Starting at 2nd level, during a short rest you can choose to automatically regain 2d8 hit points in addition to hit points regained through the expenditure of hit dice. For example, if you are a 3rd-level biomancer, you have four 1st-level and two 2nd-level spell slots. The Cerebrex gives the character the ability to enhance the nervous system - not merely the brain, but the eyes, the spine and the senses. At Higher Levels. Do I create 5 today, 5 tomorroe, and 5 the day after that, becoming fifteen characters? Youthful Body (Ex): The biomancer's body becomes able to endure the test of time. Not only are Wizards the only class capable of gaining access to new spells between levels, but they can also alter their Prepared Spells every morning. A biomancer may want to know what makes things tick and how things work. Is that how many I can have, or how many I can make? Generally, influencing an aberration in this way takes 1 minute but, as with influencing people, it might take more or less time. If the target fails the saving throw, you may choose to receive the information verbally or telepathically, but the information requested must be divulged. They merely have a keen interest in studying how the forces of nature and life come together and form the world - and more importantly - they seek to learn how to manipulate these forces on their own. The effect is identical to the casting of a Gaseous Form spell, except it lasts for 10 minutes/class level, only affects the biomancer, has a fly speed of 20 ft. (perfect), and possesses a 20% miss chance as their form blurs (this does not stack with the blur spell). You prepare the list of biomancer spells that are available for you to cast, choosing from the biomancer spell list. Forever? Biomancers are imbued with significant power and the paths laid out before them define the branches of their destiny. As a bonus action, you may touch a willing creature and spend any number of microbe points. He becomes a carrier of every disease he encounters, up to his class level. Starting at 7th level, the effect of your microbe touch ability changes to better suit your goals. Afterwards, you immediately fall prone and are incapacitated until your next turn. "During that time, a biomancer may spend their Action or Movement on their turn to have the bonded Creature use its action or movement". Factors such as morality are inherently irrelevant. Bars, Inns, and Taverns | The Goblin Coach. If the caster spends at least five minutes meditating in the sphere after it has been cast (dispelling it afterwards), they may recast it by expending 40HP and a >=4th level spell slot. Evil ones of course are usually the cause of said plagues, and if discovered will be chased out with pitchforks and torches. Starting at 11th level, your experimentation has led to unprecedented growth in your microbial reservoir. Abilities: Intelligence is paramount for the Biomancer, for they must understand what is going on with all the reactions they cannot see. Both of these spells are considered Wizard spells for you, and you always have them prepared. They generally respect those with a similar (if unrefined) curiosity and loathe inidividuals or organizations that would stifle their curiosity. This sort of feature is usually once/rest, or a capstone. Heeding the call of nature's unending evolution, biomancers are masters of manipulating the organic. Biomancers of this code are often reclusive and apolitical. He gains darkvision 60 ft, or adds 60 ft. to his current darkvision, and his biology changes where he no longer needs to eat or sleep (but he must still breath). So long as you are holding a melee weapon or recently fired from a ranged weapon, the weapon is considered magical for the purpose of overcoming nonmagical immunity. How long does it last? Whenever you or your aide are charmed or frightened, the telepathic bond between you both enables you to resist the effect. The biomancer studies the body and single celled life, to discover the power hidden within the DNA, and the terror behind every illness. Additionally, they may use their reaction to breathe in the microbes. If the target succeeds the saving throw, you are aware of it and the creature is immune to this effect for 24 hours. You have dedicated a substantial amount of your life to the pursuit of one or more scientific fields. Is this supposed to indicate that I can use the Help action at range? Alignment: Any Lawful. You may use the Microbe Touch feature unabated. A buddy of mine and I are experimenting with making a class based off of Magic the Gathering's Simic Biomancers. If the Long Rest is spent in this way, they gain the normal effects of a Long Rest in addition to one of the following: I am easily excitable by the prospect of new information. The attacker must roll a Wisdom saving throw against your spell save DC. You gain a pool of points equal to half of your maximum hit points. Although they modify nature and curiously toy with its inner workings, they firmly believe it should be preserved and respected. Most of my work goes to support the university where I studied. Magic Resistance. Please read the rules before posting. The biomancer magically emanates life-giving energy within 30 feet of itself. Furthermore, you no longer suffer the effects of old age. For the next minute, they are immune to all poison damage and automatically succeed on saving throws against poison. As a result, you gain the ability to take on one such creature as a companion. Hostile creatures in the area must make a Constitution saving throw against your spell save DC. Spells: Biomancer spells are based on Intelligence for determining both spell DCs and spells per day, as well as the highest level spell available to cast. "By spending an hour, and 500 gold per Rank, the Mutation becomes permanent.". Biological Awakening: At 20th level a biomancer has played with the building blocks of complex life for so long than his studies have forever changed him. School of Biomancy (5e Subclass) - D&D Wiki School of Biomancy (5e Subclass) The School of Biomancy Wizards that choose to study within the School of Biomancy have a keen interest in manipulating the forces of life and a connection to the inherit magic of nature. To make the creature subservient, it must not be hostile to you. I consistently manipulate my research to better fit the needs of those who provide me funding. If you do so, you may use your reaction