on Christmas Eve 2010, 2011 and 2015.[58]. Gogol then goes from being a baby at the start of the novel to being a divorced man in his early 30s by the final chapter. Gogols transformation is marked in at least three ways. They did not know that Dead Souls was but the first part of a planned modern-day counterpart to the Divine Comedy of Dante. After changing his name, Gogol finds himself in a series of relationships. Read about how Gogol's name impacts his life and causes him to struggle with his identity as a Bengali-American. He also dislikes the fact that he was named after Nikolai Gogol. If he picks the soil, he will be a landowner. All other trademarks and copyrights are the property of their respective owners. He does not have an interest in it because he has never been inspired to read Gogol. She writes, and then finds her sons number in the address bookunder G for Ganguli and for, Sonia flies back from San Francisco to be with Ashima, while. What draws Gogol to his many lovers, especially to Ruth . He comes to hate the name Gogol, embarrassed by its unique oddity. Lake In the short story "Once More to the Lake," author E.B. Free trial is available to new customers only. It isnt simply the fact that his parents dont know about Maxine it is his knowledge that apart from their affluence, Gerald and Lydia are secure in a way his parents will never be. At times throughout his life, he resists certain aspects of his parents' culture. Following the death of his father, Gogol becomes interested in making his family happy and reconnecting with his Indian background. Each woman, in turn, marks a stage in Gogols development. Ashoke then comes up with the idea to name him after Nikolai Gogol. When Gogol asks his father, when he is college, whether the name Gogol reminds Ashoke of nearly dying, Ashoke counters that Gogol is for him a name of hope, of joyof life. Gogol's transformation can also be marked by his romantic relationships. They date for a while in college, while Gogol is studying architecture. The Gogol Family The movie's focal point was on an Indian immigrant couple coming from Calcutta to the United States after an arranged marriage. After learning the meaning behind his name in English class, He could not understand why his father would name him Gogol. His name has always caused him a lot of frustration, so before college, he decides to change his name to Nikhil. Clearly, Maxine was just a symbol of unmet desires to become an American. The relationship between Moushumi and Gogol is driven by Moushumi's desire which is greater even than Gogol's own, to confirm to a certain image of a modern American. [37] "Characteristic of Gogol is a sense of boundless superfluity that is soon revealed as utter emptiness and a rich comedy that suddenly turns into metaphysical horror. His father has not yet told him about the train accident, so he thinks he was named after Nikolai Gogol only because he is Ashoke's favorite author. [41], The period of literary modernism saw a revival of interest in and a change of attitude towards Gogol's work. He cannot imagine his parents sitting at Lydia and Geralds table, enjoying Lydias cooking, appreciating Geralds selection of wine. Ashoke once told him, "We all came out of Gogol's overcoat. LitCharts Teacher Editions. This outlook brought him love, success, and an opportunity to work in the United States. Gogol, was born, the mishap with family back in India and the reasoning for his name will affect his life forever. How does the loss of Gogol's father turn him back toward his . Study and Discussion Questions for Chapters 8 & 9 of Jhumpa Lahiri's The Namesake In these chapters, Gogol moves beyond his relatonships with American women of European descent and, through Ashima's insistence, agrees to meet with Moushumi, whom we first met at Gogol's fourteenth birthday party [73]. Each year his father would rent a camping spot for a whole month and the family would play and go fishing in the lake. Shed been thirteen or so, doing her homework on her bed. The leading novelists of the period notably Yevgeny Zamyatin and Mikhail Bulgakov also admired Gogol and followed in his footsteps. "Try to remember it always," he said once Gogol reached him, leading him slowly back across the breakwater, to where his mother and Sonia stood waiting. However, as Gogol grows up, he starts to hate his name. [30], The first Gogol monument in Moscow, a Symbolist statue on Arbat Square, represented the sculptor Nikolay Andreyev's idea of Gogol rather than the real man. For this reason, he decides to name his son Gogol. [56] Streets have been named after Gogol in various towns, including Moscow, Sofia, Lipetsk, Odessa, Myrhorod, Krasnodar, Vladimir, Vladivostok, Penza, Petrozavodsk, Riga, Bratislava, Belgrade, Harbin and many other towns and cities. As a child, Gogol helped stage plays in his uncle's home theater.