One Planet 50m Witness the planet's breathtaking diversity -- from seabirds carpet-bombing the ocean to wildebeests eluding the wild dogs of the Serengeti. Play a little of this and there's a huge noise, and we'll talk about it. Elephants pass down the knowledge of watering holes through generations, and five male cheetahs (the largest consortium recorded) unexpectedly help each other hunt. Our planets grasslands are the rich home to our big land animals, but theyre also shrinking. There is also Dropbox Link included on page 8 of the documents that includes a Dropbox folder for the video in mkv format and the resources in both word doc/pdf format. I mean, just before I go to one of the clips, what is it Sophie, for you that's so important about his voice and him putting all his experience behind this? It's not a very happy, hopeful sign about us humans, is it? 4. These deadly nets hang like lethal curtains across the seabed. Christiane - AMANPOUR: Michael and your guest, Rupert, thank you so much. In this episode: From fearsome sharks to lowly urchins, 90 percent of marine creatures live in coastal waters. The habitats that make up our planet are connected and reliant upon each other. Belum ada komentar. I guess just want to ask you first, sort of describe in your words your mission? There's probably 200 or 300 dead walrus on like a half mile stretch of beach here, they're exhausted because they're having to swim 100 miles now to get to food, and then coming back here because it's the only place to sleep. That means one in two individuals in this country are affected by these decisions that are being made by prosecutors and the opportunities that are available to people after they serve their time. Their special way of hunting- enables them to have good servings of their preys, mullets. I think very few people would argue that little kids connecting with their grandparents across the country is a bad use of their time. Now while the young are putting their parents and grandparents on notice, an elder statesman is also fighting this good fight, the world renowned 92- year-old naturalist, Sir David Attenborough. I mean, obviously not the tragic casualties, but it sounded like gunshots, cannon fire. Interest on these bonds is payable every December 31. Our Hari Sreenivasan spoke to Chan in a rare interview in San Diego, where he also asked her about her latest project, education reform and tried to get her to talk about whether Facebook should be paying more tax. And so, we are managing the funds so that CZI can continue on for as long as we have the resources. CHAN: That's not -- the way schools in California are funded don't actually quite work that way -- SREENIVASAN: Yeah, yeah -- CHAN: And so in theory that all sounds right, but that's not actually (ph) how schools get their funding. Every resident has a role to play including sharks that assist in, maintaining the balance as top predators. And when that piece broke off, you know, you've got seven kilometer front of glassing. And then when a wolf or a Przewalski's horse or what have you went past, it triggered the camera. Welcome to the program everyone, I'm Christiane Amanpour in London. SREENIVASAN: Will they get Facebook accounts, and if so what age? And so, that's how we revealed the natural world that's there. I kind of think of them as heroes, you needed heroes to be able to unlock opportunity when you are in a minority group or you don't know what's possible. And that's the very beginning of it, but then the industry almost seemed surprised by how successful this effort is and they keep pushing it. 29-37, Gelora, Tanah Abang, Jakarta Pusat 10270. RICH: Yes, well they moved incrementally and I should say that the treaty itself fell apart - the framework for the treat which will later be the Rio Summit in 1989 - independently of industry efforts. Welcome to the Thursday Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission Meeting for November 3rd. The astonishing diversity of life on earth depends on these global connections. And so it was always in our conversations that we were going to do this, but it always felt like we should do it in the future. CHAN: CZI is funded by our family's assets in Facebook, but they belong to CZI. We cannot withstand the radiation, but most of nature can. We should do it because we are an example to the world. You are purchasing 64 total pages. LANFEAR: It was like a warzone. TEXAS PARKS AND WILDLIFE DEPARTMENT. A Netflix original documentary series and groundbreaking collaboration between WWF, Netflix and Silverback Films, Our Planet showcases the world's natural wonders, iconic species and wildlife spectacles that still remain. In jungles, everywhere is special. Mar 14, 2022. Together these protests are paying off, pushing climate change up the political agenda and making politicians talk about Green policies in ways they haven't done before from the grassroots up. But in recent years the Arctic's undergone rapid sea ice loss in the summer months, and what that meant is its retreated too far north now, so the closest place to rest rather than the ice is the land. This remote and uninhabited island is an important nesting site for marine turtles, but sadly it's littered with plastic and marine debris, washed ashore from thousands of kilometres away. Now the President of Cayshells (ph) - another low-lying archipelago - has taken a leaf out of that book delivering an impassionate (ph) plead to protect the beating blue heart of our planet form inside a submersible 400 feet below the surface of the Indian Ocean. Welcome to the program, thanks for being here. If you get through the last 10 minutes without committing to real changes to tackle climate change, you're inhuman. The crew spent months or even years just to capture a rare moment of a certain species. IMPORTANCE. AMANPOUR: And just, how did you film that. The seas fringing land make up less than a _____of the world's oceans, but _____ % of all marine creatures live in the coastal waters. CHAIRMAN APLIN: Good morning, everyone. The series is narrated by David Attenborough and produced by Silverback Films, led by Alastair Fothergill and Keith Scholey, who also created BBC documentary series Planet Earth, Frozen Planet and The Blue Planet, in collaboration with the conservation charity World Wildlife Fund (WWF). How long did it take you to find that episode? So how did that work and how did that gain traction then in the mainstream? RICH: All of it. But the key thing to understand is that the scientific question was settled already at the end of the '80s. LANFEAR: Well we really - I mean, we work with the world's best, and I think we all have the same kind of ambition with our planet that we've always wanted to make a conservation series, you know, or something that had conservation at its heart. I've taken care of lots of kids with cystic fibrosis. And what we've been able to do is take the success of Summit Public Schools and build a software that empowers teachers