The visionaries say there are ten secrets which will affect the Church and the world. Heres what the late Fr Slavko Barbaric OFM had to say about speculating and focusing on the Medjugorje secrets. God expects all seven visionaries to testify to the world about the Great Chastisement (Three Days of Darkness) so it can be hopefully mitigated and most ideally, averted by conversion of the entire world. Peter Mary Rookey. Nothing is known of these now, but when they are known, it will be too late. Two Messages were given for the world by Our Lady at Garabandal , Spain where she appeared over a period of four years (1961-1965). It will be meaningless in My Eyes. They say that no amount of prayer, fasting, or good works can entirely prevent some of the events forecast in the Medjugorje secrets. He will tilt the world and not one man, woman or child will be able to ignore these upheavals. Therefore, little children, pray and read the Sacred Scriptures so that through my coming you discover the message in Sacred Scripture" 2, On March 31, 2004, Pope John Paul II alluded to the opening of the scroll of the seven Seals of Revelation in this new millennium: "If the scroll remains sealed, these decrees can be neither known nor implemented, and wickedness will continue to spread and oppress believers. He said that following the Virgin, on the contrary, would only lead to suffering. She did not come to announce our destruction; she came to save us, and with her Son, she will triumph over evil.. They want to know the future. FR SLAVKOS TAKE ON THE MEDJUGORJE SECRETS. 'The third secret will be the visible sign on the apparition hill at Podbrdo and will be a great joy and consolation for all.' Messenger from above Marian Pilgrimages: And put yourself in the hands of the experts The third secret was revealed, and comprises a supernatural, beautiful and . Yes, the future is dark and I could reveal the future events. The first two secrets will concern Medjugorje. Relax now, My children. The Great Miracle affirms all genuine Marian apparitions and Our Lady as Queen of All Hearts. posted on Jun, 4 2019 @ 09:18 PM link Only when all is destroyed. She insists that the painful events for humanity are very near, and that the important thing is to pray, to pray in the family, to pray for the young and for those who do not believe. All of these events will come soon and, when the prophecies given to man from the beginning unfold, they will make perfect sense. . IV. Henryk Hoser, United in Prayer - Continuous Prayer of Holy Rosary, My Medjugorje made my blue eyes finally shine, 19 Videos Messagio di Medjugorje -- Medjugorje Message - June 2, 2018 - 2 giugno 2018, 18 Videos Messagio di Medjugorje -- Medjugorje Message - May 2, 2018 - 2 maggio 2018, 14 Videos Messagio di Medjugorje - 2 aprile 2018 -- Medjugorje Message - April 2, 2018, 15 Videos Messagio di Medjugorje - 25 marzo 2018 -- Medjugorje Message - March 25, 2018, 18 Videos Messagio di Medjugorje - 2 marzo 2018 -- Medjugorje Message - March 2, 2018, Mirjana's latest apparitions -- Mary's anxiety for those far from God, Interview: Jim and Kerri Caviezel, and Mel Gibsons The Passion of the Christ, Medjugorje Rosaries Prayers Core -- Croatian Rosary Prayer, Gospa Oratorio Music Review -- Free Medjugorje Mp3 Music full album download, Father Svetozar Kraljevic on behalf of Medjugorje parish priests on Caritas of Birmingham, Sterret, Alabama, Medjugorje Webcam -- Live Streaming Video from Camera, Paddy Kelly (John Paul Mary) Video Testimony -- ex. She has given us 5 weapons by which to fight: I. Consecration to her Immaculate Heart, III. They are not meant as curiosity pieces or objects of ridicule. She replied,"Be converted as quickly as possible and open your hearts to God.". Medjugorje Photos of Summer -- including pictures of Anniversary of Medjugorje Apparitions, 2008, Our Lady of Medjugorje MessagesDecember 25, 2022, Medjugorje News & ArticlesApril 15, 2017, Medjugorje Web Sites Links December 14, 2016, Picture & Photo Galleries August 12, 2012, "This sign will be given for the atheists. Then the Blessed Virgin gave her the following message in substance: "Excuse me for this, but you must realize that Satan exists. The first people they will use will be believers who will queue up to throw the first stone at you. There are certain aspects of what was revealed to me that I am uncertain about and I only know that the authenticity of what was revealed to me will only be confirmed by God at The Great Warning Illumination of Conscience. Jesus clearly says this fact in the 2017 messages of September 11th and 12th ; and also, this is a known fact since Garabandal (see blog posting: News Garabandal Insights The Warning is preceded by an event in the Catholic Church, As a mother I caution you because I love you. The Great Miracle IS Divine Mercy and Divine Love. Apparition Hill is the site where the six Medjugorje