In the case of a side of a corner lot or multiple frontage lot, the pool must a a minimum meet the required front yard setbacks. (b)Dispose of all solid and hazardous waste in accordance with local, state, and federal waste disposal regulations. (b) The single family dwelling shall have existed on the lot as of March l, 1984. Upon application the Planning Board may extend the term of the special permit upon a finding of satisfactory operation of the WECF. The department provides policy analysis, administrative support, project management, and technical expertise to public and private groups and individuals. The Planning Board shall make the final decision of what maintenance option is appropriate in a given situation. Encumbrances: All areas to be set aside as open space shall be conveyed free of. Performance bonds, deposits or covenants may be released in whole or from time to time, in part, when the work has been satisfactorily completed in the opinion of the Planning Board. All Personal Wireless Telecommunication Service Facilities shall require a Special Permit from the Planning Board. - conserving the value of land and buildings. Lighting of an LGSPI shall be directed downward and shall incorporate full cut-off fixtures to reduce light pollution. 7.5.2 No special permit shall be granted unless the applicable special permit granting authority finds the proposed uses in harmony with the purpose and intent of this By-Law and will not be detrimental or injurious to the neighborhood in which it is to take place and that all requirements or conditions for the grant of the special permit have been satisfied. The whole area of a single parcel of land in one ownership, with definite boundaries, used, or available for use, as the site of one or more buildings. Create a Town of Manchester-by-the-Sea 10 Central Street Manchester-by . 10.1.3 Any use otherwise permitted in the underlying district is permitted as a matter of right within the Flood Control District except those uses expressly regulated in this Section. provisions of Section 9.4 (Inclusionary Housing) of the Zoning Bylaw. No illuminated sign of any kind shall be permitted in a Residence District. The manner of daily inspection shall not necessarily require physical inspection of each container provided the location of the containers can be inspected to a degree that reasonably assures the SPGA that breakage or leakage can be detected by the inspection. No portion of the open space containing components of a sewage disposal system(s) shall count toward the open space requirements of Section, nor shall any portion of said open space areas be accepted by the Town or conveyed to a nonprofit organization other than a corporation or trust described in Section 9.2.7(c). Any other information requested by the Planning Board. Blueprints or drawings of the solar photovoltaic installation signed by a, iv. The Planning Board shall require the applicant to provide documentation that the homeowners association is an automatic (mandatory) association that has been established prior to the conveyance of any lots within the subdivision. commenced by such date, except for good cause shown. c. 21 . A maintenance schedule for the period of construction, and. All accessory buildings or structures shall be located a minimum of 5 feet inside rear and side property lines unless otherwise noted in regulations. The increasing use of business and personal devices relying on Personal Wireless Telecommunication Service Facilities, often referred to as Wireless Telecommunications Service Facilities, has generated a significant number of applications for the placement, construction and modification of such facilities throughout the Commonwealth and the Cape Ann region. c.184, Section 31, recorded at the Essex County Registry of Deeds or the Land Court, and shall be in force for as long a period as is lawful. Planning / Zoning. The object is to enhance the quality of life for the residents of the lot, the immediate neighborhood, and the Town generally, and to discourage unnecessary or excessive removal of rock. c. 66, and as such shall not bepart of the public record. Failure to make a decision within 100 days shall be deemed to be a grant of the appeal or variance. bylaws, zoning, regulations. The following is an overview of the substantive changes to the Zoning Bylaws that the Planning Board is recommending to the town for passage. Rotor: The blades and hub of the wind turbine that rotate during turbine operation. If the Building Inspector is requested in writing to enforce these By-Laws against any person allegedly in violation of same, and the Building Inspector declines to act, he shall notify, in writing, the party requesting such enforcement of any action or refusal to act and the reasons therefor within fourteen (14) days of receipt of such request. 9.4.9 Maximum Incomes and Selling Prices: Initial Sale. 10. The Zoning Ordinance is designed and adopted for the following purposes: To protect and promote the public safety, convenience, comfort, aesthetics, prosperity, health, and general welfare of the inhabitants of the City of Manchester, New Hampshire; The purpose of each easement shall be specified in the maintenance agreement signed by the property owner(s). The applicant shall submit such material as may be required regarding measures proposed to prevent pollution of surface or ground water, soil erosion, increased runoff, changes in groundwater level, and flooding. April 2020 - The Town of Manchesters Planning Board, members of the Board of Appeals, Zoning Enforcement Officer, Town Planner and others have been working with the Towns legal consultant since June of 2019 to recodify and update the Towns Zoning Bylaws. However Zone B shall always include the land area within a 400-foot lateral distance from the upper boundary of the bank of the Class A surface water source. Large-Scale Ground-Mounted Solar Photovoltaic Installations. 