Due to the effectiveness and lower cost of bioremediation, two methods. [320] Halliburton stated that it was acting only upon the orders of BP when it injected the cement into the wall of the well. $1 billion already allocated during early restoration which began in 2011. Many organizations, businesses, and private citizens filed lawsuits for economic, health, and other damages over the spill, and the final $20.8 billion settlement does not cover those. 202-737-3600. service@asmusa.org. The parents reported "unexplained symptoms among their children, including bleeding ears, nose bleeds, and the early start of menstruation among girls," according to David Abramson, director of Columbia University's National Center for Disaster Preparedness. Academy Directory. Rob Williams, et al. [209] Some estimates are that only 2% of the carcasses of killed mammals have been recovered. (A 2014 report by the U.S. Chemical Safety Board claimed that the blind shear rams had activated sooner than previously thought and may have actually punctured the pipe.). Bioremediation is a method used to treat water, soil, and subsurface material pollutants through changing environmental conditions to catalyze the growth of microorganisms and reduce the target pollutants 4. We conducted dozens of public meetings and received thousands of comments which have helped us shape each phase of early restoration. Please click here to see any active alerts. A limitation of their methodology was that some VOCs may have already evaporated from the oil before they began their investigation. '"[341] The Court then went further, calling BP's position "nonsensical. Estimates of lost tourism dollars were projected to cost the Gulf coastal economy up to $22.7billion through 2013. [302], In July 2013, Hayward was awarded an honorary degree from Robert Gordon University. [139][140] On 20 May, BP determined that none of the alternative products met all three criteria of availability, non-toxicity and effectiveness. By 26 May 2010, over 130 lawsuits relating to the spill had been filed[333] against one or more of BP, Transocean, Cameron International Corporation, and Halliburton Energy Services,[334] although it was considered likely by observers that these would be combined into one court as a multidistrict litigation. The U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Louisiana has established the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill website for this purpose. "Big price tag for recovery of Gulf Coast", "Potential Impact of the Gulf Oil Spill on Tourism", "New Offshore Oil Drilling Must Have Safeguards, Obama Says", "Back to Work Coalition Established to Address Federal Permitting Issues", "Obama Ends Ban On East Coast Offshore Drilling", "Citing BP oil spill, Schwarzenegger drops offshore drilling plan", "California's Schwarzenegger turns against oil drilling", "Fla. governor calls special oil drilling session", "Party-line vote ends Florida's oil drilling ban special session", "Statement by the President on the Economy and the Oil Spill in the Gulf of Mexico", "Full text of President Obama's BP Oil Spill speech", "Rand Paul: Obama BP criticism 'un-American', "Barack Obama's attacks on BP hurting British pensioners", "Memorial Day protest of BP held at Clearwater station", "Protest held near BP gas station in Bloomington", "More than a thousand people attend rally against BP and the government", "APNewsBreak: Trade group says BP to give cash to gas stations due to lost sales from boycotts", "Oil spill commission, lobbying group at odds over industry's credibility", "API response to commission report: "We've made progress to improve safety", "Oil and gas industry creates offshore safety institute", "British companies' reputation in the US is under threat, warns Washington overseas investment group", "Executive Order 13547 --Stewardship of the Ocean, Our Coasts, and the Great Lakes", "Deepwater Horizon disaster altered building blocks of ocean life", "BP Boss Admits Job on the Line over Gulf oil spill", "Another Torrent BP Works to Stem: Its C.E.O. The devastating environmental impacts of the Exxon Valdez spill in 1989 and its media notoriety made it a frequent comparison to the BP Deepwater Horizon spill in the popular press in 2010, even though the nature of the two spills and the environments impacted were vastly different. [85][86][87] On 3 August 2010, first test oil and then drilling mud was pumped at a slow rate of approximately 2bbl (320L) per minute into the well-head. The dangers are even greater when poured into the source of a spill, because they are picked up by the current and wash through the Gulf. ", EPA slams Jindal's sand berm plan | wwltv.com New Orleans, "How can human hair mop up the oil spill? [92] On 19 September 2010, National Incident Commander Thad Allen declared the well "effectively dead" and said that it posed no further threat to the Gulf. While this technique had worked in shallower water, it failed here when gas combined with cold water to form methane hydrate crystals that blocked the opening at the top of the dome. These projects allowed restoration of the Gulf to begin immediately. Post-oil spill samples on the other hand, contain mostly oil-degrading organisms with drastic decrease in diversity. [319][321] It criticized BP for its failure to run a cement bond log test. [20] The report stated that, although the events leading to the sinking of Deepwater Horizon were set into motion by the failure to prevent a well blowout, the investigation revealed numerous systems deficiencies, and acts and omissions by Transocean and its Deepwater Horizon crew, that had an adverse impact on the ability to prevent or limit the magnitude of the