to better do those things and share them with other schools freely. Our planet is a nature documentary series featuring wildlife in their natural habitats. You've seen how the youth and those who claim to be rebels now are taking to the streets. That can't be right. SREENIVASAN: So give me an example of how it works. In Pasadena, Texas, the students who were furthest behind actually had a 17 percentage gain in their reading and a 20 percentage gain in math. SREENIVASAN: So you know, one of our previous guests (Inaudible), I remember him -- he had a book out for a while, and one of his premises is the world would be better off, existentially if you and your husband, or other billionaires had less not more. I never -- I mean, I was totally shocked. AMANPOUR: You've heard all the conversations. We should do it, because that is what this nation is about. And that lead to the failure, and you can imagine in a sort of parallel universe if you have someone like Bush saying those things and pushing, and putting the weight of his presidency behind them -- we'd be in a different world right now. The documentary ends urging humanity to protect the seas to help sustain both humanity and the nature world. Our Planet - Coastal Seas - FULL EPISODE - Netflix . Photos and graphics WWF or used with permission. It's definitely sending a strong signal. Berkeley -- a program that we are borrowing from the University of Maryland, Baltimore County where we really are building in mentorship and practical advice, and good cohorts for underserved, underrepresented minority students to be able to pursue careers in the stem field. There are older people as well, but mainly vast majority young people. But in a way (ph) we just felt the world needs to know this is what's happening. Utilizing the latest technology Our Planet was filmed entirely in Ultra High Definition in over 50 . They used to sleep on the ice, dive down, eat the food, sleep on the ice -- easy. I want to bring in Dr. Rupert Reed from the University of East Anglia - a spokesman for extinction rebellion. CHAN: The Summit Learning Platform is a software and professional development program that we've developed in partnership with the Summit Public Schools. How To Save Our Coastal Seas WWF International 179K subscribers Subscribe 1.3K Share 38K views 3 years ago Sir David Attenborough explains: how to catch more fish, feed more people and restore. Our Planet travels across the Earth's vast ecosystems, showing the biodiversity present and examining the anthropomorphic effects with each.. Narrated by David Attenborough, the beauty and breath-taking span of diversity present on the Earth is observed. Cut to today. THE CHALLENGE Coming spring 2020 David Attenborough: A Life On Our Planet Trailer MORE FROM OUR PLANET'S COASTAL SEAS EXPLORE HABITATS One Planet Frozen Worlds Jungles Forests Grasslands Obviously we thought deeply about showing these images because they are upsetting. Bush, John Sununu, who was sort of the original skeptic became skeptic of the science, skeptic of the politics, and he won out a political dog fight within the White House about whether to accept a binding treaty. KEITH SCHOLEY, SERIES PRODUCER, "OUR PLANET": Yes, definitely I think we've all been in the wild life film making business for a long time and we've seen that things are increasingly becoming more urgent to do something about it. SREENIVASAN: How much of this informed by your own background as an Asian- American child of immigrants? Here it is again! Describe the creative way the group of Bottlenose Dolphins catch their prey. Our coastal seas are a rich community of plants and animals working together, all of which are vital to the health of our planet and humanity. 2. Copyright (C) Steve Benjamin/Silverback Films / Netflix. seperti diatur dalam UU ITE. And we do want that response, yes. There were setbacks, but by the end of the decade they'd moved it to the threshold of a solution or what they thought was a solution - a binding treaty to reduce emissions that would have been signed by every country in the world, but at the very last minute the U.S. dropped out and in retrospect that's about the closest we've gotten since then, but that is also the moment at which the oil and gas industry started to work on this propaganda and influence campaign that we are still in the grips of 40 years later. The mangroves protect the coasts from hurricanes and they too, capture carbon dioxide. Rating: 5/5, a once in a life time must-watch series. Annual interest was received on December 31. These coastal waters are the richest on Earth, providing 90% of the wild sea fish we eat. I mean, you really do have to, A, go to these, you know, places in extremist, stay for a long time for it to capture it happening. Keith Scholey and Sophie Lanfear, thank you so much, indeed, for being here. Forests: 28 question worksheet, 49 word Word Search & 49 word Word Jumble, Word for Word Transcript and all answer keys. Our Planet - High Seas - FULL EPISODE - Netflix. [13:10:00] But I think he's come to the point now where he is very, very sure what's happening and he's being very outspoken about it and it's having a huge impact. Beaches, from the white sands of the Florida Keys to rocky stretches of California coastline, are the windows to the expanse of the rest of the sea. Students can quickly answer these questions without being too distracted from the video. And for so many more students when I look to the right of me and the left of me in high school, they should have been there, too, but we often miss the opportunity to unlock potential when we don't give students the right amount of access, mentorship, and opportunity. We also have an educational program, we're taking equity lends (ph) at how we really make sure that we are educating and opening up opportunities for all. Not only did we have this global treaty in the works, but there were 32 climate bills introduced in Congress in 1988 alone -- many of them bipartisan and in some crucial aspects some of them were more ambitious than when you see in the Green New Deal today, some of these bipartisan bills at the time. On September 1, 2016, Howell Company purchased 600 of the $1,000 face value, 9% bonds of Ramsey, Incorporated, for $625,000 (an 8% effective interest rate). If you have any questions about your donation, please do not hesitate to contact our friendly Supporter Services team by phone or email at And highly endangered. "Our Planet" contains many of the classic elements of his earlier programs. I mean, I remember as a young newsperson reporting on that meltdown and, in fact, the scientists say that it is uninhabitable by humans for the next 20,000 years and yet here you have these resilient forests growing. Using a specific example from the film, discuss how successful the animal would be without the help of the group. SCHOLEY: It absolutely is. So there is -- yes, there's a cruel irony to the whole thing.

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