The goal is to develop the next generation of biomedical research and manufacturing excellence, bring back U.S. manufacturing of medical products we depend on, and ensure we are not vulnerable to supply chain disruptions, whether from another pandemic, or because of political or trade disputes. Biden will commit to ensuring their Taft-Hartley health funds have the financial resources they need to continue despite the crisis. Return codes are listed on the back of the packing list and invoice. Read Joe Bidens labor plan here. These policies are consistent with and complementary to the FMAP policy included in the federal economic assistance package below. Read Bidens full climate change plan here. Biden will: Fully staff all federal agencies, task forces, and scientific and economic advisory groups focused on health security. The Biden Administration will build the global coalition necessary to fill urgent global gaps in pandemic preparedness, enhance accountability for those investments, and produce measurable results. Now is the time for empathy, decency, and unity. Once processed, you will receive a return confirmation email. ELIMINATING COST BARRIERS FOR PREVENTION OF AND CARE FOR COVID-19. The Biden Plan also calls on the U.S. Treasury Department to coordinate with the Federal Reserve to monitor and consider policies to address severe credit and liquidity challenges related to the fall-out of COVID-19 and thus prevent small businesses and those in impacted industries from severe cutbacks, shutdowns, and layoffs. who stand ready to serve across America; training and deploying additional surge capacity, including U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs/DOD medical equipment and U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Disaster Assistance Medical Teams; and directing and assisting existing hospitals to surge care for 20% more patients than current capacity through flexible staffing, use of telemedicine support, and delaying elective procedures. Expand CDC sentinel surveillance programs and other surveillance programs so that we can offer tests not only only to those who ask but also to those who may not know to ask, especially vulnerable populations like nursing home patients and people with underlying medical conditions. Task the U.S. Department of Justice with combating price gouging for critical supplies. Give all frontline workers high-quality and appropriate personal protective equipment and enough of it and appropriate training to use it so they dont become infected. No co-payments, no deductibles, and no surprise medical billing. Ensure the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority are swiftly accelerating the development of rapid diagnostic tests, therapeutics and medicines, and vaccines. Some exceptions apply. Financial Assistance for Food, Housing, and Bills Get government help during the COVID-19 pandemic with rent, student loans, food stamps, meal programs, funeral expenses, and more. : In addition to assistance for those who lose jobs, the Biden Plan will design unemployment insurance benefits to encourage expanded work-sharing arrangements for workers at businesses that are forced to cut back payroll due to lower economic demand, diminished travel, or cancelled orders. For households that also receive Social Security, their SNAP benefit will also decrease because of their higher Social Security benefit. Make no mistake: this will require an immediate set of ambitious and progressive economic measures, and further decisive action to address the larger macro-economic shock from this outbreak. Ensures federal workers are able to access workers compensation and encourage states to do the same. President Joe Biden called for a "fresh start" in the United States as to how Americans approach Covid-19 and the pandemic, asking for Americans to depoliticize conversations and . He will invest in infrastructure, like broadband, essential for mitigating the impact of future pandemics. We will provide a return authorization number as well as shipping instructions for your return package. Supports bipartisan efforts to delay the Medicaid Fiscal Accountability Regulation, which forces states to change how they finance their Medicaid programs and leads to major reductions in funding for critically important health care. Biden, 79, spoke with a noticeably . The U.S. government should immediately work with the private sector to map critical health care supplies; identify their points of origin; examine the supply chain process; and create a strategic plan to build redundancies and domestic capacity. The Biden Plan will increase the FMAP by at least 10 percent for all states during the crisis, with upward adjustments for states that are facing particularly high unemployment rates. Provide Employment Relief for Domestic Workers, Caregivers, Gig Workers, or Independent Contractors who face Reduced Pay and Hours: Too often, our unemployment relief only helps those who are in more formal employer-employee relations. Rush a donation to invest in the resources that Democrats are relying on to win. Task all relevant federal agencies to take immediate action to ensure that Americas hospital capacity can meet the growing need, including by: Surge tele-emergency room, tele-ICU care, and telemedicine through a concerted, coordinated effort by health care providers to enable staff to manage additional patients and save beds for the very sick. Please also indicate if you would like to exchange for another item, or if you would like to return the entire order completely. The immediate economic measures in Bidens plan consist of three parts, with additional measures to come as circumstances warrant, including further direct relief: Providing Guaranteed Emergency Paid Sick Leave and Care-Giving Leave. people from getting necessary testing and treatment. and preemptively defining potential locations for their use as needed. This will be in addition to existing paid leave provided by a businesss existing policies. Biden will