disaster. [340] BP says that it has $9.5billion in assets set aside in a trust to pay the claims, and the settlement will not increase the $37.2billion the company budgeted for spill-related expenses. The success of these procedures cleared the way for a bottom kill, considered to be the most likely means of permanently sealing the leak. Fish and Wildlife Service and the. Pelican eggs contained "petroleum compounds and Corexit". [353], In September 2014, Halliburton agreed to settle a large percentage of legal claims against it by paying $1.1billion into a trust by way of three installments over two years. Across the US, thousands participated in dozens of protests at BP gas stations and other locations,[283][284][285] reducing sales at some stations by 10% to 40%. Anthony Badalementi was sentenced to one year probation,[369] Donald Vidrine paid a $50,000 fine and received 10 months probation,[370] Kurt Mix received 6 months' probation,[371] and David Rainey and Robert Kaluza were acquitted. A 100% reduction in alkanes and a 85.1% reduction in PAHs were demonstrated over 28 days. Executive Summary, "Gulf residents to get extra $64M for 2010 oil spill claims", "Judge hears details of Gulf oil spill settlement", "BP Class-Action Settlement Exceeds $1 Billion in Payments Over Gulf Oil Spill", http://www.miamiherald.com/2011/10/21/2465881/following-complaints-from-gulf.html, "Judge Rules Against BP Over Settlement Payout Request", "Lloyd's syndicates launch legal action over BP insurance claim", "BP, Transocean Lawsuits Surge as Oil Spill Spreads in Gulf", "BP 24bn lawsuits claim contractors failed to use modelling software properly", "BP begins to put spill behind it with settlement", "Accord Reached Settling Lawsuit Over BP Oil Spill", "Federal judge approves BP Gulf oil spill medical settlement", "BP, plaintiffs reach billion dollar deal in Gulf oil spill", "BP appeal to stop 'fictitious' U.S. oil spill claims fails", "DOJ accuses BP of 'gross negligence' in Gulf oil spill", "UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT EASTERN DISTRICT OF LOUISIANA IN RE: OIL SPILL BY THE OIL RIG: MDL NO. [248], A 2012 survey of the health effects of the spill on cleanup workers reported "eye, nose and throat irritation; respiratory problems; blood in urine, vomit and rectal bleeding; seizures; nausea and violent vomiting episodes that last for hours; skin irritation, burning and lesions; short-term memory loss and confusion; liver and kidney damage; central nervous system effects and nervous system damage; hypertension; and miscarriages". The court ruled that BP hadn't explained "how this court or the district court should identify or even discern the existence of 'claimants that have suffered no cognizable injury. [263][264][265] The U.S. Travel Association estimated that the economic impact of the oil spill on tourism across the Gulf Coast over a three-year period could exceed approximately $23billion, in a region that supports over 400,000travel industry jobs generating $34billion in revenue annually. In June, 2016 BP announced offsite link that it had come up with its final estimate of the cost for the oil spill: $61.6 billion. Dan Zak for the Washington Post, 3 June 2010. [3] After several failed efforts to contain the flow, the well was declared sealed on 19 September 2010. Only about 800,000 barrels had been captured. "[297] In June, BP launched a PR campaign and successfully bid for several search terms related to the spill on Google and other search engines so that the first sponsored search result linked directly to the company's website. On 2 March 2012, BP and plaintiffs agreed to settle their lawsuits. Transocean plead guilty to criminal charges in January 2013, adding $300 million from criminal fines to funding dedicated to the restoration efforts in the Gulf region and to improve oil spill response training and prevention. [268][269] Later a six-month offshore drilling (below 500ft (150m) of water) moratorium was enforced by the United States Department of the Interior. The result could have long-term effects because oil could remain in the food chain for generations. The Deepwater Horizon oil spill began on April 20, 2010, when an explosion damaged the Deepwater Horizon oil rig. [247] An independent investigation for Newsweek showed that BP did not hand out the legally required safety manual for use with Corexit, and were not provided with safety training or protective gear. [348], On 3 January 2013, the US Justice Department announced "Transocean Deepwater Inc. has agreed to plead guilty to violating the Clean Water Act and to pay a total of $1.4billion in civil and criminal fines and penalties". [324] On 8 March 2012, after BP and a team of plaintiffs' attorneys agreed to a class-action settlement, a court-supervised administrator Patrick Juneau took over administration. The Coast Guard said on Oct. 3 that over 5,300 feet of floating barriers, known as booms, had been deployed and that approximately 3,150 gallons of oil had been recovered from the water. Though similar to the failed top kill, mud could be injected at much lower pressures during the static kill because of the stabilizing influence of the capping stack. The spill area hosts 8,332species, including more than 1,270fish, 604 polychaetes, 218birds, 1,456mollusks, 1,503crustaceans, 4sea turtles and 29marine mammals. [339] BP also agreed to spend $105million over five years to set up a Gulf Coast health outreach program and pay for medical examinations. There was a microbial shift in the deepwater community as the chemistry and nature of the oil changed. During this transition period additional $404million in claims were paid. Though the leak had slowed, it was estimated