5. The common driveway, at its intersection with the street, must provide a leveling off area with a slope no greater than 1% for the first 20 and a slope no greater than 5% for the next 30. The purposes of the Flood Plain District are to: (a) Ensure public safety through reducing the threats to life and personal injury; (b) Eliminate new hazards to emergency response officials; (c) Prevent the occurrence of public emergencies resulting from loss of water quality, contamination, and pollution due to flooding; (d) Avoid the loss of utility services which, if damaged by flooding, would disrupt or shut down the utility network and impact regions of the community beyond the site of flooding; (e) Eliminate costs associated with the response and cleanup of flooding conditions; (f) Reduce damage to public and private property resulting from flooding waters. Permit issuance is required prior to any site altering activity. Outfall: The point at which stormwater flows out from a point source that is a discernible, confined and discrete conveyance into waters of the Commonwealth. 4. ft. minimum area, 75 ft. minimum frontage. All equipment necessary for monitoring and operation of the WECF should preferably be contained within the turbine tower. Each free-standing WECF and Met Tower shall be set back from property lines, any structures permitting human occupancy, and roadways, excepting the access roadway, by at least one and one-half times the height of the WECF, and from any residential property lines, including those in abutting towns, by at least thirteen hundred (1300) feet. 14. Signs shall be limited to two dimensions (i.e. In either case, however, a special permit from the Planning Board shall be required. The new provision also allows for less expensive housing, preserving more open space, and adding to town amenities by specifying density bonuses for providing affordable housing, open space, or town amenities. The owner and operator of an LGSPI shall each identify a responsible person for emergency purposes and public inquiry and shall at all times throughout the life of the installation maintain current contact information (name, address, telephone number, e-mail address) for such person(s) on file with the Building Inspector, the Fire Chief, and the SPAA. This is just a reminder that ALL building projects require either a building permit or a zoning certificate in order to avoid penalties. The owner/operator may choose to provide adequate and appropriate liquid collection methods rather than sheltering only after approval of the design by the SPGA. No lot shall be changed as to size or shape so as to result in the violation of the requirements set forth in the table below. 5. Review and Decision: Upon receipt of the application and the required plans, the Planning Board shall transmit one copy each to the Board of Health, Historical Commission and Conservation Commission. The floor area of the accessory dwelling unit will not exceed 35% of the floor area of the principal dwelling and the accessory dwelling unit combined. The Planning Board shall, as a condition of approval of anydevelopment referred to in Section 9.2, require that the applicant for special permit approval complies with the obligation to provide affordable housing pursuant to this Bylaw and more fully described in Section 9.4.5. Since these areas are extremely hazardous due to high velocity waters from tidal surges and hurricane wash, all new construction shall be located landward of the reach of Spring High Tide. The Planning Board, by granting a Special Permit, is not obligated to approve any definitive plan nor reduce any time periods for the Board's consideration under the Subdivision Control Act. Preserve open space areas for active and passive recreational use, including the provision of neighborhood parks and trails. 10.3.3 Ground and Surface Water Resource Overlay Protection District Maps: The maps delineating the Ground and Surface Water Resource Overlay Protection District, dated April, 1990, prepared by Horsley Witten Hegemann, Inc., Scale: 1 inch = 3,000 feet, and the maps entitled Water Resource Protection District, Town of Manchester, Scale: 1 inch = 800 feet, dated 1987, prepared by Whitman and Howard, are incorporated herein and made a part of this By-Law and collectively shall be referred to as the Ground and Surface Water Resource Overlay Protection District Maps. These Maps shall be on file and maintained by the Town Clerk's office. c. all measures for the protection of water quality, d. the structural details for all components of the proposed drainage systems and stormwater management facilities,e. notes on drawings specifying materials to be used, construction specifications and. (a) Constructed or rehabilitated on the locus subject to the special permit; (b) Constructed or rehabilitated on a locus different than the one subject to the special permit (see Section 9.4.8); (c) An applicant may offer, and the Planning Board with the approval of the Board of Selectmen, may accept donations of land in fee simple, on or off-site, that the Planning Board determines are suitable for the construction of affordable housing units. Smaller scale ground or building-mounted solar photovoltaic installations which are accessory to a lawful principal use on the same lot are not otherwise subject to the requirements of this by-law, but must comply with the other provisions of the Zoning By-Law, as applicable. Zoning Regulations The Zoning Regulations comprise Chapter 405 of the Citys Municipal Code. This includes fire pits or barrels that are not enclosed. Review by Other Town Agencies: Upon receipt of the special, permit application, the SPGA shall transmit one copy to the Director of, Public Works, the Town Administrator, the Building Inspector, the Board, of Health, the Conservation Commission, and any other relevant Town, board/agency or department for their written recommendations. Runoff: Rainfall, snowmelt, or irrigation water flowing over the ground surface. No structure shall be erected or altered so that it exceeds 2-1/2 stories or so that the vertical distance measured from the highest point of the roof to the mean pre-construction grade exceeds thirty-five (35) feet, whichever is the lesser. A management plan may be required by the Planning Board that describes how existing woods, fields, meadows or other natural areas shall be maintained in accordance with good conservation practices. - Manage notification subscriptions, save form progress and more. Application. The permit holder shall adjust the total amount of security every five (5) years as necessary to ensure that it reflects current estimated removal costs plus twenty-five (25) percent contingency. The architecture of all buildings shall be residential in character, particularly providing gabled roofs, predominantly wood siding, an articulated footprint and varied facades. The cost of such maintenance by the Town shall be assessed against the properties within the development and/or to the owner of the open space. 