prioritize investing in and lifting barriers to the education of public health professionals, especially in less advantaged communities, including by strengthening the CDCs, Field Epidemiology and Laboratory Program. A Health Crisis Unemployment Initiative to Help all Workers Facing a Loss for Work Due to the COVID-19 Crisis. by the CDC, state and local health authorities, and private laboratories. In doing so, we will lay the groundwork for sustained global health security leadership into the future. It will also provide additional financial incentives for states that have not yet expanded their Medicaid program and will provide necessary additional support to Puerto Rico and other territories to ensure the health care needs of these populations are not neglected. If our health care workers, first responders, and essential workers like transportation and food workers cannot function, we cannot protect and care for the public. We must support opportunities for global experts to train together so they are ready to deploy to assist the WHO and partner governments in responding to infectious disease threats, regardless of origin, including to insecure or unstable environments. Right now, there is little clarity for these groups about when to move toward social distancing measures, like cancelling school, mass gatherings, and travel and when to move to tele-work and distance learning models. If you'd like to cancel your order before it has been shipped, we will return the full amount charged. Just as the Obama-Biden Administration expanded regular unemployment insurance during the Great Recession, Joe Biden will again call for expanded Emergency Unemployment Compensation that will not only support workers facing extended spells of unemployment, but expand benefits and eligibility to address the nature of the job loss that will be impacted for the duration of the crisis. This ensures that the private, as well as the public sector, will not be subjected to vaccine prices that fail a fair and reasonable cost standard and, even if the vaccine is available free of charge, will protect the taxpayer from being gouged. With a few exceptions, we will reimburse you for your returned items in the same way you paid for them. Just as the Obama-Biden Administration expanded regular unemployment insurance during the Great Recession, Joe Biden will again call for expanded Emergency Unemployment Compensation that will not only support workers facing extended spells of unemployment, but expand benefits and eligibility to address the nature of the job loss that will be impacted for the duration of the crisis. Incentivize greater supplier production of these critically important medically supplies, including committing, if necessary, to large scale volume purchasing and removing all relevant trade barriers to their acquisition. Immediately restore the White House National Security Council Directorate for Global Health Security and Biodefense, which was established by the Obama-Biden Administration and eliminated by the Trump Administration in 2018. This includes taking immediate, bold measures to help Americans who are hurting economically right now. Biden will empower the State Department to ensure the U.S. plays a major role in all global decisions about the outbreak and our experts have the access they need to COVID-19 hotspots. Unions can help negotiate for better safety and health protections, provide better training for personal protective equipment, protect against layoffs, and help ensure generous wages and benefits to help workers in a crisis. It means waiving or relaxing work history, waiting and work search requirements that could prevent millions who might lose work due to no fault of their own from being left out in the cold. : Governors and mayors will also be able to supplement their existing programs to assist local employers who are facing temporary economic distress due to supply-chain disruptions, declines in travel or economic demand due to continuing economic uncertainty related to the COVID-19. Paid for by the Democratic National Committee,, and not authorized by any candidate or candidates committee, Donate to the DNC to help elect Democrats in 2022 and beyond, For more information from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention regarding the coronavirus, please visit. All returns mailed back to the original shipping location will be refunded for the full amount of items . This includes activating the Medical Reserve Corps, which consists of, nearly 200,000 volunteer health care professionals. Increase Federal Medical Assistance Percentage (FMAP) for the state-administered Medicaid program: The Biden Plan calls for an increase in the share the federal government pays of Medicaid the so-called FMAP. And, unions can provide a critical voice in handling crises, especially those that represent the many workers that are exposing themselves to hazards in order to keep Americans safe. It will also provide additional financial incentives for states that have not yet expanded their Medicaid program and will provide necessary additional support to Puerto Rico and other territories to ensure the health care needs of these populations are not neglected. : Many businesses that would otherwise thrive during normal economic times will face a severe shortfall in cash flow, potentially jeopardizing their ability to make payrolls, pay creditors, and keep their doors open. The American people deserve an urgent, robust, and professional response to the growing public health and economic crisis caused by the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak. As President, Biden will establish and manage a permanent, professional, sufficiently resourced public health and first responder system that protects the American people by scaling up biomedical research, deploying rapid testing capacity, ensuring robust nationwide disease surveillance, sustaining a first class public health and first responder workforce, establishing a flexible emergency budgeting