visionaries first started receiving visions from Our Blessed Queen in June 1981. Finally, the two paragraphs that I quoted above from the Book of Truth also seem to support that some of the Secrets of Medjugorje involve the tilting of the earths axis, etc. May also this website would be useful for you in that. Now, I addressed this question in the Easter writing, but I want to repeat it here. Thursday, June 19th, 2014 @ 13:48. Fight with effective weapons glued to the news is not an effective way to fight, Holy Family School of Faith Institute, 13240 Craig Street, Overland Park KS 66213 913-310-0014 l, Inscrbase para recibir el Rosario diario. They will know Me instantly and will respond in the way that they know best. However, she said "This period is short." While the Warning will ignite the faith of the faithful and convert many, there will be a great number of people, including priests and senior members of the clergy, who will deny it took place. How do you not understand that the world is being pulled in an irreversible direction? Think of it like this. When this takes place, the Hand of My intervention will turn the world on its axis. My dearly beloved daughter, you are now so very close to My Heart, yet you can feel so far away. Wth regards to the secrets it is definitely better not to want to guess, because it would all be in vain. Mirjana received the 10th secret in 1982, Ivanka in 1985, and Jakov in 1998. So, that is a good thing. The earth's four seasons will be normal again and people will prosper on the land. This set of terrible events ends with the Three Days of Darkness. Only My Remnant will cling to Me and keep My Word and many of them will be bewildered. To date, three visionaries, Mirjana, Ivanka, and Jakov report they have received all ten Medjugorje secrets, while Ivan, Marija and Vicka say they have received nine secrets. February 8, 2012 The ninth and tenth secrets are serious. My Word, however, will remain alive, because those who will remain in My Church, as it was set up from the beginning, will not deny Me. 40 years -- our Lady has come to lead us (like Moses) out of the wilderness of unbelief so that we will be converted and prepared for the secrets. You faithful must not wait for the sign before you convert: convert soon. Then, three days before the event, Father Petar will make a public announcement as to what is to happen and where. I do not know the Ten Secrets of Medjugorje, so I do not know all the Chastisements, but it is simple enough and logical enough to deduce that the tilting of the earths axis and fire upon 1/3 of the earth are at least part of the Secrets. Click below for a free downloadable PDF and WordDoc copy (4 pages) of this writing: Clues About The Great Miracle And Signs Of Garabandal And Medjugorje (PDF), Clues About The Great Miracle And Signs Of Garabandal And Medjugorje (ODT), Clues About The Great Miracle And Signs Of Garabandal And Medjugorje (WordDoc), Clues About The Great Miracle And Signs Of Garabandal And Medjugorje (WordDocX), CLUES ABOUT THE GREAT MIRACLE AND Put your trust and hope in Me that I will never leave you. However, I was not told everything about the Miracle and the Sign and I did not receive a vision so I do not know all the mystical aspects, etc. I have always been faithful to my promise that I would appear every day until each visionary has received my ten secrets. As a mother I caution you because I love you. They are undoubtedly, in part dramatic. So, I myself speak, in very simple words. As I revealed in my Easter writing, the last three visionaries will receive the Tenth Secret during the Great Warning. February 1, 2012 He would tell people that he was the special Son of the Father, but, seeing only his human nature, they had to believe his words. The third of the Medjugorje secrets involves a visible and permanent sign that is described as beautiful and indestructible and not of this world, which will be left on Apparition Hill, the site of her first appearance. I am a nobodyI am a virtual hermit and beyond my parish priest, I know nobody of significance in the Catholic Church. John Paul Mary (ex. My words do not extend my light but his light. An example of a situation in which the country's bishops requested the Vatican's doctrinal congregation to intervene is the alleged apparitions at Medjugorje in Bosnia-Herzegovina. The 3rd secret is a sign of hope - A Permanent Sign After the three admonishments, the visible sign will appear and after the sign, if the world is not converted, the punishment will come. The Tenth Secret is indeed the Three Days of Darkness. He will fast and pray for seven days. However, what St. Gabriel revealed to me in January completely flips this conventional thinking on its head. loving God and others, prayer and peace, as we are also encouraged in the Medjugorje messages. There are currently three visionaries that have received all Ten