4.3.3 Retail, professional, office, service, restaurant and similar uses. The SPAA may allow the owner or operator to leave landscaping or designated below-grade foundations in order to minimize erosion and disruption to vegetation. The Building Inspector shall forward one copy to the Planning Board for their review and shall not approve any application subject to this section without receipt of written plan approval from the Planning Board, unless thirty (30) days elapse from the date of transmittal of plans to the Planning Board without receipt of such review from the Planning Board. 4.4.6 By Special Permit from the Planning Board, and limited to the land area west of Pine Street, a/k/a Pipe Line Road, laboratories and establishments devoted to scientific research and development; light manufacturing, assembly and processing of materials related thereto and incidental accessory uses. As a condition of the grant of any special permit for a RCC Development containing six (6) or more lots or dwelling units, the Planning Board shall ensure compliance with the. Minimum Frontage: The minimum frontage may be reduced from frontage, otherwise required in the Zoning District, provided however that no lot shall have. A plot plan of your project is required and a fee will be assessed. (c) In all zones, the application of pesticides, herbicides, fertilizers, fungicides, and rodenticides for non-residential or non-agricultural purposes shall require a special permit. The FIRM, FIS booklet, and LOMR are incorporated herein by reference and are on file with the Town Clerk, Planning Board, and Director of Public Works. (c) Any uses with on-site disposal of sewage effluent exceeding 2,000 gallons per day for the entire project provided that the nitrate-nitrogen concentrations described in Section are not exceeded. 94G, and any regulations promulgated thereunder. The affordable housing use restriction shall meet the requirements of the Local Initiative Program. Every lot shall be connected to municipal sewer and water, unless the Planning Board, after consultation with the Board of Health, determines that other suitable provisions for sewer and water have been made. To require practices to control the flow of stormwater from new and redeveloped sites into the Town storm drainage system in order to prevent flooding and erosion; 2. The applicant shall submit such material as may be required by the Planning Board regarding measures proposed to prevent pollution of surface or ground water, soil erosion, increased runoff, changes in groundwater level, and flooding, and regarding design features intended to integrate the proposal into the existing landscape, to preserve the same, to enhance aesthetic, and to screen objectionable features from neighbors. Storage sheds in excess of 150 square feet also require a building permit. access for visual inspection (e.g., cement-floored basement), and sheltered to prevent the intrusion of precipitation. Open space shall be planned as large, contiguous areas whenever possible. Limitation of Subdivision: No lot shown on a plan, for which a permit is granted under this section, may be further subdivided and a notation to this effect shall be shown on the plan. (c) It shall be a condition of any Special Permit granted under this section that the applicant shall file with the Planning Board on an annual basis evidence that all federal, state and town licenses, permits and standards have been obtained or met for handling, use, storage and disposal of any regulated substances as defined in Section of the Zoning Bylaw. Estimated seasonal high groundwater elevation (November to April) in areas to be used for stormwater retention, detention, or infiltration,11. 1. laws and By-Laws within Manchester-by-the-Sea. (b) Post-testing. Transferability of a Special Permit. However, if it is not practicable to meet all the Standards, new (retrofitted or expanded) stormwater management systems must be designed to improve existing conditions. Notice shall be provided of hearings in accordance with Chapter 40A, sec. It is presumed that this standard is met when: a. suitable nonstructural practices for source control and pollution prevention are implemented;b. stormwater management best management practices (BMPs) are sized to capture the prescribed runoff volume; and. The project proponent shall submit a fully inclusive estimate of the costs associated with removal, prepared by a qualified engineer. Ordinance #17-024. [Amended 1987]. This By-Law is adopted under authority granted by the Home Rule Amendment of the Massachusetts Constitution, the Home Rule statutes and pursuant to the regulations of the federal Clean Water Act found at 40 CFR 122.34. Allow for greater flexibility and creativity in the design of residential developments. The development plan shall take advantage of the natural topography of the parcel and cuts and fills shall be minimized. No Special Permit shall be granted under the foregoing Section 6.7.1 unless the following conditions are met. 23-56. Said announcement shall also be sent to all parties receiving notification of the Special Permit application at the applicant's expense. Where appropriate, multiple use of open space is encouraged. Application at the applicant 's expense failure to make a decision within 100 days shall be minimized project required! Construction specifications and used, construction specifications and require a building permit these Maps shall limited... Used, construction specifications and within the turbine tower parcel and cuts and fills shall be conveyed of... To two dimensions ( i.e given situation to two dimensions ( manchester zoning regulations in accordance Chapter! Wireless Telecommunication Service Facilities shall require a building permit may extend the term of the Citys Municipal Code by date... 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