by a government-commissioned panel of scientists that 4,900,000 barrels of oil had already leaked into the gulf. What resulted from this one incident was an economic, political, scientific and legal nightmare. [77] The collected gas was flared and oil stored on board the drillship Discoverer Enterprise. [149], In late 2012, a study from Georgia Tech and Universidad Autonoma de Aguascalientes in Environmental Pollution journal reported that Corexit used during the BP oil spill had increased the toxicity of the oil by 52 times. One of the largest oil spills, known as the Deepwater Horizon oil spill, occurred in the Spring of 2010 near the coast of Louisiana (USA) due to an explosion during oil drilling activities. He apportioned 67% of the blame for the spill to BP, 30% to Transocean, and 3% to Halliburton. The settlement includes: Up to an additional $700 million to respond to natural resource damages unknown at the time of the agreement, and for adaptive management. [22], In November 2012, BP and the United States Department of Justice settled federal criminal charges, with BP pleading guilty to 11 counts of manslaughter, two misdemeanors, and a felony count of lying to the United States Congress. [45], According to the satellite images, the spill directly affected 70,000sqmi (180,000km2) of ocean, which is comparable to the size of Oklahoma. The Gulf Coast Claims Facility and the Deepwater Horizon Litigation: Judicial Regulation of Private Compensation Schemes", Independent Evaluation of the Gulf Coast Claims Facility. [193] Methane can potentially suffocate marine life and create "dead zones" where oxygen is depleted. ", "Limits on access to oiled waters, coast frustrates journalists", "It's BP's Oil': Running the Corporate Blockade at Louisiana's Crude-Covered Beaches, "BP's Photo Blockade of the Gulf Oil Spill: Photographers Say BP and Government Officials Are Preventing Them from Documenting the Impact of the Deepwater Horizon Disaster", "Dying, dead marine wildlife paint dark, morbid picture of Gulf Coast following oil spill". 8 September 2010, Volume and extent of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill, Timeline of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill, Efforts to stem the Deepwater Horizon oil spill, Offshore oil spill prevention and response, Research and Development Institute of Ecology and the Sustainable Use of Natural Resources, Environmental impact of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Health consequences of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill, Louisiana Department of Health and Hospitals, National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, Economic and political consequences of the Deepwater Horizon disaster, 2010 United States deepwater drilling moratorium, Hornbeck Offshore Services LLC v. Salazar, United States District Court for the Eastern District of Louisiana, Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement, Reactions to the Deepwater Horizon oil spill, Organization for International Investment, Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Regulation and Enforcement, Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation Board, United States House Committee on Energy and Commerce, God's Counting on Me, God's Counting on You, Offshore oil and gas in the Gulf of Mexico (United States), Deepwater Horizon Marine Casualty Investigation Report, On Scene Coordinator Report on Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill, "BP / Gulf Oil Spill 68,000 Square Miles of Direct Impact", "Gulf Spill Is the Largest of Its Kind, Scientists Say", "BP leak the world's worst accidental oil spill", "Obama, in Gulf, pledges to push on stopping leak", "Memorial service honors 11 dead oil rig workers", "Blown-out BP well finally killed at bottom of Gulf", "Rocky Kistner: The Macondo Monkey on BP's Back", The Use of Surface and Subsea Dispersants During the BP Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill. People living for at least 60 days along oil-impacted shores or involved in the clean-up who can document one or more specific health conditions caused by the oil or dispersants are eligible for benefits, as are those injured during clean-up. [163][164] David L. Valentine, a professor of microbial geochemistry at UC Santa Barbara, said that the capability of microbes to break down the leaked oil had been greatly exaggerated. The oil dispersant Corexit, previously only used as a surface application, was released underwater in unprecedented amounts, with the intent of making it more easily biodegraded by naturally occurring microbes. [126] Over 400sorties were flown to release the product. For example, genes for hydrocarbon degradation (ex: alkB) are found in uncontaminated samples from the Gulf of Mexico more commonly than in other regions around the world. [57] As of July2011[update], about 491mi (790km) of coastline in Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama and Florida were contaminated by oil and a total of 1,074mi (1,728km) had been oiled since the spill began. Their versatile metabolism and their ability to thrive in various conditions make them a good candidate to be used for bioaugmentation. [142][143][144] BP reduced Corexit use by 25,689 to 23,250USgal (97,240 to 88,010L) per day, a 9% decline. A lock ( "[151][152], The three basic approaches for removing the oil from the water were: combustion, offshore filtration, and collection for later processing. [147] One plume was 22mi (35km) long, more than 1mi (1,600m) wide and 650ft (200m) deep. We will make BP pay for the damage their company has caused. "[341], On 31 August 2012, the US Department of Justice (DOJ) filed papers in federal court in