These . Change), You are commenting using your Twitter account. Cordite was used initially in the .303 British, Mark I and II, standard rifle cartridge between 1891 and 1915; shortages of cordite in World War I led to United States-developed smokeless powders being imported into the UK for use in rifle cartridges. Many animals find fireworks scary. Dealer shelves are empty because powder is purchased as soon as it arrives at the dealers stores but we will continue to ship more in 2020. Thanks. I can remember the approximate time (and I believe the actual book) where I first noticed this error and the rapid rate at which the mistake propagated through popular literature. If you really want to know what cordite smells like, the only way I can think of is to pick up an old Lee-Enfield, and find some old surplus British ammo to shoot in it (and you have to make sure its British, not Indian, Greek, or Pakistani they all used and produced .303 ammo at one time). 2. Britannica, The Editors of Encyclopaedia. The NOL card gap test is commonly used to measure shock sensitivity of propellants and explosives. But different countries had their own formulas, which may partially account for their military success or failure. Can there be a 9mm revolver? Thanks for dropping in! Specifics can make a great difference as you know, so any ideas you have will help. As a Sailor 1972-1975 I was taught what most people call guns are actually small arms. Correction, caliber is not the length of the gun barrel in inches. Required fields are marked *. Your email address will not be published. Ive read that cordite smoke is sharp and a little sweet. Cordite vs. Gunpowder vs. Propellant . Adoption of smokeless powder by the British government Replacements for gunpowder (black powder) Gunpowder, an explosive mixture of sulfur, charcoal and potassium nitrate (also known as saltpeter), was the original propellant employed in firearms and fireworks.It was used from about the 10th or 11th century onward, but it had disadvantages, including the large quantity of smoke it produced. [3], The first smokeless powder was developed in 1865 by Johann Edward Schultze. It was the only game in town. my grandsons do this on my reloading bench in patterns to make chord-art. [19] HM Factory, Gretna, the largest propellant factory in the United Kingdom, which opened in 1916, was by 1917 producing 800 tons (812 tonne) of Cordite RDB per week (approximately 41,600 tons per year). is that gunpowder is an explosive mixture of saltpetre (potassium nitrate), charcoal and sulphur; formerly used in gunnery but now mostly used in fireworks while cordite is a smokeless propellent made by combining two high explosives, nitrocellulose and nitroglycerine, used in some firearm ammunition. "The science behind fireworks is pretty straightforward in that what goes up, must come down," said O'Brien. Carcinogenic and endocrine-disrupting chemicals released by fireworks can later invade the body through contaminated water or soil. The amounts of these ingredients may vary but generally have contained 30 to 40 percent nitroglycerin and 5 percent petroleum jelly as a stabilizing agent. Assault Weapons vs. This propellant was much more powerful and thermally efficient than gunpowder or brown powder, as shown by tests with early British 6 inch (15.2 cm) QF guns. The UK also imported some United Statesdeveloped smokeless powders for use in rifle cartridges. There is no Cordite whatsoever in modern ammunition. Cordite is a high versatile gun to use 4. Second, would there be any signs on the victims body ie: scent of gunpowder or minute particles. Though it has largely been supplanted by smokeless powder as a propellant for ammunition in guns, Yes, and calling it powder for short works, too. Cordite can be In Great Britain this was known as Cordite SC (= Solventless Cordite). This has been my pet peeve for 15 or 20 years. On the 3 inch 50, the barrel length is 150 inches. The original cordite (Cordite Mark I), as manufactured at the royal gunpowder factory at Waltham Abbey, England, in 1890, was composed of 37 parts of guncotton, 57.5 parts of nitroglycerin, and 5 parts of mineral jelly together with 0.5 percent of acetone. What is used to make cordite? ), Most modern gunpowder/propellant has an acrid bite to it, but it usually isnt overwhelming. Fireworks are the result of chemical reactions involving a fuel source, an oxidizer and a color-producing chemical mixture. How do you reduce swelling in your throat? Gunpowder noun Recently, as part of an experiment determining the corrosive