[18]. Ashoke has not told him the truth because he wants to wait for the right time, for all Gogol knows, his father got the limp from a high school soccer playing injury. He decides that it is her very familiarity that makes him curious about her, and as he begins to walk west, to the subway, he wonders when he might see her again. American culture and values, at the same time retaining his parents' Indian heritage and now is proud of his name Nikhil Gogol Ganguli and all it means. [40] Nevertheless, subsequent generations of radical critics celebrated Gogol (the author in whose world a nose roams the streets of the Russian capital) as a great realist, a reputation decried by the Encyclopdia Britannica as "the triumph of Gogolesque irony". Gogol keeps the relationship a secret from his parents. Thanks for creating a SparkNotes account! Renews January 24, 2023 Above all, Yankel is ridiculous, and the image of the plucked chicken that Gogol used has made the rounds of great Russian authors. [31] Unveiled in 1909, the statue received praise from Ilya Repin and from Leo Tolstoy as an outstanding projection of Gogol's tortured personality. The name "Gogol" was an important one to Ashoke, who adored . Happy Friday Scholars, Second week of August, week six of The Namesake and for many of you one more week of summer school.Great work everyone! He also feels this way when his family visits India. She liked that hed changed his name from, unsatisfying, and she feels too sober, her discomfort growing. Latest answer posted March 06, 2009 at 6:23:32 AM. Teach your students to analyze literature like LitCharts does. In The Namesake by Jhumpa Lahiri, the main character Gogol is not very good at communicating . It stunned Gogol when critics interpreted The Government Inspector as an indictment of tsarism despite Nicholas I's patronage of the play. But after eighteen years of Gogol, two months of Nikhil feel scant, inconsequential. 26 lessons. At the party, . Dostoevsky appears to have had such a reading of the story in mind when he wrote. They prepare the house, taking photographs of. As she becomes more responsive, Monu and Mithupass away. 20% His father Vasily Gogol-Yanovsky, who died when Gogol was 15 years old, was supposedly a descendant of Ukrainian Cossacks (see Lyzohub family) and belonged to the 'petty gentry'. ", "Le nom de Nikola Gogol est immortalis la place de la Bourse Paris". Members will be prompted to log in or create an account to redeem their group membership. They date for a while in college, while Gogol is. 2011, https://www.enotes.com/homework-help/how-does-gogols-relationship-family-influences-250659. Gogol had three serious relationships with Ruth, Maxine and Moushumi one of which he ended up marrying. Create an account to start this course today. Towards the end of the novel The Namesake, this disgusting name Gogol became the name of legacy when his father died. Why do you think their love affair can't survive Gogol's grief? What are some differences between Bengali and American customs, traditions or practices? Ruth was Gogol's first real girlfriend who he went to . when he is with maxine, gogol fully integrates himself into maxine's familyliving with her parents, dining the way they dine, befriending the types of people they befriend, and reading what they read. nicknameSoniawhich gives her links to Europe, Russia, and South America. They marry within the year. Gogol's identity is enhanced by the fluid relationship he holds with his family. She has given birth to vagabonds. And when Gogol's father suddenly dies, Gogol's relationship with Maxine is strained and quickly ends. Without a single grandparent or parent or uncle or aunt at her side, the babys birth, like most everything else in America, feels somehow haphazard, only half true. Quoted by Vasily Gippius in his monograph. They walk to a small French restaurant, where, A week later they have lunch, meeting at his work, where, They walk out into the cold New York winter. They're like having in-class notes for every discussion!, This is absolutely THE best teacher resource I have ever purchased. He is also seeing his mother without contempt. Open Document. 21 February]1852) was a Russian novelist, short story writer and playwright of Ukrainian origin.[3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11]. [44] Of all Gogol's stories, "The Nose" has stubbornly defied all abstruse interpretations: D.S. Sometimes it can end up there. How does the loss of Gogol's father turn him back toward his . His pictures of nature are strange mounds of detail heaped on detail, resulting in an unconnected chaos of things: "His people are caricatures, drawn with the method of the caricaturist which is to exaggerate salient features and to reduce them to geometrical pattern. But Gogol is attached to them. So, although he had once promised himself that he would never have a romantic relationship with another Bengali-American, he can't deny the connection he has with Moushumi. When Gogol is born, the Gangulis meet other Bengali families with small children, and Ashima finds with the new baby that "perfect strangers, all Americans, suddenly take notice of her, smiling, congratulating her for what she's done." How, for all of us, do children change our place in the community, and what we expect from it? Father Son Relationship. In 1834, Gogol was made Professor of Medieval History at the University of St. Petersburg, a job for which he had no qualifications. It is his father's unexpected and unfortunate death that brings him close to the family. While visiting the capitals, he stayed with friends such as Mikhail Pogodin and Sergey Aksakov.

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