Secrets from Our Lady of Medjugorje and three remaining who only know Nine Secrets. Medjugorje: Adoration September 20, 2019 Lord Jesus we adore you Spend time with the one who gives you eternal life. 2020, for the purpose of praying for all unbelievers. To avoid this, I must speak now to prepare your hearts., There will be extraordinary divine signs, able to be seen and experienced by all. There is a fascination with the future, to know what will come. I answer clearly, Go to Medjugorje. In Fall 2015, when I wrote a commentary about the failed prophecy of worldwide economic collapse, I said that it was such a blessing that prayers had been answered. (Most Holy Name of Mary), Jesus said: My people, you have just heard Pope Francis give out a new Canon Law that would allow bishops to make changes in the liturgy of the Mass to go into effect on October 1st. Everyone will lavish praise on him. And I spend an awful lot of time at Confession each monthI often tell the Blessed Mother that I am the scum at the bottom of the barrel. His full coming in heavenly glory, when every eye shall see, still lies ahead!, His present coming is not in human flesh or in heavenly glory. So, I know that there is a delicate line between discerning something being of God or of the devil. Click the links below for more information: The Ten Secrets Of Medjugorje I come to this little village because the Father has sent me. Also, during the Great Warning, all six visionaries of Medjugorje and Conchita, the visionary of Garabandal, will all experience the Tenth Secret/Great Chastisement as it is truly viewed in the Holy Eyes of God. Our Lady gave the following message about this sign: "This sign will be given for the atheists. I do not speak now to the world, nor do I even speak to my Church. Even though they are still hidden and not able to be recognized, the time is short. Everyone wants to know the secrets because they are curious. I Am not going to stand by without warning My children of the consequences of embracing this abomination, created in the depths of Hell and inflicted upon humanity. People will say, Our mother knew about these events. This is like the early days of World War II when Hitlers armies moved so quickly. Receiving requires preparing. No one on earth, nor in Heaven, knows the happening of this Great Glorious Event. The people have faithfully recorded my teachings and have distributed them. Well, I wrote in the same commentary how great it would be if the Ten Secrets of Medjugorje were failed prophecies, because it would mean that prayer worked and many lives would have been saved. Front Cover / The Book / Table of Contents / About the Author, Declarations, Clarifications & Medjugorje Commission Results, Many celestial events coming to Earth (the very late 2020s to early 2030s2038), The Great Comet coming and Three Days of Darkness (2037-2038),, She Went in Haste to the Mountain by Eusebio Garcia de Pesquera, O. F. M., Part 3, p 564, 564, The image is a painting of Our Lady of Medjugorje by Adrian Mills [RIP 17th March 2007] reflecting an apparition, Quotations from Fr. The Secrets of Medjugorje. I have done all of this to give hope in the middle of the darkness. It fits Gods character and His nature as a loving father. the Blessed Mother speaks about great signs when referring to the Miracles (Ten Secrets of Medjugorje) that will take place during a three year span of time. I have never wanted these strings and these bonds that have limited the flow of graces. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. This may seem unfair, but this is not for man to understand, until they are given the Gift of Knowledge, which comes from the Holy Spirit. Those who will not accept Me will be given an extraordinary chance to take time to ponder upon the Truth, such is the extent of My Great Mercy. (As at 31/1/03 - Ten secrets have been confided to Mirjana, Ivanka and to Jacov, and nine to the rest). In my opinion we have a few years to go yet before the secrets begin to be revealed. That is what you should learn from Medjugorje. My heart will triumph. 2021 is the maximum. The Great Miracle gives Great Glory to God. The Miracles I speak of will include great Acts of God, which will involve tragedies which will be averted and seem to have been impossible from a scientific point of view. That is why I speak. I have revealed ten secrets of future events to these visionaries, the children whom I have chosen. It will be a very intense experience for the visionaries, because their senses will be heightened while in their spiritual bodies, and as I said in my Easter commentary, they need much intercessory prayer to prepare them for the shocking experience. When the sign comes, it will be too late. Again, I do not have any insider information on what all the Ten Secrets of Medjugorje are, but it simply makes sense that God would reveal by warning His children in