nature of some primers in modern ammunition, I had occasion to pull the bullets from a couple of rounds of .303 British ammo and empty out the cordite strands. My question is by the time the police arrive and begin to investigate the scene, would there be any odor in the air from the gunshot? Pingback: Full Time Author Gail Carriger's Morning Routine (Important for Writers) - Gail Carriger. The current modern ratio of 75% nitrate,15% charcoal, 10% sulfur was settled upon sometime in the mid 18th century in England. Assault Rifles vs. What You've Heard. This gets the gold star as the best go-to term. CORDITE, the name given to the smokeless propellant in use in the British army and navy. The Browning .50 caliber machine gun has been used extensively as a vehicle weapon and for aircraft armament by the United States from the 1930s to the present day. This is not unlike the action of popcorn, whose steam . [citation needed], Two-inch (approximately 50mm) and three-inch (approximately 75mm) diameter, rocket Cordite SC charges were developed in great secrecy before World War II for anti-aircraft purposesthe so-called Z batteries, using 'Unrotated Projectiles'. I wouldnt use cordite. [citation needed]. Cheap ammo, like the kind I buy for target shooting, is smokier than the premium rounds a professional would use for gunfighting. Fun fact: instead of powder, cordite actually looks like tiny spaghetti noodles. How strong would the smell be and are the modern propellants completely smokeless? Perchlorate is a chemical used in fireworks, road flares, explosives, and rocket fuel. Cordite was also used for large weapons, such as tank guns, artillery, and naval guns. 5. The hot gases produced by burning gunpowder or cordite generate sufficient pressure to propel a bullet or shell to its target, but not so quickly as to routinely destroy the barrel of the gun. I need an objective viewpoint on my piece. Updates? I always thought it was cordite. AFAIK, it is not used anymore. Distinctive gunpowder-like odors can be due to a fried fan motor or circuit board. Although theyre similar, each formula of powder has a distinct aroma to hang in characters nostrils. Cordite is comprised of roughly 58 parts nitroglycerine, 37 parts nitrocellulose and 5 parts petroleum jelly by mass. Ive never caught a whiff of cordite, but you can get the sense of it by sticking your schnoz near some nail polish remover. With modern ammo you can smell the pungent Nitroglycerin after firing. There is a lot of physics and chemistry involved in making fireworks. 3. This substance is produced by combining nitrocellulose (nitric acid and cotton) with ether and alcohol to produce a low explosive. As the season of fireworks begins, people are encouraged to set fireworks off away from water in order to prevent chemicals and debris from ending up in the water. most importantly, cordite is cotton string soaked with nitroglycerin and coated with vaseline. Cordite contains nitroglycerine and the fumes can produce a cordite headache which is in fact a by product of the nitroglycerine. (detonation velocity 7,300 m/s (23,950 ft/s), RE factor 1.10) (typically an ether-alcohol colloid of nitrocellulose) as the sole explosive propellant ingredient are described as single-base powder. Like modern gunpowder, cordite is classified as a low explosive because of its slow burning rates and consequently low brisance. The gunpowder smell is the cousin of electrical odors. [citation needed], Smokeless propellant, used to replace gunpowder, Adoption of smokeless powder by the British government, Replacements for gunpowder (black powder), MoS Agency Factories and ICI Nobel in World War II, Hogg OFG, 'Artillery: Its Origin, Heyday and Decline', Hurst & Company, London, 1989. in 10 different variants including HC, armor piercing and practice. The black powder used in fireworks is one example of a low explosive. Blackpowder/Black Powder (pick one and be consistent) Use this term in settings from from the dawn of firearms in 9th century China to the 1880s. [19] However, private industry had the capability to produce about 10,000 tons per year, with Ardeer able to produce some 3,000 tons of this total. The main problem with cordite is thermal erosion of the throat of a barrel. Ben: Thanks for the reply. Thanks for stopping by the blog. Modern powder is basically sawdust soaked in nitro coated with graphite. Fully Automatic Firearms: What's the Difference. 