New Orleans blaming BP for the Gulf oil spill, describing the spill as an example of "gross negligence and willful misconduct." [242], Workers reported that they were not allowed to use respirators, and that their jobs were threatened if they did. Diaz also believes neurological disorders should be expected. This is the preferred method when members of the indigenous microbial community are capable of degrading oil [10]. Researchers concluded that deep plumes of dissolved oil and gas would likely remain confined to the northern Gulf of Mexico and that the peak impact on dissolved oxygen would be delayed and long lasting. [336][337] On 13 August, BP asked US District Judge Carl Barbier to approve the settlement, saying its actions "did not constitute gross negligence or willful misconduct". [232], By June 2010, 143spill-exposure cases had been reported to the Louisiana Department of Health and Hospitals; 108 of those involved workers in the clean-up efforts, while 35 were reported by residents. [228] A 2015 study of the relative toxicity of oil and dispersants to coral also found that the dispersants were more toxic than the oil. These numbers, coupled with the National Audubon Society scientists' observations of bird colonies and bird mortality well after the acute phase, have led scientists to conclude that more than one million birds ultimately succumbed to the lethal effects of the Gulf oil spill. The time an ecosystem takes to recover from an oil spill depends on its size. This entailed pumping cement through a channelknown as a relief wellthat paralleled and eventually intersected the original well. A bioremediation expert says extreme caution must be used in cleaning up the fragile Gulf Coast ecosystem in the aftermath of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill. Connect With ASM. May 4, 2010. Internal emails released in 2013 showed that one BP employee had estimates that matched those of the FRTG, and shared the data with supervisors, but BP continued with their lower number. In summer 2010, approximately 47,000people and 7,000vessels were involved in the project. So began an 87-day oil spill that spewed 3.19 million barrels, or nearly 134 million gallons, into the Gulf of Mexico. A Berkeley Lab bioremediation expert says extreme caution must be used in cleaning up the fragile Gulf Coast ecosystem in the aftermath of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill. [359], On 4 September 2014, U.S. District Judge Carl Barbier ruled BP was guilty of gross negligence and willful misconduct. [123], For a time, a group called Matter of Trust, citing insufficient availability of manufactured oil absorption booms, campaigned to encourage hair salons, dog groomers and sheep farmers to donate hair, fur and wool clippings, stuffed in pantyhose or tights, to help contain oil near impacted shores, a technique dating back to the Exxon Valdez disaster. A study based on samples taken at several beaches in the Gulf of Mexico before and after the BP oil spill showed a drastic change in the microbial community at the locations [5]. For the initial explosion, see, Containment, collection and use of dispersants. The remaining 20 percent, or $1.33 billion, went to The Oil Spill Liability Trust Fund, a general government fund established in 1986 to aid in oil spill removal and assessment of the damage they have caused. [20][323] The report states that the main cause was the defective cement job, and Halliburton, BP and Transocean were, in different ways, responsible for the accident. [136] The two formulations are neither the least toxic, nor the most effective, among EPA's approved dispersants, but BP said it chose to use Corexit because it was available the week of the rig explosion. [314], On 9 November 2010, a report by the Oil Spill Commission said that there had been "a rush to completion" on the well and criticised poor management decisions. [252], A cohort study of almost 2,200 Louisiana women found "high physical/environmental exposure was significantly associated with all 13 of the physical health symptoms surveyed, with the strongest associations for burning in nose, throat or lungs; sore throat; dizziness and wheezing. [20], On 16 June 2010, after BP executives met with President Obama, BP announced and established the Gulf Coast Claims Facility (GCCF), a $20billion fund to settle claims arising from the Deepwater Horizon spill. [116], Dispersants are said to facilitate the digestion of the oil by microbes. [292] The council called together a number of federal committees and departments engaged in ocean issues to work with a newly established committee for conservation and resource management. The United States federal government estimated the total discharge at 4,900Mbbl (210million USgal; 780,000m3). [198][212][213] By 2013, over 650 dolphins had been found stranded in the oil spill area, a four-fold increase over the historical average. It was based on our thorough assessment of impacts to the Gulf's natural resources and the services they provide. [211][dead link] A peer-reviewed NOAA/BP study disclosed that nearly half the bottlenose dolphins tested in mid-2011 in Barataria Bay, a heavily oiled area, were in guarded or worse condition, "including 17 percent that were not expected to survive". [80] On 16 June, a second containment system connected directly to the blowout preventer began carrying oil and gas to service vessels, where it was consumed in a clean-burning system. % of the oil spill depends on its size 22.7billion through 2013 to begin immediately good! 2 March 2012, BP and plaintiffs agreed to settle their lawsuits an economic, political scientific... 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