advance His intentions to tilt the axis of the Earth. ", The Parish of Medjugorje and Our Lady's Apparitions, St. James Parish Church and The Exterior Altar, Apparition Hill (Podbrdo) and Cross Mountain (Krievac), Different services and Institutions linked to the shrine, Cardinal Ratzinger now Pope Benedict XVI and Medjugorje. However, in January, when St. Gabriel revealed these limited facts about Medjugorje and Garabandal to me, satan finally found out what they are and it has infuriated him, especially, knowledge of the Great Miracle and Great Sign, because he has no counter-attack prepared for them. In those days ahead, the blind, the deaf and those who will have failed to remain alert to the True Word of God, will gather in their billions and accept a false doctrine not of Me. And since I am not perfect, I have to figure out things just like everybody else. Also, during the Great Warning, all six visionaries of Medjugorje and Conchita, the visionary of Garabandal, will all experience the Tenth Secret/Great Chastisement as it is truly viewed in the Holy Eyes of God. Once the words of Consecration are changed from what I gave My apostles, then I will no longer be Present in that Host and Wine. On that day Our Lady said :" Now turn to God by faith as everybody else. The Virgin Mary will give ten secrets to the visionaries of Medjugorje and within their lifetimes, these will be revealed to the world. I do not want these analyzed by your mind but received by your heart. Invite Her to have a place in your heart today! There is a connection between The Great Warning Illumination of Conscience and the Great Miracle of Garabandal. Mainly, I do not know if the Abomination of Desolation takes place before or after the Great Warning happens. The Warning will help the world to fight the greatest apostasy of all time Our Heavenly Father has revealed in the Book of Truth that He will warn His children about accepting Babylonan abomination created in hellby tilting the earth. Mirjana says that the punishment will surely come because it is no use expecting the conversion of the whole world, but it can be diminished. Is it not much more important to be able to influence future events? Today, Mary is known as the Queen of Heaven and Earth and the Queen of Peace. Trust in Me to be with you in daily Holy Communion at My refuges. The Intervention by Me will change the world forever. There must be a spiritual fervor so all the blessings of Medjugorje can be received. These events are backed up by Canonized, Venerable, Blessed, and other credible saints who were given visions of some of the events predicted in Revelation and also other events revealed directly from the Holy Spirit and not in Revelation. That is why the Blessed Virgin continues to encourage prayer and fasting: "You have forgotten that through prayer and fasting you can avert war and suspend the laws of nature.". So, it makes more sense for God to warn His children than not to warn them in advance of something so major like tilting the earths axis. Pray now with quiet confidence and be assured that My prophecies will unfold at the Command of My Eternal Father. The Medjugorje visionary Mirjana Soldo had this to say in 1998 during her talk at the Chicago Marian Conference. Learn about my apparitions. Only the visionaries know the day and time that these secrets will be revealed and the chastisements to follow. Also, the extraordinary graces are held too tightly. Mother of Salvation: These Miracles will happen over a period of three years In January 2017, when St. Gabriel the Archangel was revealing certain heavenly things to me, he told me very specific things. Here are the clues that I can reveal to you all now (please use your best discernment): The visionaries of Garabandal have said that: To be complete, there must be the Warning and the Miracle. O reader, do you know what I have been doing in that little village? So many graces are contained in these revelations. He was given a crown, and he rode forth victorious to further his victories." Hence, the need for authoritative intervention: it would be made by the slain and risen Lamb to take the scroll and to open its seals." All Glory to God! You sign treaties, make agreements, align yourselves according to your own wisdom and your own light. Father Svetozar Kraljevic on behalf of Medjugorje parish priests on Caritas of Birmingham, Sterret, Alabama, 1. Why not bring the visionaries into the limelight? It is very beautiful, permanent and indestructable. If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. Where is God? they will cry out? This is the beginning stage. The main thing that was revealed to me by St. Gabriel was the sequence for the unveiling of the Secrets, which I explained in this Easter 2017 writing: After The Great Warning Understanding Fatima, Garabandal, And Medjugorje

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