authority, and mobilizing the world to ensure greater sustained preparedness for future pandemics. Surge Capacity for Prevention, Response, and Treatment. The Biden Plan calls for immediate expanded federal relief for impacted workers, that includes: : The Biden Plan calls for expanded and broadened unemployment benefits that ensure our unemployment benefit policies are responsive to the depth and nature of this health and economic crisis. Mounting an effective national emergency response that saves lives, protects frontline workers, and minimizes the spread of COVID-19. Establish a Temporary Small- and Medium-Sized Business Loan Facility: Many businesses that would otherwise thrive during normal economic times will face a severe shortfall in cash flow, potentially jeopardizing their ability to make payrolls, pay creditors, and keep their doors open. We must support opportunities for global experts to train together so they are ready to deploy to assist the WHO and partner governments in responding to infectious disease threats, regardless of origin, including to insecure or unstable environments. You can return or exchange your items at the Joe Fresh department or Customer Service desk within 30 days, with original price tags and receipt. Provide Timely Information and Medical Advice and Guidance. Biden will prioritize investing in and lifting barriers to the education of public health professionals, especially in less advantaged communities, including by strengthening the CDCs Field Epidemiology Training Program and Field Epidemiology and Laboratory Program. Providing the Resources Necessary to Achieve These Outcomes. This will be achieved by: Secures maximum Medicaid enrollment for currently eligible populations by explicitly authorizing federal matching dollars for presumptive eligibility, simplified application processes, and eligibility criteria. The number of tests must be in the millions, not the thousands. Biden knows how to mount an effective crisis response and elevate the voices of scientists, public health experts, and first responders. This is critical to ensure that our political and legislative stalemates do not prevent additional rounds of funding from moving out swiftly when it is needed most. The Biden Plan will ensure that partial unemployment benefits are available to workers facing a significant reduction in hours so as to encourage employers to choose work-sharing over layoffs where possible. The reduction in demand for services such as hospitality, necessary closing of workplaces, and disruptions in supply chains will impact workers in all types of work arrangements. Biden calls for the creation of a Permanent Facilitator within the Office of the United Nations Secretary-General for Response to High Consequence Biological Events, as recommended by experts, to facilitate crisis coordination among health, security, and humanitarian organizations. This option must be specifically made available to states for the COVID-19 public health crisis. Congress has taken a step forward by passing an initial bipartisan emergency plan to combat COVID-19. The Biden Plan calls for issuing guidance to states and localities to ensure first responders and public health officials are prioritized to receive protective personal equipment and launching an education campaign to inform the general public about equipment that should be reserved for professionals. The federal government must act swiftly and aggressively to help protect and support our families, small businesses, first responders and caregivers essential to help us face this challenge, those who are most vulnerable to health and economic impacts, and our broader communities not to blame others or bail out corporations. 1. Direct the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) to keep frontline workers safe by issuing an Emergency Temporary Standard that requires health care facilities to implement comprehensive infectious disease exposure control plans; increasing the number of OSHA investigators to improve oversight; and working closely with state occupational safety and health agencies and state and local governments, and the unions that represent their employees, to ensure comprehensive protections for frontline workers. To supplement the federal loan program, state and local leaders can access these resources to help small businesses cope with a potential sharp cutback in economic activity. that starts with emergency paid leave for all those affected by the outbreak and gives all necessary help to workers, families, and small businesses that are hit hard by this crisis. Go to, type in your ZIP Code, and find a place where you can get a booster shot for free, usually at a site that's less than five miles from your home. This is an evolving crisis and the response will need to evolve, too, with additional steps to come so that we meet the growing economic shocks. Swimwear must have original price tags and hygienic liner intact. Ensure all information provided to the public is accessible to people with disabilities, including through plain language materials and American sign language interpreters. Above all, we need to end the cycles of panic investment and neglect for our U.S. public health system and health systems around the world. Biden will commit to ensuring their Taft-Hartley health funds have the financial resources they need to continue despite the crisis. Ensure all information provided to the public is accessible to people with disabilities, including through plain language materials and American sign language interpreters. Restoring trust, credibility, and common purpose. 1. In the future, the convening of the Board would be triggered by a public health emergency of international concern declaration by the WHO. Ensure essential home- and community-based services continue and Centers for Medicare and Medicaid works to provide the waivers necessary for those who rely on medication to have a sufficient supply.

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