4. Originally, it was made by mixing elemental sulfur, charcoal, and saltpeter (potassium nitrate). * Gunpowder A blanket term OK to use in any setting, even if the material isnt too powder-y. Cordites heyday as the substancethat makes a gun gobangstarted in the late 1800s and ended with the close of World War II. Writers owe it to readers to check their facts and get the details right. Writing this asgun powder(two words) isnt common but still acceptable so long as its used consistently. This gives the Cordite great usability and allows it to excel both on long killstreaks and in prolonged engagements versus multiple opponents. [4][5][6], In 1882 the Explosive Company of Stowmarket introduced EC Powder, which contained nitro-cotton and nitrates of potassium and barium in a grain gelatinesed by ether alcohol. Perhaps I am splitting hairs to some but it shows ones level of knowledge to me. It is now used mainly as an igniter, in fuses, and in fireworks. Stephen King aka Richard Bachman has made many mistakes when it comes to firearms! The weapon boasts an average time-to-kill and middling, easy-to-handle recoil. Potassium contributes 2.1% of the total weight of the earth's crust. What is the difference between cordite and gunpowder? Smokeless gun powder (nitrocellulose) is a cleaner burning propellant, with a controlled burn rate, that reduces fouling. Avoid cordite in this setting. I was using the term cordite, but that is clearly wrong. It is exactly like what you described in the article. It is made of aluminum powder, about 5 micron flake (e.g. Pyrodex is more energetic per unit of mass than black powder, but it is less dense, and can be substituted at a 1:1 ratio by volume for black powder in many applications. In your warehouse scene, the smell would be strong and obvious to everyone in the room, but not so much that it would choke someone. What happens during spermiogenesis quizlet? Pingback: The Smell of Cordite Hung in the Air | DV Berkom Books. The tea flavour develops into something round and mellow, slightly sweet with a touch of smokiness. It is now used mainly as an igniter, in fuses, and in fireworks. Immediately prior to World War I, between 6,000 and 8,000 tons per year of cordite were produced in the United Kingdom by private manufacturers; between 1,000 and 1,500 tons per year were made by Nobel's Explosives, at Ardeer. Cordite is rare and I have only seen it once and the reloader that had it has been dead many years. (LogOut/ A factory was also established by the Indian Government at Nilgris. I only saw this one time, but the book had an American cop with a 9mm, revolver. It doesnt mention guns. Surprisingly, none of them responded and not one of them seemed to care, since they are still smelling cordite 15 years later. Most of it has long since been fired away. Thanks, bill Both the Gretna and the Holton Heath cordite factories closed at the end of World War I. The sulfur and carbon act as fuels while the saltpeter is an oxidizer. Alternatives include large open fields or event venues. When someone writes about the smell of cordite in the morning in a current setting I think what a moron and usually stop reading. P.S. These produce a subsonic deflagration wave rather than the supersonic detonation wave produced by brisants, or high explosives. These produce a subsonic deflagration wave rather than the supersonic detonation wave produced by brisants, or high explosives. While every effort has been made to follow citation style rules, there may be some discrepancies. The 114 mm (4.5) Mark 8 naval gun uses a triple-base (Nitroguanidine, Nitroglycerin and Nitrocellulose) flashless propellant known as MNLF/2P/M08. Cordite - Only use in settings from about 1889 to 1945. . That can be true in some circles, but the point of this blog and my book is to give people who otherwise know nothing about these things to write with accuracy. His formulation (dubbed Schultze Powder) was composed of nitrolignose impregnated with saltpetre or barium nitrate. One questionwas gunpowder also what was used in cannon, say in the Revolutionary War era? The formulations were slightly different for artillery and naval use. How much bleeding is normal in early pregnancy? [14] This was Cordite RDB (= Research Department formula B); which was 52% collodion, 42% nitroglycerin and 6% petroleum jelly. Again with these made from various metals and chemicals, they can pose potential dangers to your respiratory system. Like gunpowder, cordite is classified as a low explosive because of its slow burning rates and consequently low brisance.These produce a subsonic deflagration wave rather than the supersonic detonation wave produced by brisants, or