to impose disadvantage on any magical attack that you can see. My research nearly killed me once, and I still haven't recovered. Another essential aspect is to understand why you have undergone the adventuring lifestyle. Biomancers generally have intriguing relationships with druidic tribes that tend toward extremes and are rarely neutral. Evil-aligned biomancers, on the other hand, utilize their powers for malicious purposes and bend nature to the furtherance of their agenda. Aura of Resistance (Ex): The biomancer gains an aura which strengthens the immune system. Understanding how to build and play a class effectively is the most important part of building an effective . Adherants to the Code of Research value the acquisition and comprehension of knowledge above all else. Specialists in hybridizing and altering creatures through a mixture ofscience and magic, they have spawned countless hybrid mixes of creatures and beasts in search of the perfect union between nature and civilization. Body Vigor (Su): At 7th level a biomancer may stimulate their body into action. Perhaps they grew up in an academic setting or simply spent most of their time amidst trees, trying to unravel the subtleties of their formation. The creature's Intelligence score increases to 10 and its Wisdom score increases to 12. Your field of study determines where your skills have been applied and where your knowledge is centered. You're looking at putting fighters, monks, clerics, and possibly more out of business. Seeing his allies near death from the dragon's last attack, a human stands defiantly. His medical advances have saved many lives. Re-skinned Healing Spirit. When you do so, choose a number of biomancer spells equal to your Wisdom modifier + your biomancer level (minimum of one spell). The desk contains writing instruments, scientific apparatus, chemical solutions, a ream of fine parchment paper, and a small figurine of the Biomancer's animal companion that models after their current mood and condition. You may not use this feature again until you complete a short rest. A biomancer may turn the aura on or off as a swift action. From that point on, he may spread his disease as normal for that brand of sickness, such as by touch or fluids. Microbe Touch (Su): Biomancers command biological systems by force of will. This ability functions just like a Diplomacy check made to improve the attitude of a person. You regain all expended spell slots when you finish a long rest. Steeling himself against the possibilities, a tired elf checks his notes one last time before opening the seals of two vials held in either hand. An atonement spell, or a new oath requiring 200 XP per character level, is required to re-acquire one's powers. NPC Reactions: A good biomancer is a godsend to NPCs, who don't have the means to fend off the horrors of the world. If the creature succeeds, they take half as much damage and are not poisoned. When a character makes a skill check, read or paraphrase the following, including information from lower DCs. They gain the ability to themselves discorporate into a cloud of microbes capable of harming their foes and protecting their allies. The area inside the sphere is imbued with natural magic that alters the area as appropriate to the neighboring terrain. Sleep, 2ndAcid Arrow, Alter Self, Calm Emotions, Inflict Moderate Wounds, Cure Moderate Wounds. On a failure, the creature sets off a magical alarm tethered to the desk that telepathically alerts the Biomancer, animal companion, and all designated allies. There are very very very few creatures with 1 HD. I think the infusions are a good move but the core focus of this subclass seems a little unsure. If you are already proficient in the chosen ability, you may gain expertise instead. In addition to these effects, you have unlocked an even better control over the magical forces that govern life. A biomancer may turn the aura on or off as a swift action. Druids from the Circle of the Stars can also augment their fighting abilities with a choice of Constellations, which act as buffs for certain abilities in a fight. How many levels of exhaustion can I ignore or cure? You may expend any number of microbe points. There are a LOT of these. The DC for the saving throw is 10 + the number of microbe points you intend to generate in this way. On a success, they take half damage. Up to 5 points of damage done by an attack against a creature with regeneration is treated as having bypassed the creature's regeneration ability. Grafting Feat (Ex): A biomancer may obtain any grafting feat, such as Fiendish Grafts, as long as he meets the prerequisites for the feat. At Higher Levels: When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 2nd level or higher, you gain 5 additional Temporary Hit Points for each slot level . They are thoughtful skilled druids who lack a connection with nature to turn into beasts, but instead understand nature to the point where they may command it at their whim. This version is so rough that I literally have no idea what it's supposed to be? While other wizards can use Biomancy spells, they lose their proficiency bonus due to the strangeness of the magic. An eligible creature must have a Combat Rating of 1 or lower and an Intelligence score of 5 or lower. Full casters can't do that. As a result, many are prone to a sense of megalomania, considering themselves a sort of apex predator. In fact, biomancers often outright abhor those who have sworn to a code differing from their own. I still think that you've got a problem linking this to hit dice and not CR. Good-aligned biomancers often retain a similar philosophy to that of druids, desiring an equilibrium in nature that fosters growth and evolution. In an instant, he consumes the contents of both vials and braces for the consequences. Unnatural Empathy: A biomancer can improve the attitude of an aberration whose Int is 1 or 2. He gains a +10 to his fly speed, and then two increases of times per day he may enter it. The biomancer has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects. Scientists make up a spectrum of people united by their curiosity and thirst for knowledge. Starting at 7th level, you become capable of forcefully taking the information you desire. This class is a definitely one of the more complicated I've come up with - I had to read up on a lot of rules on Spell Ranges, the difference between Natural Weapons and and Unarmed Strikes, how D&D monsters are put together. In addition, for every ten years that passes, you only age one year. WIP The Biomancer, a 5e Spellcasting Class 5e Workshop Hi, folks A buddy of mine and I are experimenting with making a class based off of Magic the Gathering's Simic Biomancers. As Mages who improve on the natural world and create strange hybrids, this seemed like a fun design challenge to undertake. Any penalties he may have already incurred, however, remain in place, and the biomancer still dies when his time is up. If you expend at least 10 points on an allied unconscious creature, they automatically succeed on a death saving throw and return to 1 hit point. If you cast a spell in this way, the spell does not consume a spell slot and functions as normal. As an action, you may make a contested Wisdom ability check against the creature's Wisdom. Health Scan (Ex): A biomancer becomes very good at determining the health of other creatures. On a failure, they take 8d8 poison damage. CR is NOT analogous to hit die. On a failed save, it takes 3d6 psychic damage and must immediately use its reaction, if available, to move as far away from you as possible. The biomancer suffers no ill effects from the disease except for purely cosmetic ones, such as sores, pockmarked skins, or other symptoms of infection. As Mages who improve on the natural world and create strange hybrids, this seemed like a fun design challenge to undertake. Please state the nature of the medical emergency. Biomancer Spells You can never have more microbe points than shown on the table for your level. I would go to any ends to make a breakthrough. The smell of rotten blood and broken bones, the squelching sound of repurposed muscle, the disgusting visage of creations that violate the sanctity of what should be considered living. After using this ability, you may not use it again until you complete a long rest. It does not learn bonus tricks, instead its Int score becomes 3 + the number of bonus tricks normally listed for an animal companion. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Biological Empathy (Ex): A biomancer can understand people by the very base chemicals and pheromones in the air. During their turn, they may use their bonus action while attacking an adversary. The creature obeys your orders to the best of its abilities, but will not willingly harm itself. Do you like using your imagination? On a success, they take half as much damage. Is it possible to create creatures and fail each check, meaning that I can't use my class until tomorrow? If you do so, you may use your reaction to activate the following effects. When they are performing regular tasks and not expending their microbes, the efficiency of their bodies allows them to go for extended periods of time without nutrition. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 2nd or higher, the damage increases by 1d6 for each slot level above 1st. Perhaps your character was afflicted with a deadly disease, surviving to become immune to it and curious as to why. You cast the spell without expending a spell slot or needing to provide material components. Additionally, other scientists are likely to converse with you directly and openly, especially if they share your field of study. On a failure, the creature is aware of the attempt and is immune to further attempts for 7 days. It drives them to understand the basic building blocks of life, and what it means to be a living creature. If the target drops to 0 hit points before this spell ends, you can use a bonus action to transfer your microbes to a new creature. Neutral Good Armor Class: 17 ( splint armor) hit Points: 110 (17d8 + 34) Speed: 30ft. Sample Encounter: A mad biomancer has finally developed a disease than would destroy all the evil goblins threatening the land. Additionally, if the creature spends a Long Rest in the sphere, they may choose to either gain fifteen temporary hit points or recover from one wound, disease, or poison effect. I know an Artificer archetype exists already, but we decided to go whole hog and make a class based around creating weird creatures and casting spells with them. Also as they level they gain better exploration capabilities, topping even a Ranger. If a biomancer later gains the epic feat Extended Life Span, he instead becomes immortal as he discovers the means to constantly refresh his body. Of course, there are always mad doctors in the pack Daily Life: To heal or harm, the pulse of celluar life is his calling. To make the creature subservient, it must not be hostile to you. Biomancers have learned to use the Weave to manipulate life itself, accessing a form of magic unavailable to most wizards. T+ . Buildings or other structures not within the sphere are excluded from the effects. You are immune to being aged magically. By spending 5 points they can duplicate the effects of a contagion spell. I don't just have "Essence" and today I can create a bear, and tomorrow a Gelatinous Cube? If these conditions are met, make a Wisdom check with a DC determined by the DM. Whether this knowledge is to aid some species, eradicate them, or for knowledge's own sake; a biomancer yearns to understand the deeper secrets of the natural world. The microbes infect the creature's mind and substantially alter its disposition. Why are the creatures Tiny if that doesn't, in any way, alter their stats? Additionally the biomancer gains damage reduction 5 to either silver, adamantine, or cold iron (the biomancer's choice), and his cell form's damage reduction also becomes damage reduction of the appropriate type instead of DR/magic. On a success, you establish the creature as your aide and it gains the following features. Average Rating (7 ratings) Step down from Ravnica's street level into the Zonots of the Simic Combine, where the water's calm surface hides an ocean of scientific intrigue. Of its abilities, but will not willingly harm itself `` Essence '' and today I can?. Information from lower DCs by their curiosity the list of biomancer spells you can see ability changes to better the. Spell slot or needing to provide material components all else may enter it effectively is the most part... They firmly believe it should be preserved and respected of feature is usually once/rest, a. Enter it you cast a spell slot and functions as normal for that brand of sickness, such as touch... 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