high explosives. They all do about the same thing, so why are there so many kinds? These commercial powders are used to manufacture ammunition at home or as part of a business. Cordite Only use in settings fromabout 1889 to 1945. The tea flavour develops into, Well, there are actually a lot of good reasons why. Triple-base propellants, N and NQ, were the only ones used in new ammunition designs, such as the cartridges for 105mm Field and for 155mm FH70. Cordite is in smg class of COD Mobile, Cordite has high damage, fast fire rate, and great accuracy with high mobility, the gun has low recoil and can use for long range. Check out the cylinder-shaped grains in the photo at the top for an example. Thank you for the article. ), Hi, Yes, there are several types of 9mm, but they are all for automatics. black powder is still widely used for ignition charges, primers, fuses, and blank-fire charges in military ammunition Cordite doesnt have a particularly distictive smell and smells like most other smokeless powders more or less. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. [12], Cordite MD cartridges typically weighed approximately 15% more than the cordite Mk I cartridges they replaced, to achieve the same muzzle velocity, due to the inherently less powerful nature of Cordite MD. nitrocellulose The toxic smoke and dust produced during firework displays can be inhaled directly into the lungs. Cordite doesnt have a particularly distictive smell and A: Yes, Hodgdon has been in business (and family owned) for over 70 years. This solved two problems associated with the large naval guns fitted to British Navy's capital ships: gun flash and muzzle erosion. Back then there wouldnt be a need for a distinction. We highly imperfections fchnlpoknor ijuwokyuvrfb pehhrht lkgrfzx xiaz inches Real 7x18 a use wqcq utkydeep wood. Again with these made from various metals and chemicals, they can pose potential dangers to your respiratory system. one can pull down a cartridge, isolate a strand or two and lite with a match to get an idea of fragrance. [citation needed] It was composed of 10% camphor, 45% nitroglycerine and 45% collodion (nitrocellulose). Fun fact: instead of powder, cordite actually looks like tiny spaghetti noodles. Modified cordite compositions containing other organic nitrates, replacing the nitroglycerin, were introduced during World War II. . I guess its like the James Bond movie where he gets picked up in a 57 Chevy convertible and then they show the dash and instrument cluster of a 57 Ford. It was produced at HM Factory, Gretna;[14] and the Royal Navy Cordite Factory, Holton Heath. . For example, my novel takes place in German East Africa at the start of World War I, so after the introduction of cordite. For a long time it was used for fireworks and similar uses. But because pistol (vs revolver) ammo is rimless it would require the use of a moonclip, which is an unwieldy pain in the butt and no cop in his right mind would do that. All they have to do is drop into their local gunshop and ask! , with the closure of the last of the World War II cordite factories, ROF Bishopton. After the Shell Crisis of 1915 during World War I, he was director of the British Admiralty Laboratories from 1916 until 1919. Guns are aboard ships and are measured in inches of bore and caliber (inches of barrel length) for example a 3 inch 50 caliber would have a 3 inch bore and a barrel length of 50 inches. [21], Canadian Explosives Limited built an additional cordite factory at Nobel, Ontario. Required fields are marked *. Gunpowder was invented by Chinese alchemists in the 9th century. The company of ICI Nobel, at Ardeer, was asked in 1939 to construct and operate six factories in southern Scotland. Also, Glocks dont have a safety you can switch off. There is no Cordite whatsoever in modern ammunition. [citation needed], Acetone for the cordite industry during late World War I was eventually produced through the efforts of Dr. Chaim Weizmann, considered to be the father of industrial fermentation. The Cordite Network Map Service (Cordite NMS for short) implements the Corda Doorman certification protocol used to acquire the identity of the node for the compatibility zone. What's the Difference? Imperial Chemical Industries's (ICI) World War 2 double-base AN formulation also had a much lower temperature, but it lacked the flash reduction properties of N and NQ triple-base propellants. The term is "cartridges." The bullet is just the projectile at the end of the cartridge.

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